Mysterious outbreak of bedbugs in all 50 states — This is gross and seems to be on the upswing.

Walter has stopped hugging his friends. He is throwing out his clothes and furniture, and he rarely comes out of his Tenderloin hotel room anymore.

He’s not suicidal, but darn near. He has bedbugs.

Nearly eradicated in the United States 50 years ago, resistant strains of “super” bedbugs are infesting mattresses at an alarming rate. In what’s being touted as the biggest mystery in entomology, all 50 states are reporting outbreaks of the blood-sucking nocturnal critters.

Pest control companies nationwide reported a 71 percent increase in bedbug calls between 2000 and 2005. Left alone, a few bedbugs can create a colony of thousands within weeks.

“We never treated bedbugs until 2002. Now we have a dedicated bedbug crew working on this every day,” said Luis Agurto, president of Pestec in San Francisco.

Agurto’s arsenal includes a vacuum, steam heat to cook the bedbug eggs and targeted spraying of insecticides. It takes three, eight-hour visits and about $500 to $750 to exterminate one room. A whole house would cost closer to $5,000.

  1. KB says:

    Bedbugs and tigers and bears, oh my !
    Bedbugs and tigers and bears !

  2. jenjen says:

    I’ve been reading about this for the past few months. Past articles have claimed that worldwide travel by Americans have caused the resurgence. The little critters jump aboard luggage in hotels, ride home, and settle in. They get into your mattress, then when you get rid of it [usually having the company cart it away] they sometimes jump on the new mattresses. Who knows, I just hope I never come across them. ICK!!!

  3. *wingz* says:

    Just like with antibiotics must have much more research on new and safe insecticides – nothing else will work!

  4. BubbaRay says:

    So why not on national news? This is just gorss. (Apologies to JCD).

  5. michael says:

    Ugh, they’ve been saying for a couple of years now that they were starting to come back. I really hope I don’t ever have to deal with this. I’ve heard that whooping cough is making a come back too. What’s next, wing tip shoes? The plague?

  6. gquaglia says:

    I guess the saying, Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite, will be coming back in fashion.

  7. travelsTooMuch says:

    How droll, pimp your headline– on an old topic– with end-time-Christian hyperbabble. Man, those google ads must be really paying for some expensive wines, John. This is why journalists are near the bottom of the list for believability: stuff that doesn’t matter, pimped as stuff that does.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    Phuk goodwill and peace to all men. Something shat little colored balls or egg shaped things all over my lawn and now I have to wake up the kid to go clean them up. You know my coffee just won’t taste the same watching the little booger out there.

  9. JimR says:

    #9, thanks for the laugh. I have those little colored poops all over my house. Luckily my daughter is quite willing to pick all the nasty things up.

  10. Angel H. Wong says:


    Blame the foreigners for your own filth, how Republican.

  11. gquaglia says:

    #11 Why not, its true. AIDS, Bird Flu and many other diseases and pest come from the 3rd world, where you basically shit in the same water you drink and bathe in. Are there places like this in the US, sure its called the deep south, but its not as prevalent as over seas.

  12. garfau says:

    Yeah,nothing to worry about, especially if the climate continues to warm.

  13. Elwood Pleebus says:

    Maybe it’s one of those biblical plagues that are coming into fashion now?

  14. Angel H. Wong says:


    And why do you go to these places then? If it weren’t for an American, chances are the AIDS disease would have been just a curiosity.


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