Worlds Fifth Space Tourist Blasts Off on Russian Rocket +– I think we’ve finally hit the true definition of extravagant living.

A Russian rocket carrying the American billionaire who helped develop Microsoft Word roared into the night skies over Kazakhstan Saturday, sending Charles Simonyi and two cosmonauts soaring into orbit on a two-day journey to the international space station.

  1. faustus says:

    too bad we can’t put ms word on a russian rocket…

  2. GaryInMiami says:

    At one time Word was a great product. It didn’t have the code bloat or feature bloat is has now.

    Despite that fact it still seems less bloated than’s Writer. I keep trying to make the switch to Writer but it takes forever to load and it seems to lag just a little bit behind my actual keystrokes. It’s sort of like using an online word processor. Of course I keep using it because I love the built-in feature to save the document as a PDF. It’s a brainless operation compared to trying the same thing in Word which does not natively include a PDF writer.

    Back on topic… What a waste of money. Think about what the money spent on this trip could do for inner city kids here in the US for a change. Why do these celebrities and others with money seem to ignore the poverty here in the US?

  3. ChrisMac says:

    Why do these celebrities and others with money seem to ignore the poverty here in the US? (or anywhere?)
    (Personally i don’t think he took the ride to snub the poor)

    Do you really think you can fix poverty by throwing money at it?
    There will always be poor people by statistical definition.

    If you give them handouts, they have even less incentive to raise themselves out of the quagmire of being on the bottom of the heap.

    Poverty can be dealt with on a case by case basis.. but that takes more than just money.. It takes the will of the populus as a whole to take a hands on approach.. IMHO

  4. BubbaRay says:

    Asimov, Heinlein, Clarke and others gave me the dream of traveling in space by the 21st century. Thanks to all the politicians and wars, we’re not even close. If I had that kind of money, I’d be there with Charles right now.

    Where’s my cheap flight to the space station or the moon ?? Oh, that’s right. LBJ and Nixon spent NASA’s bucks all in VietNam. That was worthwhile…

    Don’t want to hear about inner city kids when Hillarious and Barry have already raked in $50M for political campaigns, and the election is 1.75 years away.

    Just my 2 cents (and dreams down the war toilet) worth.

  5. joshua says:

    #4…Bubba…you got it right. This election is apparently going to top 1 Billion dollars. To do what? Elect one two faced phoney or the other.
    If you want to be indignint #2….get your shorts in a bunch over that.

  6. Eideard says:

    Here’s the link to simonyi’s blog during his journey:

  7. GaryInMiami says:

    #5… My ass, my shorts and my brain are big enough to get into a bunch about a lot of things all at once.

  8. shih tzu paradise says:

    I like Lewis Black’s take on these events…rich people just want to fly over as many poor, starving people in the world as possible, while shouting ‘ Look how I’m spending my money!’

  9. doug says:

    Hey, JCD – what happened to my initial posting on the thread. Ya know, “If we can send one MS executive into space …”?


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