Great minds think alike

Following digital music pioneer Apple Inc.’s lead yet again, Microsoft Corp. said this week it will soon sell digital music online without digital rights management (DRM) protection.

Microsoft’s apparent change of heart on selling DRM-free music came in response to Apple’s deal earlier in the week to sell unprotected content from recording company EMI Group PLC. The company previously claimed that DRM was necessary for current and emerging digital media business models.

In February, Apple CEO and founder Steve Jobs stirred up controversy when he called for the end to DRM in an open letter to the industry… At the time, Microsoft responded harshly to Jobs’ statement — a Zune spokesman called it naive and irresponsible — but now the company seems to have literally changed its tune.

“You can’t always get what you want
“You can’t always get what you want
“You can’t always get what you want
“But if you try sometimes well you just might find
“You get what you need
“Oh baby, yeah, yeah!”

  1. bs says:

    Now, just release a SP for Vista that removes all the DRM garbage. It would be nice just to be able to copy a file at the same speed as XP did.

    This just in….
    Microsoft has removed all DRM from Vista and simultaneously changed the hardware specs for Vista, it will now run on a p3 with 256 megs of ram.

  2. malren says:

    Apple did not pioneer non-drm music. They accepted EMI’s offer to sell non-drm music. It wasn’t even Apple’s idea – it was EMI’s.

    As long as we’re giving credit where it’s due and all, the least we could do is get the story right. The only thing worse than rumors in tech journalism is Apple fanboy disease.

  3. god says:

    Always useful, #2, to see what revisionist history is being produced. A little too close to events for you to start, though. and negotiations started in January – which was why the announcement in Feb.

  4. alger says:

    Golly, look. Our own neocon Voldemort is missing his chance to click the link and criticize the IDG journalist as a “fanboy”. I wonder if she pays much attention to gamer fantasies?

  5. GregA says:

    Just to clarify who started all this DRM removal thing… Back in December Bill Gates said it needed to go, and that consumers should buy music from non-DRM sources until DRM was gone.

    also, bs, you need to look at the Vista only command line utility called robocopy. It is the best file copier on any platform bar none. I am now using it instead of my flash linux utility because it is easily 10x faster than the linux tools to either copy or clone. I cloned a hard drive so fast yesterday I was certain there was some problem. Nope it worked expertly.

    Also… I got an amd x2 with a gig of ram and some crazy hard drive yesterday with Vista premium on it for $450 from circut city. That seemed easier to me than trying to repair the broken p3 era computer I replaced.

    Hey but complaining about all this stuff is sooooo much easier than knowing what you are talking about.

  6. Janky says:

    Doesn’t Zune, wonderful Zune, add DRM to EVERYTHING that’s put on it? So does this mean we’ll (okay, not me) buy non-DRM music, then get it DRMed when we (okay, certainly not me) put it on the Zune?

  7. ECA says:

    If MS would dump ALL of the security IN windows…
    we might have something..

  8. god says:

    Uh, Greg.

    ‘Gates said that no one is satisfied with the current state of DRM, which “causes too much pain for legitmate buyers” while trying to distinguish between legal and illegal uses. He says no one has done it right, yet.

    That’s from Michael Arrington, one of the bloggers at the conference mid-December you’re trying to reference.

    Not exactly saying “it needed to go”. That’s saying he and his cronies just need to make it less painful.

  9. Kevin says:

    6&7 are spot on – ab’t the corner M$oft has painted themselves into. Though it likely started years ago in the “development” of Vista, even Gates’ statements in December reinforce the fact that M$otf presumed music and movie industry controls staying in place in perpetuity.

    So, they designed DRM into Zune, designed DRM into Vista – just to affirm their obedience to the money-boys in the content ownership crowd. Now, they’re stuck with it.

  10. archieoi says:

    I don’t know about mp3s or CDs but I will always keep buying vinyl!

  11. Angel H. Wong says:


    A M$ OS that finally kills Apple?

  12. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #5 – GregA

    robocopy.exe has been around since NT4…

  13. ECA says:

    At least a faster OS…
    One that DIDNT care if you ran emulators.
    didnt CARE about Software protections OR looking for them, Just RAN the software.
    Something that wasnt ALWAYS looking at WHAT you were DL, to check to see if it had DRM, or was illegal…

  14. Angel H. Wong says:


    Hopefully lagging sales will make them think twice about overloading their software with DRM.

  15. bs says:

    #5 #12…

    Yep, robocopy is great, use it almost daily. I have it embedded in at least 5 or 6 automated scripts. On that same vein.. check out XXcopy. It is VERY useful for copying with file permissions intact, i.e. when moving/upgrading file shares and file servers etc. It’s free/shareware to boot.

  16. Hugh Bastard says:

    #15 Robocopy will copy file permissions intact. I forget which switch it is…

  17. malren says:

    #4 – Is there a reason you are personally insulting me AND getting the facts wrong?

    The EMI Group, the British music giant, has been considering a plan to offer a broad swath of its recordings for sale online without anti-copying software, executives involved in discussions with the company said.

    EMI, which releases music by artists including Coldplay and the Beatles, has discussed various proposals to sell unprotected files through an array of digital retailers, including Apple, Microsoft, Real Networks and Yahoo, said the executives, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

    You’d have to pay to read that behind the NYT paid firewall, but there it is.

    Revise *this*.

  18. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    “…getting the facts wrong…”

    Precisely what “facts” would you be making reference to, prithee tell?

    “The EMI Group … has been considering a plan…”

    Nowhere does it either state or imply that the plan alluded to originated in-house. Therefore, it lends exactly zero substantiation to your allegation that they came up with the idea. It’s not at all unlikely for it to have been suggested by Steve J at any of the numerous meetings he’s had with them.

    Sorry, but thanks for playing, and here’s a copy of the DU Home Game to take with you…

  19. alger says:

    Tee Hee. #17 – thanks for the hilarious example of “staying the course” in PR releases.

    A crap quote from a flack says A+M+R+Y had anonymous discussions. Whoop-de-doo. So, one of those four took care of business and negotiated a contract. Weeks later, another of the four agreed that the dudes with the contract did a good thing. Another whoop-de-doo.

    They joined the coalition of the willing.


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