Party game: Halfway through, stop the video and bet on if Bill’s head explodes.

  1. Improbus says:

    More like clash of the mental midgets.

  2. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    Don’t you guys mess with Papa Bear…

  3. Pmitchell says:

    Bill is correct , if the illegal had been deported the first time he was caught in this country illegally that girl would be alive

    its that simple and its why he was yelling. Geraldo was spinning legalese at him and not what should have occurred

  4. This interview was completely unfair to Mr. ORielly! He was apparently not provided with a microphone switch for Geraldo “Wetback” Rivera’s microphone. How can you possibly have a fair exchange of ideas if you cannot control the situation? I believe Geraldo owes Pappa a big ol’ appology and hug. Now you boys shake and make up.

  5. WOW…someone managed to get to O’Reilly…astonishing vid. And yes, his head was about to pop.

    Good find Uncle Dave!!

  6. John Ehrlichman says:

    [violation of posting guidelines|

  7. mark says:

    Wow, that was GREAT! I really wanted to see them slug it out. I cant believe it, but I found myself agreeing with O’lielly. Geraldo is a putz.
    Excuse me while I throw up now.

  8. PooShoes says:

    Where did they record this, a blimp hangar? It’s an amazing feat and surely some sort of record that Faux News was able to squeeze both of their egos into a single sound stage!

  9. Captain Cheeseloaf says:

    Geraldo is an apologist for illegal immigrants.
    While it’s possible those two girls could have died an an automobile accident with the driver being an American Citizen, That’s not what happened.
    Had that fellow been in HIS country those two girls would still be alive. had they deported him after the First DUI those girls would still be alive. Had they deported him after the Second DUI those girls would still be alive.
    By the way, O’reilly has been getting more and more shrill these last few weeks. Maybe he needs a vacation

  10. mxpwr03 says:

    “Man’s ego is the fountainhead of human progress”

  11. mark says:

    Its interesting that O’lielly used to be a Conspiracy theorist. In this Youtube clip he reports on the CIA involvement in the Kennedy Assasination. I wonder how much the government paid for his black soul

  12. Whipjacka says:

    Geraldo Is correct. The statement from the incident should be to crack down on drunk driving. Not to switch it around to abide to his agenda.

  13. MikeN says:

    John Dvorak, I think you know better. Leave aside that you’re probably more in agreement with Bill on this issue, watch the video again. I think O’Reilly is completely faking his Lou Dobbs impersonation.

  14. NJGuy says:

    I personally cannot stand O’Reilly, but he was right in this case.

  15. Winston Smith says:

    Bill O’Reilly is the greatest living American. He is the only one who realizes that drunk driving deaths are the result of illegal immigrants living in the US.

    Send all the illegals back to their home country and presto, no more drunk driving deaths in the US. It really is that simple.

    We all owe a big thank you to Bill O’Reilly for pointing this out to us.

  16. Air Phloo says:

    How is O’Reilly right? If this guy got drunk and killed some people in his country of birth, we wouldn’t care? People are people. Death is death. Borders are artificial. We all want a better life.

  17. mark says:

    On the border in Juarez Mexico, just south of El Paso Tx.

    From Wiki:
    According to Amnesty International, as of February 2005 more than 370 bodies had been found, and over 400 women were still missing [2]. In November 2005, BBC News reported Mexico’s human rights ombudsman Jose Luis Soberanes as saying that 28 women had been murdered so far in 2005 [3]. Despite past and current unsolved murders, in August 2006 the Mexican federal government dropped its investigation [4].

    This makes our serial killers look like rank amateurs. See any of this on Fox News or CNN? Is this what you would like for this country. Instead of a border fence, I’d rather see a Demilitarized Zone.

  18. K B says:

    #1 (Improbus) — “More like clash of the mental midgets.”


  19. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I live in an area where “guest” workers from Mexico live in abundance during the summer. While most of these folks are fine temporary neighbors and friends for my kids, every year there are a few alcoholics among them who blow stop signs and hit passing cars. Every year.

    In fact, one of the bastids crashed in my yard a couple years ago, taking out a tree that had a fair amount of sentimental value to me. The idiot blew a .29, at 8:45 am. Fortunately nobody was hurt but the tree. And I did take the remainder of a 12-pack that was in his van. I have no idea what happened to him.

    Just like our other summer visitors drive like they’re still in suburban Chicago while they’re actually in rural Michigan, some Mexicans drive around like they’re in some lawless Mexican state. No diff that way, except that the FIPs (friggin IL people) are smart enough to stay home when they get drunk.

  20. Jägermeister says:

    #1, #18

    Yep… agreed.

  21. Todd says:

    O’Reilly’s point is that they were in the country illegally – plain and simple – and because many U.S. cities have sanctuary laws (their local law enforcement is not permitted by law to report illegals to ICE), people without a LEGAL right to be here are purposely overlooked.

    Geraldo is playing the sympathy card “we lured them here”. Look – I would try and come across the border too if I could provide a better life for my family, but when you do that you take the risk of being caught, because it is ILLEGAL.

    If you want to hear how our neighbor to the south handles immigration – watch this. Yea, you might not like the messenger, but give it the 1 minute, 26 seconds and listen carefully before spamming me here.

    I’m glad to see people passionate about what they believe. Fox News is my morning coffee, NPR, my Ambian….

  22. Li says:

    #17 I hate to burst your bubble, Mark, but that isn’t nearly the whole story down there, and just prattling those horrific numbers off is a slander to Mexicans, who I have lived and worked with and are generally good people. The fact is that everyone in that town, and throughout Mexico, knows who the killers are; they are the boys of the factory owners in that border town, drunk on their power, who have bought the police and bought the government. They rape and slaughter whoever they choose, and wave their green dollars at the victims. The government of Mexico is horrendously corrupt, and law enforcement very difficult, as the evil ones have installed themselves in power with their big fat stacks. If anything, this story should show why the downtrodden people of that nation would want to leave, and a warning against letting the same thing happen in our nation. Indeed, this immigrant problem is largely due to this sort of money grubbing becoming installed here; the powers that be profit their friends by giving them a cheap, exploitable work force, here in the shadows of our nation. No papers, so its open season on screwing them out of their paycheck; don’t even think of benefits. And don’t forget the big fat cat bonus; our wages get to stagnate too! No, the problem is not Mexicans, or Vietnamese boat people, or Cuban refugees. It’s a bunch of sociopathic bastards with too much money and power, trying to take it all (as greedy, heartless people are bound to do). We should always be on guard for them, with their sweet lies, but are we?

    Choosing between those two isn’t fun, but at least Geraldo understands -why- they are here, BillO only sees them as scuttling roaches.

  23. mark says:

    Li- your not bursting my bubble. I know how corrupt the Mexican Govt. is. All the more reason for a DMZ. It should be obvious by now we cant even solve our own problems, would you like us to take on another World Police operation in Mexico. Or keep the borders wide open for drug runners and serial killers. I’m sorry but as they have done in the past, Mexico should stand up to their own government. The same goes for us.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    This is because the driver was drunk. That he was here illegally is a secondary crime and did not cause the accident. It would be the same as if the drunk driver had no American driver’s license. Definitely a problem, but not the cause of the crash.

    The illegal immigrant problem is an issue that needs cleaning up. Drunk driving is too and very well a more serious problem.

  25. dave edwards says:

    It’s simple cause and effect; if the illegal wasn’t here, the accident wouldn’t have happened.

  26. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Thank you dave. But in case your point is misunderstood, let’s contrast it with the PC excuse offered by my right honorable colleague, Mr. F:

    “That he was here illegally is a secondary crime and did not cause the accident.”


    – – – – –

    And, by-the-bye, MADD’s propaganda conveniently obscures the statistical and commonsense fact that the great majority of drunk drivers who are involved in fatal crashes (a) have previously been convicted of some form and degree of DUI or DWI, AND (b) are invariably far beyond the OLD .10 sobriety limit; lowering it to .08 and beyond does virtually nothing for traffic safety, but feeds a lot of Americans into the maw of the legal system, bleeds them and fucks up their lives.

    If they want to do something actually useful, they should push for radical more severe penalties for multiple repeat offenders like this scumbag.

    Bad driving, both with and without alcohol, is the cause of MOST traffic deaths, since fully half the people killed on American roads are NOT DRUNK.

    Doesn’t say much for sobriety, now does it?

  27. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Oh, yeah…

    Geraldo’s a smutbucket POS. But who hasn’t figured THAT out?

  28. Danijel says:


    This post has nothing to do with drunk driving or illegal immigrants. It’s just so funny to see these elderly people behave like idiots. God! O’Reilly is screaming his guts out over stupid thing like this. These guys have no self respect whatsoever… Funny, yet sad….

  29. BubbaRay says:

    Comment by Todd — 4/6/2007 @ 11:14 am

    Oh my goodness, Todd, I just agreed with Rush. What’s going on here?
    Imagine driving on 6th St. in Austin or Greenville Ave. in Dallas on a Friday night. And insurance (req’d by law in TX)? Hahahahahaha.

  30. JimR says:



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