Party game: Halfway through, stop the video and bet on if Bill’s head explodes.

  1. dave edwards says:

    Now where have I heard this before…?

    “…Not only shouldn’t the man arrested for the car crash that killed director Bob Clark have been behind the wheel, authorities say, he shouldn’t have been in the country.

    Hector Velazquez-Nava, 24, pleaded innocent Friday to two counts of gross-vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated, Los Angeles court and prosecution officials said.

    The man was arrested Wednesday following a brutal two-car collision that left Clark and his 22-year-son dead.

    Police said they believed Velazquez-Nava was driving drunk—Friday’s Los Angeles Times reported the man tested at three times above the legal blood-alcohol limit.

    Though listed by police as a resident of Los Angeles, Velazquez-Nava is officially a Mexican national illegally in the United States, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman Lori Haley confirmed Friday…”
    [Editor: Please use for long urls]

  2. doug says:

    Rivera is right that lots of folks unfairly focus on problems/crimes that just happen to involve illegal immigrants.

    But O’Reilly is correct when he says that if this guy had been deported after his first DUI, the tragedy of his 2nd DUI wouldn’t have occurred.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    Bad driving, both with and without alcohol, is the cause of MOST traffic deaths, since fully half the people killed on American roads are NOT DRUNK.
    Doesn’t say much for sobriety, now does it?

    Gee, since the vast majority of drivers DO NOT have any alcohol in them, and fully half of the deaths do, I would think that is a pretty damning evidence that alcohol and driving don’t mix. Only your statistics are a little flawed.

    39% of fatal automobile deaths involve alcohol. Of that number, 57% of the drivers were legally (.08% +) impaired.

    NOTE, I don’t know and can’t be bothered to search for an estimate of how many drivers are drunk (.08 +) during the course of a day. I would guess that the number would average far less then 1% of trips has a drunk driver behind the wheel.

    Regardless of how well you think you can hold your booze, tests show a marked decrease in reaction and response with the more alcohol consumed. Some discrete point has to be established that isn’t arbitrary or subjective. It appears that the only ones that think .08 is too low are those who enjoy drinking and driving with no regard for other’s lives. In other words, those who can’t control their drinking.

    If you have your life ruined because you CHOSE to drink and drive, too bad. I will spare you as much sympathy as I can piss with an enlarged prostate. Anyone who drinks and drives deserves time behind bars. The drunker the more time.

  4. ECA says:

    1. Hmm, How about the LAWS that make it iLLegal, to sell alcohol to a drunk.
    2. what happened to Laws covering Parties, that the person thowing it is responsible??
    3. It isnt nationality… Between the cubans, the Haitians, and ALL the rest that ARE iLLegal in this country.
    4. DID he have a Licence, or was he driveing someone ELSES car, Why not make HIM responsible for his friend…NO Licence, and driveing DRUNK…
    5. Sence I dont see a link to the News article…Where was she HIT…In the street?? Who is responsible FOR THAT??

  5. Cursor_ says:

    Ike had a similar issue with Mexican immgration during his administration. Do you know what he did to curb it back in the 50’s?

    He made it expensive for companies to hire illegal immigrants.

    Yep that was how he did it and it WORKED. He FINED the people that hired illegal immigrants. He set up a strong guy who would not take crap to oversee and FINE the people that HIRE the illegals. Border crossing guards from that era STILL remember that.

    If you don’t offer candy, the kids don’t come around.

    Ike stopped it. Why can’t it be stopped now? It can be. But we don’t as we have leaders that are not on the payroll of those companies making money from indentured servants.

    Stop the jobs and you stop the illegals. Its that simple. FINE the companies that hire them. And give them three strikes. After being fined three times CLOSE their business.


  6. Ines says:

    Illegal immigration has been a soar point with me for a very long time. I am the one of many Latinos (living in California) who believe in the building of the wall, deporting ALL illegal aliens (Mexican, Chinese, Korean, what ever!) . Do away with the “Anchor-Baby” law too while we’re at it. FYI Geraldo, Minutemen don’t carry arms (your such a penis wrinkle). It has come to my realization that drunk driving is a very real issue when speaking of illegal immigration. Just this week a director and his 22 yr. old son were killed in a head on collision (Pacific Palisades). The Illegal that hit him had a blood level of 3 times the legal limit. During his arraignment he pled not guilty because he feels it was just an accident? In San Diego another illegal was drunk, driving a work truck and killed a teenage girl. He faulted the trucking company who hired him for not doing a back round check! None of these illegals want to take responsibility for their actions. Irresponsible and they drive down the wages for Americans, no thank you send them back!I hope Geraldo, you get to Washington DC the week of April 22nd. you may have a rude awakening when you realize how many of your Latino-American brethren believe you WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! Maybe you should tune in to John and Ken on KFI/640 between the hours of 3-7 to get up to speed on what you DON’T know.
    With President Bush trying to push amnesty, it makes me wonder what kind of kick backs he gets from Mexico. And did you know Mexico has a fence at their southern border and it is patrolled (aggressively with armed patrolmen) sending their illegals packing. I’d like O’Rielly and Geraldo to debate the fiasco down in El Paso pertaining to the two border patrol agents, Ramos and Compione. And that is just one of many stories pertaining to the same issue. LEGAL immigration has it’s place, ILLEGAL immigration does not. We as Americans need to stand and step up; let your representatives know how you feel about illegal immigration before it’s to late. We need to save our country, our way of life and our childrens future.

  7. Bob says:

    When are we gonna see something about Pelosi and her felony treason? She has violated the Logan act and aided our enemies. Pelosi canned tuna stinks.

  8. Nth of the 49th says:

    #35 “Give the man a kewpie doll”

    This is the solution plain and simple.
    Kind of fitting isn’t it, coming from the man who warned about what is now happening with the military/corporations.

  9. ECA says:

    And if the GOV hadnt Cut all the Facilities, like the FDA, DEA, FBI, and all the rest to PAY for a WAR….
    Maybe we MIGHT have some enforcement…
    the EPA dont even have enough power to make a corp pay for Poluting..

  10. Marilyn says:

    I agree with O’Reilly, If this illegal drunk driver, was deported with his first DUI, this tragedy would not have happened. Illegal is illegal! US laws should be enforced! Unfortunately this is not happening and more and more crimes are being committed by illegals.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    Right after Bush and Cheney are impeached you can attack Pelosi and all the Republican Congressmen who went with her.

  12. desmondgale says:

    The video clipping is very nice. It is very clear and very easy to understand. I agree with OReilly, if this drunk driver will happen.

    california dui


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