1. Greg Allen says:

    I think they should use William Kristol the next time he tries to egg America into another disastrous war.

  2. bob says:

    Wow Super Dave is back!!

  3. Scott says:

    Someone died doing this in 2002 in England.

  4. JoaoPT says:

    Anyone remembers “Northern Exposure” and the cow throwing episode…?

  5. John says:

    NO 5
    Anyone remembers “Northern Exposure” and the cow throwing episode…?

    Comment by JoaoPT — 4/6/2007

    Yes, but I liked the episode they launched the casket with the dearly departed in it.

  6. GotoDengo says:

    #1 gets douchebag-of-the day for introducing political comments into a thread that has nothing to do with politics – Bravo Greg!

    #4 – yes! That was one of the episodes, along with the “light festival” that really got me into that show. I can’t figure out why they won’t release the entire series on DVD.

  7. eddie says:

    The return of Divine Wind?

    I guess the culture hasn’t changed much in the last 60 years (or has everyone already forgotten about the kamakaze)

  8. ECA says:

    This is OLD…
    I remember them showing this 3 years ago and testing it, and someone got hurt, another got all scratched up…Looks alomst the same video.

  9. blair says:

    Pretty sure thats England. The medic at the end looks English and I know I’ve seen that jacket before.

  10. BubbaRay says:

    Nothing like a ride from a trebuchet to start the day. You might find this the laugh you need today. Well worth 2 minutes, I’d say.


  11. Arrius says:


    They have the whole series on DVD. Go to BestBuy or something and look 🙂 Also, netflix and Blockbuster online has the whole series. I am on the 4th of 7, 2 disk sets (front and back).

  12. Jess Hurchist says:

    I remember discussing setting up something like this for the tourist trade in Crete in ’78.
    Of course the ouzo and retsina did most of the talking – Maybe it would have paid the bills.


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