A British dentist was found guilty Thursday of urinating in his surgery sink and using dental tools meant for patients to clean his fingernails and ears.

A medical tribunal said it was satisfied the evidence showed 51-year-old Alan Hutchinson, who routinely did not wear gloves or wash his hands, had risked the health of “himself, staff and patients” for more than 28 years.

A dental nurse who worked for Hutchinson for 16 years said she had caught him urinating in the sink more than once.

The tribunal determined that the dentist’s poor hygiene habits made him unfit to practice and struck him off the dental register, banning him from work.

28 years! Nice that someone finally noticed.

  1. Bag-o-donuts says:

    That’s what socialized medicine gets you.

  2. ECA says:

    You aint seen some of the QUACKS, still running in the USA.

  3. tallwookie says:

    This would explain the bad teeth issue that every Brit i have ever met has had…

  4. Chris Heath says:


    Just got done watching Cranky Geeks #58.

    You’re a Jerk!


    You Suck!

    See you next week,

  5. Joey Headset says:

    Wait, let me get this straight… They have DENTISTS in ENGLAND???

  6. Jägermeister says:

    A dental nurse who worked for Hutchinson for 16 years said she had caught him urinating in the sink more than once.

    And it wasn’t until Mr Hutchinson turned down her demand for a rise that she realized that this was inappropriate behavior?

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    No, that is what happens when you allow self policing. Most professional organizations are loath to police themselves and too often will only do so when there is publicity. Too often the only punishment meted out is a confidential letter of reprimand no one will ever know about.

    Cases like this would usually go unpunished as there was no one shown to be injured.

  8. Podesta says:

    I know a now former physician who eats off the floor and doesn’t wash his hands after using the bathroom. ‘Former’ because he lost his license for running a phony Botox scam last year and was sentenced to prison. Things like this turn on personality. If a person is sociopathic enough, his intelligence and education will not prevent him from behaving like the sociopath he is.


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