An army captain and an ex-army civilian were charged Thursday with stealing 10 antitank rocket launchers that a court heard were sold to suspected terrorists.

Captain Shane Della-Vedova, 46, and a former army officer, Dean Taylor, 38, both of Sydney, were refused bail when they appeared in a Sydney court Thursday on multiple charges hours after their arrests in dawn raids.

The M-72 shoulder-fired weapons were allegedly sold to a Sydney resident, Taha Abdul Rahman, 28.

Rahman was arrested in January for allegedly providing the launchers to one of nine men who were arrested in late 2005 in a series of counterterrorism raids in Sydney and the southern city of Melbourne.

Police have only recovered one launcher. The launchers were stolen since 2002 and sold for about 5,000 Australian dollars, or about $4,000, each, police say.

Anyone ever surprised when profits overrule common sense or decency?

  1. mxpwr03 says:

    It would appear that law enforcement has several good leads to follow up and track down the rocket launchers. Cheers for that.

    Oh, and what exactly is the problem with cluster bombs?

  2. Hi! says:

    Hopefully, one of those will find its way up Dick Cheney’s arse.

    Until then, watch this video:
    Futbol Phun

  3. Jägermeister says:

    Everyone’s got a price.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    A 46 yr old army Captain? Something just ain’t quite right there.

  5. TJGeezer says:

    They should’ve taken their stolen money and moved to Dubai, like Halliburton. Now they sit in jail. See what procrastination gets you?

  6. steelcobra says:

    The M72’s don’t work 75% of the time, are underpowered, and too short ranged. Not much of a deal for the terrorists unless they planned to use then as a source of materials.

    And 4, that’s land mines, not submunitions.

  7. nonStatist says:

    “Anyone ever surprised when profits overrule common sense or decency?”

    No just more proof of how incompetent government is.

    “Police have only recovered one launcher. The launchers were stolen since 2002 and sold for about 5,000 Australian dollars, or about $4,000, each, police say.”


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