A 95-year-old German woman solved a series of mystery thefts in a retirement home when she set a trap, hid in a toilet, and caught the thief red-handed.

The elderly sleuth left cash out in her room as bait and then withdrew to the toilet to lie in wait. A cleaner then entered and pocketed the money, unaware she was being watched.

“Then the old lady hit the alarm button in the toilet and staff in the home nabbed the cleaner,” the spokesman said.

Gotcha! I really do enjoy a good “gotcha!”.

  1. Ubermensch says:

    Haha, she’s old!

  2. Les Hildenbrandt says:

    Something (funny) lost in the translation here: “hid in a toilet”

  3. K B says:

    Little old ladies in tennis shoes are highly underrated.

  4. TVAddict says:

    Does anyone else think that picture looks like a couple of jiggly breasts?

  5. K B says:

    #4 (TV Addict),

    Or eyeballs. I think it’s a Rorschach-type test. What you see probably says a lot about you. I see breasts with eyeballs built in, or somebody with breasts where their eyeballs should be. I’ve concluded that I am mentally healthy.


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