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If it wasn’t rough against my skin, 🙂 than yea i would definetley use it. With great joy actually.
My asshole is too good to be touched by that.
Now that’s a “shit eating grin”.
dude, even her picture is bad for the environment
I could think of a few others. Pat Robertson, Hillary Clinton, Steve Balmer and the RIAA would all make good ass wipes in my opinion.
For the rest of us who don’t live in the US: who is this woman and what has she done?
Thanks. F.
Sorry folks, I actually saw the name afterwards. It is Ann Coulter:
I would not use this product for the same reason that I do not rub tobasco sauce into my anus.
My ass is reserved for it’s biological function, or the gentle caress of my beautiful lover’s tongue.*
* This line added only because I know most DU readers are queasy. 🙂
Add Michael Moore and Teddy Kennedy to the roll and I’m in.
Ted Kennedy was instrumental in creating COBRA, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, as well as the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act (the single largest government investment in public education ever), and played a big part in the reduction of the voting age to 18, way back when.
Not to mention his tireless efforts to keep the minimum wage up to speed. And we’re just brushing the surface here of his accomplishments.
I know the right wing needs its bogiemen, but chances are your life has in some way been improved via the efforts of Teddy Kennedy.
I will now await your Chappaquidick reference/joke.
I will now await your Chappaquidick reference/joke.
If Ted Kennedy had driven a Volkswagen, he might be president today. As National Lampoon famously said. (I still have that issue, in fact.)
Remind me sometime to sing you the old Kennedy Family Drinking Song.
I love Ted. I can’t wait until he’s 140 years old, when his face will be 37″ wide.
#11, I love Ted. I can’t wait until he’s 140 years old, when his face will be 37″ wide.
Then we better start putting his face on paper towels.
I wouldn’t wipe my … nevermind. Already been said.
Seriously though, isn’t there a high risk of catching Annthrax from this?
Scooter Libbey screws up the time line of some meaningless conversations and he is drawn and quartered. Teddy gets drunk, kills a young girl and, like a coward, runs away and hides and what happens…..he is beloved by the whacko left.
By the way….thanks for dumping the billions of dollars into the NEA’s pockets. I guess if it wasn’t for Teddy, our education system would be where it is today.
#10, 11, 12
Now that was funny 🙂
If I wiped my behind with that product, my butthole would clamp down so hard, from the fright, that it would make my feces come out like spaghetti for a whole year.
I’d hit it…
I bet many straight men would use to wipe the semen off their hands.
This article is personally abusive and insensitive. The owner of this product should apologize to Ms. Coulter. As enlightened liberals we must resist the temptation to engage in this kind of personally destructive communication. As for the persons on this blog who contributed to this sick commentary you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Only if you put a bag over her head. And OFTLO- that was seriously funny. Shit.
how about a variety pack?
My vote would be for a Kennedy moving vehicle variety pack. It would include any of the clan that killed themselves or others while driving / flying. Or the Kennedy Sex Scandal variety pack. You get the idea.
Imagine a world where you don’t have to hear bloated oaks potificate.
I wonder where they would be if Daddy knew how to obey the law…
#22. Oh, one of those Kennedys killed himself while flying a B24 over Nazi occupied Europe. Another sortied his PT boat against the Japanese.
Beats all hell out of the current GOP Chickenhawk squad, who are good at snagging an occasional suppressed DWI (el Presidente) or laying down their motorcycle (el gubanador de California), blasting an old man in the face with a shotgun (el Señor Oscuro de Sith) but not much motorized mayhem in the name of Democracy.
Geeze, some of these comments are funnier then Ann himself. My eyes are watering from laughter. Hmm, maybe just allergy season.
My vote for the funniest goes to #13, Scott for the Annthrax joke.
Too bad it’s not Hitlery’s face. I would use it with glee.
#19 Pekulular,
If if was almost anyone other than Ann Coulter, this enlightened liberal might agree with you!
She constantly calls people like me godless traitors who love to see American soldiers die, so I”m having a hard time mustering up much sympathy.
Still, I agree. It’s in incredibly bad taste… just like most things Ann Coulter.
Is it true that’s it’s embedded with 40 grit on it?