1. Improbus says:

    I think I will what until it hits bottom to get on. Thanks.

  2. jbellies says:

    Warning: may be illegal in Malaysia.
    Could the giddy heights at the end have had anything to do with the illegal softwood lumber duties which royally pi**ed off the US’s neighbors to the north? A crime with many victims.

  3. James says:

    Cool how home prices were basically the same after 80 years. I really like it when the prices turn sideways and the first few drops actualy caused me to feel, or at least imagine, a tingling sensation in my stomach. I really like the unreadable graph of the data that they show in the last 0.5 seconds of the movie.

  4. Jägermeister says:

    Very interesting video. A lot of people are going to be in for one heck of a ride when the market housing market crashes.

  5. Jägermeister says:


    Oops… market housing market… 😛

  6. Greg Allen says:

    I was reading my great-great grandfathers immigration journal from about 1880.

    He’d been in the country a few weeks and bought his first house — and he was poor.

    He came across a “moving sale” and made a deal with the homeowner that if he bought the furniture and stove, she would throw the house in for free.

  7. Balloony says:

    I’ve wanted to buy a house for 4 years now. I’m a 37 single guy. Problem is, I can’t afford a house on one income. So, I have an apartment. A good-sized one, but I get no equity from it when I leave it.

    At work, I’ve had arguments with people that housing prices are too high. They say they aren’t too high. I think these people are high. They give me the whole “it’s what the market will bear” — but, I am the friggin’ market, and I can’t bear it.

    Main problem is all these morons buying houses that are worth $140,000 for $350,000. I’ve loved watching foreclosures lately, though — and the mortgage companies going belly-up, I love that too.

    The market won’t bear it any more, so the market will self-correct.

    Best quote I read this week, paraphrased: “Houses shouldn’t be an investment vehicle”


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