Malaysia is reportedly considering moves to compel bloggers on locally-hosted websites to register with the authorities in an effort to control anonymous postings the government says could harm security.
A compulsory registration could curb the spread of negative or malicious content in cyberspace, the minister responsible for communications was quoted as saying by The Star newspaper.
Shaziman Abu Mansor said the government welcomed blogging but not negative postings by anonymous bloggers.
What is malicious and negative content was not specified in the newspaper report, but such terms are generally used in topics considered as sensitive including criticism of the government, and discussions on race and religion.
Please, please, don’t anyone include this article in the daily news briefing for Whatisname!
Dick makes a great boogeyman.
Will Dick still be on Halliburton’s payroll after the company scurries to Dubai to avoid questions? http://tinyurl.com/ystaxg
If so, will Dick go with the company? I’d have mixed feelings about that. Spider out of the house: Good. But wouldn’t it be interesting to see him hauled before a congressional committee to answer questions or take the fifth?
Malaysia is just doing what totalitarian regimes do everywhere (and what Dick & Dubya would like to do). When you control what people can see, you control what they think.
Cheney and Halliburton will be beyond U.S jurisdiction once he has completed moving his company and his ill-gotten gains out of the country. Maybe we can get a president who will invade Dubai and bring him back for trial. The precedence has already been set by the current administration.
Yea! Down with Halliburton!
Uncle Dick’s face is just made for the telescreen – that or a ‘Wanted’ poster.
C’mon, you OpenSource geeks! We need you! This is your chance to step up and save the world.
We need you to build fascist-proofing into all our internet tools.
Here’s what I think we need:
1) All email (chat, etc) is end-to-end encrypted
2) Web surfing is encrypted, anonymous and untraceable.
As for #2, the problem in my country is that the (state run) ISP knows my every click. This needs to be stopped but I don’t know how.
That’s why we need you geeks to step up to the plate and save the world!