Three Japanese naval officers who swapped pornography on their computers have triggered a scandal over a possible leak of sensitive data linked to Japan’s missile defense system.

Police launched a probe last week after a navy officer married to a Chinese woman was found to have taken home a computer disk containing information about the high-tech Aegis radar system, domestic media said.

A third officer was also found to have copied data on the Aegis system alongside pornographic images, the Yomiuri said.

Police suspect senior officers were also involved in the swap because none of the three were authorized to access the confidential information, the Yomiuri said.

Any defense leak could potentially affect Japan’s biggest ally, the United States, whose navy also uses the Aegis system.

It’s about time Japanese military forces measured up to U.S. standards.

  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    And this proves the world that men with hardons are unreliable.

  2. graham says:

    Kind of sad the wife is assumed a risk because she’s Chinese, but I suppose that’s par for the course nowadays. The new Aegis made big news over here in Japan…have to see if this story crops up.

  3. Jägermeister says:


    So, in order to beef up security, all military personnel should be neutered. 😉

  4. OmarThe Alien says:

    I would imagine the tedium of wading through a four or five hundred page operations manual has to be relieved in some way. All that “Insert tab A into tab B” stuff gets a man thinking about something besides a circuit board. A few young, nubile hotties placed alongside the schematics would tend to liven up the technical discussions. And then there is the motion of the ship, when your laying your bunk, all that to and fro, damn, those were the days. It’s been a long time, but I would imagine the new breed of blue water sailor has by now figured out how to feed porno to the bridge radar repeater. Should break up the mid-watch monotony.

  5. Greg Allen says:

    This story raises as many questions as it answers.

    Do these guys just co-mingle the top secret data with their personal porn? like :


    Secondly, the article said that it was copied from one destroyer to another.

    Did the crews meet and hand over CDs or did they use the communications system?

    Is it like college campuses where all the band width is getting used up with file swapping?

  6. Fred Flint says:

    I dunno for sure but I think, just maybe, those three officers who weren’t authorized access to the confidential information nevertheless did have access to the confidential information and probably everything else.

    Senior management has never had a clue about I.S. security over the past 20 years and it doesn’t look like they’ve found a clue in the Japanese navy.

  7. ethanol says:

    Well, this story has potentially HUGE ramifications. IF the AEGIS information was breached, we (the U.S.A. or ally that uses AEGIS) have to start over. Remember, this is our state of the art Naval system for defending and monitoring the enemy (or opposing force). Thus far 51 U.S. Aegis Systems are on the seas at over $200 million a pop . Scary, scary, scary implications…

  8. Angel H. Wong says:


    The republicans have tried but to no avail.


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