of Gilroy California — Try to read and make sense of this entire article. I can’t.

The two recommendations for expulsion come in response to a drill that was chaotic and plagued by student infractions, students said. Students urinated in the corner of the room, built a fire, ransacked a teacher’s desk, ripped up books, stole belongings and threw various articles across rooms, students reported.

Eliminating this misbehavior is part of running drills, said Greg Camacho-Light, assistant principal of the high school.

“I knew it would be chaotic, I knew it wouldn’t be pretty, but that’s exactly what we wanted to see,” he said.

  1. SN says:

    Try to read and make sense of this entire article. I can’t.

    During a code red exercise like this, the students and staff are to assume that armed gunman are attacking the building. Thus, they are to go into the nearest room and lock the door. Unfortunately, the drill occurred during a break when the students were not in their classrooms with their normal teachers, but were in the hallway where they had to congregate in the nearest rooms. Thus chaos ensued.

    During this drill no student or teacher is allowed into the hallway. Which also means, no bathroom breaks.

    “The student did not urinate into a container and was laughing during the incident, Guajardo said. It was an obvious flaunting of the rules, he said.”

    Because of the lack of access to bathrooms, each room is equipped with containers in which students can urinate. In the above situation, the student thought it would be funnier to simply pee on the wall rather than in one of the bottles.

    And because no one could leave any room, including the staff, the kids in the rooms were free to do whatever the frick they wanted. So they went crazy.

    All I can say is, if all of this BS was a result of a training, I’d sure hate to see what’d happen if a REAL incident occurred.

  2. lens says:

    The only thing I take away from this is that the author of that article, Christopher Quirk (or his editor), is barely literate. He can’t even start the damn thing with a complete sentence, let alone explain what happened. The first comment by SN told the story far better than the newspaper – and in much less space. I’ll bet the kid who peed on the wall could have written a better news story.

  3. ChrisMac says:

    All I can say is, if all of this BS was a result of a training, I’d sure hate to see what’d happen if a REAL incident occurred.

    i can only hope to assume that we would all do the right thing given a REAL life or death situation..

    fire drills are a good thing.. but it’s just a drill

    just because the class clown did his thing, is no reason to…

  4. Anonymous says:
  5. Fred Flint says:

    #4 is hilarious. It’s a spam for a moving company in Istanbul. At least I think it is – I don’t read Turkish.

    Along the same lines, as for Christopher Quirk and/or his editor, both of them should take up another line of work because apparently neither of them speaks English.

    This is the sort of thing that results when advertising salespeople take over a newspaper.

  6. Greg Allen says:

    Anyone here old enough to have done “duck and cover” air raid drills? You know… get under your desk in case the Ruskies lob a nuke over?

    In retrospect, it seems sure that the whole purpose of that drill was to promote the Cold War and the military industrial complex that got rich off of it.

    Is that the ultimate purpose of “Code Red” drills? To promote the “War on Terror” and the military industrial complex that is getting rich off of it?

  7. DJ says:

    Let’s see–60 million students (more or less) and a little over 200 deaths in eight years–by those odds, we might as well have drills for what to do if the school is struck by a meteor. I’m all for being prepared, but there is something wrong when the simulation itself is dangerous.

    As an administrator and a parent of a school age child, I would call for, at minimum, the removal of key administrators involved in this drill. I can’t believe that anyone in their right minds would think that this drill was a good idea. Yes, the students responsible should be punished, but so too should the officials for reckless endangerment of minors. They should stick to fire drills(or a general evacuation drill)–something that has a far greater likelihood of happening.

    The second thing I would call for is the removal of the reporter covering the story. It’s one thing to come across bad writing like this on a blog or post, but in a freaking newspaper?

  8. Cursor_ says:

    Greg, in the latter part of the 18th century here in the American colonies we were presented with two threats. The Natives and the french.
    In the early part of the 19th Century it was the British.
    In the middle part of the same century it was wild, freed african slaves.
    In the latter half it was natives again.
    In the end of that century it was the Spanish.
    In the early part of the 20th it was the Kaiser and Germany.
    In the 20’s it was the Anarchists.
    In the 30’s and 40’s The Axis.
    In the 50’s through 80’s it was the Reds.
    Now it is Muslim Exteremists.

    It is standard operating procedure throughout history for governments to keep control of their populus and thereby instill loyalty by use of fear. Real or perceived, fear controls the sheeple.

    That industry may make a profit from that is only a BYPRODUCT and not the main reason. Control, dominance and submission to the power of authority is most expedient when fear and later hate is employed.

    The powers state that we have AN ENEMY.
    The ENEMY wishes to harm you.
    The ENEMY wishes to kill you or control you.
    WE, YOUR government will not let that happen.
    YOU should not fear this ENEMY, but instead be mad that IT should
    want to harm you and your family.

    Fear, anger, hate, malice, then death. That’s how it works. That is
    why now the FEAR of the muslim extremist has caused MANY to hate muslims, because our government will not teach the general populus what is friend or foe. They do this ON PURPOSE to control us.

    That is why people like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were so good with those damn frenchies. Despite their times and the previous war with France, they used their OWN mids and OWN reason and were successful in getting their aid for our independence.

    Free-thinking is not conducive to government control and your obedience and submission. If there are GOOD, DECENT and KIND Muslims, how will you hate them enough to bomb the feces out of them? It is counterproductive to YOU remaining docile and in NEED of your government.


  9. BertDawg says:

    #8 (Cursor) – Amen. Well stated. In light of your comprehension of the relationship between fear and control and profitability, I’d be interested in your take on global warming..

    Regarding Gilroy, my experiences have been consistently negative; it is a place to be avoided.

  10. Jerk-Face says:

    8. “It is standard operating procedure throughout history for governments to keep control of their populus and thereby instill loyalty by use of fear.”

    It’s a good thing my tinfoil hat protects me from this sort of crap. I suggest you start wearing one too. It certainly wouldn’t hurt.

  11. Gregory says:

    #9 – the thing about Global Warming is that Governments have been slow to move and promote it. So it doesn’t fit with that scenario.

  12. T-Rick says:


    Not only is he a principal – he has to go through life sounding like a cheap Mexican Beer.

  13. bac says:

    Why have the kids go to the nearest room and stay there? Didn’t the shooters at Columbine go from room to room shooting other kids? May be a fire drill would be more appropriate.

    Would a shooter allow you to pee in the provided bottles? Would a shooter enforce the bottle usage?

    Expecting order in a chaotic situation might be a tad too much.

  14. Greg Allen says:

    Wow Cursor! You’ve really been thinking about this!

    For about five years my family and I lived — literally — in a city with thousands of Taliban, al Qaeda and the like. (We were finally ordered to leave.)

    I went back to America and it occurred to me that many Americans were living in more acute fear than we were over there, even though the likely hood of any one American dying in a terrorist attack has to be extremely remote, to say the least.

    I know it can sound like conspiracy theory — of which I’m not prone — but it really does seem obvious that this fear is encouraged in Americans.

    As for the fear of Muslims in general — this is just not founded in any reality I’ve ever seen or experienced. I’ve literally met and/or known thousands (I’m surrounded by a few thousand right now!) and I survived! 😉

  15. mark says:

    Greg- Come on man! You mean to tell me if we dont fight them there we wont have to fight them here? Thats just crazytalk. Why, I’ll bet there building canoes by the thousands as we speak.

  16. adam says:

    I remember this crap. We had to do them after the Columbine shootings. Though, ours was turn off the lights and go hide in a corner of the room not visible from the window.


  17. James says:

    yeah, ours was pretty reasonable. Much like 16, locked dark room with no one visible. Makes it hard for a shooter to get anyone before PD arrives. Especially given that my school was built cold war era, doors were all steel and walls of concrete. Bascially a giant bunker. Aside from having a set of keys, good lockpicking skills, or a battering ram it’s doubtful anyone would get in. The windows were even plexy reinforced with a metal mesh so it wouldn’t fall out even completely shattered.

  18. Frank IBC says:

    What the hell is a “populus”?

    And have Cursor and Christopher Guirk ever been seen together in the same place at the same time?

  19. Gary says:

    These trainings are for police and educators as well as students to train for how to handle a Columbine-like incident. All I can say is, if your kid gets killed on campus in a horrible incident like this, don’t say the police didn’t know what to do. In Columbine police didnt go in as people were still being shot. The new training is for teachers to barricade classes to prevent loss of life, and for police to take out the threat and rescue the wounded. GHS just has a few punks who think everything is a joke. I’d leave them for last….

  20. Cursor_ says:

    Greg fear is encouraged in all people.

    Fear of immigration is popular around the globe.
    Fear of loss of your WAY OF LIFE is big all around the globe.

    Fear of this and fear of that has been the cornerstone of people controlling others. Churches routinely use fear of the devil to immorality and so forth to keep the faithful in line. Even agnostics and atheists sling fear like a dead cat with their calls for limiting religion as that will make it like a taliban state.

    Fear, fear, fear and side helping of anger because your tired of being afraid and it leads to hate, destruction, malice and death. People fear and everything comes to a halt for reason and compassion.

    Fear will pull down a people as fast as apathy does. And the world is rife with both and has been for millenia.


  21. oil of dog says:

    I invited Christopher Quirk to comment, must have declined the invitation!!


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