Lorelei Corpuz

Seattle Times – April 5, 2007:

Lorelei Corpuz was good at convincing everyone she was a young man, police said.

For the past 18 months, Corpuz made a teenage girl and the girl’s family believe that she was 17-year-old Mark Villanueva.

Police and prosecutors say that Corpuz is really 30 and has looks that support her ruse.

But early Sunday morning, Corpuz’s con came to an end when she was stopped by a rookie Everett police officer, according to court papers.

The officer approached Corpuz at a gas station because she was wanted out of Marysville on a warrant for driving with a suspended license.

He then asked the teenage girl in the car why she was with the woman, said Everett police Sgt. Robert Goetz.

“She gave us a curious look when he [the officer] said ‘woman,’ ” Goetz said. “She said, ‘That’s my boyfriend.’ ”

Corpuz was arrested and taken to Marysville. Everett police then arrested her and booked her into the Snohomish County Jail for investigation of rape.

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I have a friend who used to be a cop in Everette. It turns out that this is one really fucked up town.

    Funny unrelated Everette cop story.

    My friend pulls over a suspected DUI, and sure enough the driver was drunk and my friend knew the guy (small town). Not wanting to get caught, the guy runs off into the neighborhood. My cop pal, not really in the mood for a foot chase, just got back in the squad car and drove over to the drunk guy’s house. The guy was sitting in a rocker on the front porch and when my friend walks up, the drunks says, “Hi. How’s it going?”
    “You know, I’m gonna have to arrest you now, right?”
    “Nope,” replies the drunk, ” I made it home. That means I’m safe.” And while saying it, he made the umpire’s gesture for safe. 🙂

  2. B. Dog says:

    Yup, it’s a screwed up town. While it contains the world’s largest building by volume, the plant where Boeing makes 747s, the tallest building in town is the jail. A friend worked there and gave me a tour. He said the reason the jail is so busy is because Highway 2 and the railroad both end there, so drifters end up there.

  3. Hayden says:

    When I heard this on CNN on the way to work this morning I new it was going to be up here.

  4. Greg Allen says:

    Boy that Lorelei Corpuz is a hottie! :-()

    This story kind of makes me feel better about myself. Maybe I could still pull off some sexual stunt without getting laughed out of bed. (Not that I would. But it’s reassuring to think I could.)

  5. Brotherbbad says:

    Damn, that’s one FUGLY bitch!

  6. Greg Allen says:


    Maybe so. But she’s got something you don’t, I’ll guess!


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