Watch his masterful (actually sloppy since there ain’t nothing subtle about it) twisting of her words and ignoring her points. What amazes me is that Fox and the Republicans actually think this guy is helping their cause. Fair and balanced my ass! When you have to stoop to these tactics, you should realize you’re in trouble.

  1. Danijel says:

    That guy acts as a ten year old. You would expect more from someone his age….

  2. mathew says:

    Its funny how some individuals point to O’Rielly and say he “spins” everything his way, and then go right ahead and “spin” a story out of nothing.

    In case anyone is in any doubt, The O’Rielly Factor is a vehicle for Bill’s opinion. He gets someone on who doesn’t agree with him, and he argues with them.

    At least you get both sides of the argument this way, or would you prefer he just got someone on to nod and say ‘Yes Bill” all the time?

  3. BertDawg says:

    Like any dispenser of whatever “party line” you choose, his belief that he is right enables him to be a bully. Try He’s more of a solutions guy.

  4. James says:

    #1 Could not agree more, I mean she was making some valid points, but rather than properly counterpoint he just started attacking her.

  5. Joe says:

    its accured to me that everyone that hates fox news (me included) calls it

    “Fair and balanced my ass.”

    but seriously waht a bunch of douches especially “o’reilly” or as I call him


  6. Redattack34 says:

    What I really want to know is how he came to the conclusion that she was attacking the US.

    She said that America cannot claim a moral high-ground in the situation, since it’s been documented that American’s have treated people just as badly as the Iranians have. Which seems to be correct, or at least somewhat supported.

    Then, somehow, he took this as meaning that it’s America’s fault that British people were captured by Iran. Wha? Did I miss something or did he draw a conclusion that was completely unrelated to what his guest was saying? I believe the correct response to his assertion would be “O RLY?”.

    Then, he continues by pressing his made-up point that she was insulting America, and it turns into a shouting match. Finally, he criticizes her for not attacking the Iranians? Perhaps if he’d give her a chance to speak uninterrupted, she might get around to that.

    And finally, he cuts her microphone off because he’s running out of time, leaving her talking to nobody, her points completely unadressed and mostly ignored.

    That is not how one should conduct an interview, or a debate.

    Careful there Mr. O’Reilly, your bias is showing.

  7. Dustin says:

    I actually saw nothing wrong with the video. The Col. was waffling and closely watching all her words in an attempt to not make Iran seem like the “bad guy” she was/is another classic example of the moral equilancy attitude that has swept this country and made us a nation of slack jawed pussies. Frankly he should have cut her mic at the beginning and saved my brain from hearing this dribble again, it’s basically the same exact argument we have heard for the last 5 years repackaged.

    Also as someone else said, O’Rielly ‘s show is an opinion show, he can say anything he wants as he is speaking for HIMSELF, how is Rosie Odonnel or Lou Dobbs or Kieth Olbermann any different?

  8. Acree says:

    #2 Unfortunately I found it extremely difficult to “get both sides of the argument” because O’Reily was too busy acting like a child and just cut her off when things didn’t go his way.

    I love how his number one argument almost every time he has someone on the show is that they hate their country. All she was trying to say is how the hell can we expect other countries to follow these guidelines if we don’t follow them ourselves. But no, thats questioning the american way isn’t it? Doing anything other than blindly following the president is unamerican. Let me know when O’Reilly comes up with something of substance.

  9. kevin says:

    Uncle Dave has it wrong in the title. O’Reilly got her to say what he wanted her to say. Where O’Reilly screwed up is that he tried too hard to get her to say it. He batted her into it, and told her what to say.

    If he wanted someone to talk about how horrible Iran is, he could have lined up the right person. He wants everyone to think that the left wingers hate the US, so that the Right strengthens and fights! Much like the Republicans did with the morals and families talking points in the late 90’s . Back then the Dems were against families, now they are against the US.

    BTW I love watch O’Reilly. He makes me laugh and is good at what he does. He gets the left all up in a tizzy about something to help his ratings, and strengthen his core. He understands his audience. Much is the same way Dvorak bashes Apple to help his.


  10. T-Rick says:

    O’Reilly – sheesh… what a pile.

    You know, uber-conservatives like Bill O’Reilly love America like a 2-year old loves his mommy – i.e. “You’d better not say anything bad about MY mommy!!!”

    Those of us with intelligence love America like an adult loves their parents. es we love them, but recognize they are only human and do have faults.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    Fox News = Truth Lite … Same great package, now with 50% less truth…

    Don’t complicate peoples lives with the Geneva convention or why the Mid-East is like it is.

  12. Pmitchell says:

    Fox news says it is fair and balanced O’reilly is an opinion show he never says he is fair and balance he says he is a no spin zone and that he is

    by the way I agree with him she would not answer his questions at all

  13. Smith says:

    According to the UN, this is a violation of the Geneva Conventions and is an unproked act of aggression. Do you agree?”

    So why didn’t she just answer the question? Yes or no.

  14. BgScryAnml says:

    The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is not a country, it is a imperialistic corporation bent on world domination. O’Reilly is merely touting the company line. It is regrettable the citizens of this country have not had an education with regard to the Constitution of the united States of America. Get us out of Iraq. Get us out of the UNITED NATIONS.

  15. MiddleMan says:

    I try to stay in the middle on a lot of things. I try to see both viewpoints. Call it “middle child syndrome”.

    However, I’m glad to see the Republican Party is starting to fall apart. I find their followers create more imbalance in society than anybody from any other group of people on the planet. I used to love the elephant, but it’s getting WAY TOO FAT.

    The donkey might be an ass, but at least it’s listening to majority public opinion, which includes people from all involved groups.

  16. madinamirka says:

    o’reilly has always been a talking head, but this “interview” really shows how ill-equipped he is to argue like a normal person. his tell-it-like-it-is approach doesn’t seem to work well with two-way conversations.

    what really bothers me though are the folks that complain about shit and don’t vote. for all the dancing activists around the world, i wonder how many get to the polls?

  17. tuurk says:

    This whole blog is a pile. I’m sorry, this time, she had the agenda. I like you Mr. Qwerty, your cranky geek show is bent toward a conservative view of some of the most outrageous topics of the net, but why are you so liberal here? Hmmm .. . I still like you, but you’re making me Schitso!

    [you are obviously schizo (note the spelling) on your own since this wasn’t even my post..but that of the fabulous Uncle Dave. Learn how to read a blog and you’ll be less troubled. — John C. D.]

  18. Milo says:

    My mommy raised me not to interrupt.

  19. Raff says:

    I’ve spent 29 years teaching the Geneva convention. How many years have you been teaching it Bill?




  20. Conan Witzel says:

    She did answer his question, he is simply too stupid to understand: They are not prisoners of war.

    I think she simply tried to point out one of the “Biblical” rules, the Golden Rule and how it can turn upon us. She has , what 30 years experience, in Geneva Convention law. Him 0

    Net result, he looks more foolish than usual and the the O’Reilly idiots cheer his false patriotism. Go idiots, go! Lets see if we can at least kill 5000 Americans and get that Iraqi number up to 200,000 or more!!

  21. Calin says:

    She did answer his question, he is simply too stupid to understand: They are not prisoners of war.

    Isn’t that the same argument for those held at Gitmo?

  22. Dennis says:

    I have to agree with Dustin above. The O’Reilly Factor is an editorial program, not straight news. One shouldn’t confuse the words “Fair and Balanced” for an opinion program…it’s the by-line for the network in general.

    The colonel was not answering Bill. She was providing a very cautious opinion about the potential for an explosive result if Britain/UN/US apply too much pressure, being certain to avoid the question that Bill asked twice…is Iran wrong? I’d be equally frustrated, for it’s the same old story.

  23. Hugh Bastard says:

    His ‘why do you hate America’ claptrap reminded me why I DO hate America.

  24. whipjacka says:

    what a dick

  25. jony says:

    Bill Oreilly is a bad ass as far as im concerned.

  26. chudez says:

    Did anyone notice how the interviewee’s blurb started from “Col. Ann Wright, US Army (RET)” and transformed to “Col. Ann Wright ANTI WAR ACTIVIST” when the interview wasn’t going O’Reilly’s way?

  27. John Paradox says:

    Fox News = Truth Lite

    Fox News: Home of Truthiness!

    Did anyone notice how the interviewee’s blurb started from “Col. Ann Wright, US Army (RET)” and transformed to “Col. Ann Wright ANTI WAR ACTIVIST” when the interview wasn’t going O’Reilly’s way?

    Fox does that all the time, one reason I love to watch The Daily Show.


  28. ZeOverMind says:

    Bill O’Reilly and programs like the defunct “Crossfire” are emblamatic of what is wrong with so called American “News” programming. Instead of having intelligent thoughtful discourse you end up having people screaming at each other and saying how much the other sucks. It’s not just Fox news it’s CNN, MSNBC and others that try to serve the lowest common denominator by artificially creating situations that bring the worst out of us. It’s polarizing American politics and it’s destroying the middle ground. I don’t understand why people even want to watch this garbage.

  29. John Paradox says:

    Why invite someone on if you don’t want to hear what they have to say?


  30. evden eve nakliyat says:

    very very nice informations thank you very much mr suma


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