Yeah, I know. The original song said “plastic Jesus”; but, it was the first thing popped into mind when I read this article.

The overwhelming force of the religious right was demonstrated yesterday when an exhibition by an international artist to be held in mid-town Manhattan was cancelled after a campaign was launched against it on the ground that it was disrespectful towards Christianity.

My Sweet Lord, a 6ft representation of Jesus, was to have been unveiled over holy week in a gallery on Lexington Avenue but was withdrawn under fire from the Catholic League, an organisation of religious conservatives with 300,000 members. The group objected to the fact that the sculpture is made of more than 200lbs of chocolate and that the figure’s genitalia are on display.

Bill Donahue, president of the Catholic League, said the work was a direct assault on Christians. “All those involved are lucky that angry Christians don’t react the way extremist Muslims do when they’re offended.”

So, does that mean if the gallery hadn’t bowed down to the Catholic League they would have run the risk of extremist reactions?

  1. John Paradox says:

    The Church of the Presumptuous Assumption of.. The Blinding Light !

    Oh, Blinding Light…
    Oh, Light that blinds
    Look out for me
    I cannot see

    I have pretty much ALL the FS albums… including their -oops, then again, there are more I didn’t get….
    Well, the latest in Give Me Immortality or Give Me Death.


  2. noname says:

    #9 Misanthropic Scott, fair enough. Détente I can respect that.

  3. Timbo says:

    Let’s see them do that with Che Guevara!

  4. JimR says:

    What happened to Chocolate Jesus on a stick? Did someone finish him off?

    …Damn, I wanted the ears. I always bite off the ears first.

    What part did you get Angel?

  5. Gary Marks says:

    #34 LOL, there couldn’t be any doubt from the original photo. Shame that some will miss your joke.

  6. Milo says:

    These RCCs sure have a tiny little God and a rather immature one as well.

  7. James says:

    Good! Christians deserve at least as much respect as any minority or other relion does.

  8. John S says:

    Bill Donahue and the artist Cosimo Cavallaro were on Anderson Cooper last night. The elequent Mr. Donahue ended with such wonderful statements as “I have a job and you don’t.”. To which Mr. Cavallaro responded “You are acting like a five year old!”. It was quite something to stomach knowing that people choose leaders such as Mr. Donahue to lead them.

    John S

  9. BubbaRay says:

    Wow! Where did my previous post go?? Blogosphere infinity??

    Oh, Blinding Light…
    Oh, Light that blinds
    Look out for me
    I cannot see

    J/P= ? got it right. Wish there was more FS to hear.

    Corn — now we can make whiskey !
    Get the Senator back in the bus !!

    Per previous post that seemed to disappear into the blogosphere, what is the answer to the equation J/P=?. I still wonder about time time travel / physics paradoxes…

  10. moss says:

    I guess it is useful to have someone like noname around of a weekend to stand-in for rednecks using their boss’s computer to login to DU. Someone has to represent the Truly Ignorant – ignorant about religious as well as political history – lol.

    Of course, he may be working at Mickey Dee’s on the weekend – clacking away on the company eMachine.

  11. LB says:

    Anyone notice that the president of the Catholic League, said t “All those involved are lucky that angry Christians don’t react the way extremist Muslims do when they’re offended.”

    Id this a veiled threat intended to intimidate other artists and critics of Christianity?

    I find this more disturbing than any other part of this story.

  12. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #41 – LB,

    Religion is violent. This is news?

  13. Mr Fusion says:

    #24, noname

    Your statements are a restatement of USSR’s “Religion is the Opiates of the Masses”.

    Uuhhh, nope. That was Karl Marx, an early economist, that wrote that. Way back in about 1848. It defined the times of Europe struggling to escape from the slavery of the feudal system. Interesting times, I suggest you read up on it sometime. Although I won’t recommend you read the “Communist Manifesto” which Marx co-wrote, some history would help put things in perspective for you.

    FYI, the Stalinist purges were, as Scott suggested, communist purges from a paranoid system. I wrote a paper (one of my few “A”s) on this back in college where I suggested that the USSR under Stalin was actually a form of religion. The worship of Lenin and Stalin was no different then the Catholic Inquisition of only a few centuries earlier. Even in America there were the Salem Witch trials, all done in the name of rooting out evil.

    sorry buddy, but I also disagree. You can’t on one hand decide that the “ten commandments” apply then suggest that the “old testament” doesn’t.

    Our system of justice has more to do with the Magna Carta and subsequent English Civil law then the ten commandments. Our legal system is based on a man is innocent until proven guilty. The biblical system is god will smite thee down.

    And when I die, I’ll be dead and gone. (If I’m lucky) there will be one child born to carry on.


    Almost forgot, ooooo, chocolate, mmmmm.

  14. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #43 – Mr. Fusion,

    Very well said. In my case, there’ll definitely be no child born, which should make it easier for the world to carry on.

    The one minor difference I’d say is that it is perfectly OK for non-fundamentalists to pick and choose, line by line, exactly which sections of the bible make sense to them and which do not, regardless of which section of the book they’re from.

    My point is that in doing so, one is exercising morals that quite literally by definition do not come from within the bible itself. This is an exercise of the moral centers of the human brain. The bible certainly does not state that it is OK to interpret anything rather than taking it literally.

    For me, as an antitheist, I simply choose to throw out every line of the bible as complete junk. Even if the god of the bible existed, as described, I would still say that s/he would be a god not worthy of my worship.

    As for chocolate, I could go for a few fingers … or a whole (hole-y? unholy?) hand … or an arm. I’d probably have trouble choking down more chocolate than that. And, from The New New Testament, Jesus is now quoted as saying, “Bite Me!”

  15. noname says:

    #43 Mr ConFusion, you are so so right! Karl Marx, author of the “Communist Manifesto” and USSR under Stalin are two historically totally unrelated events.

    I am sure as you contend, Stalin had never read nor influenced by “Communist Manifesto”. I am also sure he never heard of the phase “Religion is the Opiates of the Masses” (at least not in English).

    I guess in your deluded thinking, Adam Smith and the make up of US economy and morals are two unrelated historical events.

    And yes the “Communist Manifesto” was required reading in school. I still have my copy. Your such a freaking genus, if not an ASS! And you got an “A” for that?

    And what was your deluded point?

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #45, nosense,
    And what was your deluded point?
    Comment by noname — 4/1/2007 @ 3:25 pm

    I don’t know, what was your stupid question ?

    Would it have been the wrongful attributing to J. Stalin a quote from 80 yrs earlier? Or how murderous “atheists” are because of the Communist purges? Or how idiot revisionists and religious history writers want to attribute our system of justice to the (ahem) ten commandments?

    Now how the eff did economist John Smith get tied somehow to morals in an article on chocolate ?

  17. noname says:

    My Dear Dear Mr Confusion

    Your 3rd grade reading comprehension level is appalling!

    Below is the quote from #24 as it pertains. Never did I try to directly attribute anything to Stalin as you typically try to falsely imply. In fact I made a general attribute back to the USSR, in the same general manner as “Religion is evil, pure and simple.” But please don’t let facts get in your way. Facts never do seem to get in the way of your lying hypocritical ways.

    My comments was about how a central idea (albeit not the only one) that is strongly identified with the USSR, “Religion is the Opiates of the Masses” degenerated and eventually helped along with other ideas, justify mass murder to save/support the state. As in most Mass Social Events, to give an exact attribute of cause and effect would be impossible, if not foolish.

    Following those lines, to establish your written lying hypocritical lineage, I can pull some recent really strongly stated and astonishing raciest remarks you have made to me. Damn those computer records, huh!

    “restatement of USSR’s “Religion is the Opiates of the Masses”. As you should know, this test occurred over several generation already.

    Basically your idea(s) became a Mass Militant Atheism Movement responsible for massive Soviet purges with show trials”


  18. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #48 – noname,

    Trying to bring a little civility back to this thread, I searched the web for “Mass Militant Atheism Movement” and came up with nothing. Trying the words without quotes, I found a short mix of some religious sites claiming that the Soviet Union killed to convert people to atheism and some atheist groups claiming it as a hoax.

    I found absolutely zero information from any non-biased source.

    I’m going to stay with my belief that the Soviet Union killed to promote communism, an ideology, rather than atheism, a non-belief. I think that the “Mass Militant Atheism Movement” is much like the Flat Earth belief that was put upon people long after their deaths.

    There was never a time at which the knowledgeable people of the time believed the world was flat. The ancient Greeks knew it was round. The Polynesians must have also for all of their seafaring.

    I maintain that there never was a “Mass Militant Atheism Movement”.

  19. noname says:

    Just as Zero is considered a number (science and the truth didn’t get too far until that stunning revelation was made) I contend that atheism, your “non-belief” is a belief.

    Communism as the USSR and China practiced it is not communism with out “their” atheism.

    P.S. Please try and look up their, I have it in quotes above. I hope you don’t mind but I got “their” from a very biased source.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #47, noname

    My third grade reading comprehension is having a difficult time with your post.

    Below is the quote from #24 as it pertains.
    Uuhh, pertains to what? Then the only line in quotations is
    “Religion is evil, pure and simple.”
    OK, if you insist, I know you have argued differently, but I’ll go along with that.

    My comments
    (Ok, so you have several comments,)
    was about how a
    (oopps, now you only have one comment)

    central idea (albeit not the only one) that is strongly identified with the USSR, “Religion is the Opiates of the Masses”

    (It is? But I never knew that. After all, that phrase is attributed and identified with Karl Marx, NOT the USSR.)
    (Why the quotations?)
    (So what is the central idea? If it is “Religion …” then you should have used a semi colon before and a comma after.)
    degenerated and eventually helped along with other ideas, justify mass murder to save/support the state.
    So Karl Marx is responsible for mass murders? FYI, he died long before the USSR came about. His ideology, economic, and political theories were used and abused by those that came after him. The Czars Alexander and Nicholas, who continued to kill their people with little regard, did so with Church approval for decades before the October Revolution.

    Following those lines, to establish your written lying hypocritical lineage, I can pull some recent really strongly stated and astonishing raciest remarks you have made to me. Damn those computer records, huh!

    Geeze, are you suggesting my parents and ancestors are hypocrites and liars? How dare you sully their good names. If you have something to say about me, SAY IT TO ME !!! Leave my family out of this. If you have some racist remarks, PRODUCE THEM !!! Phuk those “damn computer records”, I want to see them.

    “restatement of USSR’s “Religion is the Opiates of the Masses”. As you should know, this test occurred over several generation already.

    OK, my third grade reading comprehension is having a really tough time on this one. There you go, turning an incomprehensible clause into a sentence. Next sentence you confuse your conjugation. What effen test ? Did you ever study English in school? If English is your second language, I understand, but if it isn’t, … A small piece of advice, “He who lives in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”.

    What irony. An asshole like you claiming I’m racist while a racist like Lauren claiming I’m Politically Correct.

  21. Thomas says:

    > Communism as the USSR and China practiced it is not
    > communism with out “their” atheism.

    Nonsense. Communism is an economic and political system. It has nothing to do with religion. Your argument is a fallacious as saying the US is the Christian nation. China is actually a good example. Only 8%-14% of their country consider themselves agnostic or atheist (

    > I contend that atheism, your “non-belief” is a belief.

    As James Randi once said, “Atheism is a belief like not collecting stamps is a hobby.” Atheism is the absence of belief.

  22. newkon says:

    I don’t know, what was your stupid question ?

    Would it have been the wrongful attributing to J. Stalin a quote from 80 yrs earlier? Or how murderous “atheists” are because of the Communist purges? Or how idiot revisionists and religious history writers want to attribute our system of justice to the (ahem) ten commandments?

    Now how the eff did economist John Smith get tied somehow to morals in an article on chocolate ?

  23. hotindir says:

    Just as Zero is considered a number (science and the truth didn’t get too far until that stunning revelation was made) I contend that atheism, your “non-belief” is a belief.


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