1. Higghawker says:

    Water cooler material…………………

  2. Firas says:

    Oh my God…
    Is this a real ad? Was it shown on tv? Really cool stuff, but I could never guess what it was for until the last couple of seconds at which point I said “Holy shite!!”

  3. Hmmmmm says:

    I just bought a fist full of stock (ADRs) for this company.

    Is this good or bad?

  4. Gasparrini says:

    I can tell you it’s real because I saw it on TV two days ago. That’s U.K. TV.

  5. undissembled says:

    I watched it all the way through and I still don’t know WTF it’s for.

  6. Aaron says:

    I was waiting for “Mentos the fresh maker” line.

  7. TJGeezer says:

    HSBC: Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Big financial services outfit with offices all over the world. As for what they actually do, it beats me. I think they bafflegab fructoral hedge accounts or something.

  8. Gurukarm says:

    Really? interesting – they own what used to be Household Bank now, too – I have one of their credit cards…

    Very scary video, if you’re a parent! 🙂

  9. Bryan Price says:

    As a parent:

    I don’t find it scary it all. My kids are too scared to drive out of the block. They have permits, are almost 17(!!!) and have just crossed over 30 minutes driving time. Total. For both of them.

    Now the 21 year old set of twins (almost 22), I don’t worry about them, even though I’m sure both of them have played GTA multiple times. They are MPs in the Army, and they are both drivers. It’s their job to drive that way. And to get back home unhurt. Nope I don’t worry about them driving like that.

    I do worry about them getting blown up by an IED EFP (Explosively Formed Projectile) even if they are driving heavily armored Hummvees. It’s already happened twice with one, and he’s only gotten shook up both times. It’s the next time I worry about, and with his brother going over the same time he is getting back to Germany, I still get to worry for awhile, just for the “surge”, not a full year. Hopefully. 🙁

    And what’s with this stupid 15 second wait, when I haven’t made a today yet?

  10. Oil of Dog says:

    Semper Fi

  11. Ted Hosmann says:

    Makes me proud to work for the company!

  12. Andy says:

    Reminds me of what John always says about his kids playing GTA. It’s not going to make them criminals or murderers, but if they ever go into that line of work stealing cars, they’ll be damn good at it.

  13. Aric says:

    You can’t throw a grenade while driving a car…… worst ….parrody… EVER.

    #12. And if we do [steal a car] the police bribes are usually in alleys.

  14. tallwookie says:

    easily the best ad ive EVAR seen!! omfgroflmaobbq


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