Lawrence Roach agreed to pay alimony to the woman he divorced, not the man she became after a sex change, his lawyers argued in a Florida court Tuesday in an effort to end the payments.But the ex-wife’s attorneys said the operation does not alter the agreement.
Roach and his wife, Julia, divorced in 2004 after 18 years of marriage. The 48-year-old utility worker agreed to pay her $1,250 a month in alimony. Since then, Julia Roach, 55, has had a sex change and legally changed her name to Julio Roberto Silverwolf.
Silverwolf did not appear in court Tuesday and has declined to talk about the divorce. His lawyer, Gregory Nevins, said the language of the divorce decree is clear and firm — Roach agreed to pay alimony until his ex-wife dies or remarries.
I realize there are objective legal definitions to be sorted as cases like this occur more often. How objective are your legal definitions, eh?
You can’t have your cake and eat it too. If you really want to change who you were into something new, you should be prepared to give up your entire past. Those surgeries have got to be pretty expensive. If the intent of that money is financial support to an ex-wife, obviously s/he is spending the money on something it wasn’t intended for or is financially stable enough that s/he doesn’t need it anymore.
Shoulda changed her/his name from Roach to Silverfish for consistency. “Silverwolf”? Sounds like someone in drag. Wait. Why does my head feel like it’s about to explode?
API newswire. This just in…. The President’s commission on family values supports alimony payments for the case where your spouse changes their sex… but only if you change your sex as well. The president was quoted as saying; “We can’t have anything homo going on here, not even for divorced folks.” The president later attempted to make a joke about the opinion, but failed so miserably, that all recordings of the incident had to be confiscated.
I’d tell her to get a job even if she hadn’t had the operation. The idea that you would have to pay someone for the rest of your life b/c your relationship didn’t work out is insane.
Wow this is a great way for the democrats to lose the 08 elections. Looks like they are gonna go for it. Yah know, because its important that we protect the rights of the 0.001% people who surgically and medically make it look like they are a gender that they are not, and identify transexual…
You would think that they would have learned on the gay marriage thing. It only affects 3% of the population, and even then less than 20% of gays say they want to get married. But hey, the rights of this extreme minority is more important than having the political capital to stop evil men like George Bush. (even though you continue to fail to protect those rights)
Because there is nothing more important going on than protecting the rights of this tiny groups to fuck whoever they want.
Oh the irony and failure of feminism. I think I’ll go down to the lesbian owned and operated coffee shop now, and have the girls there make me some coffee. Oh yah, they totally smashed that workplace patriarchy of having a secretary make me coffee. Only… When we had a secretary do that, she got health benefits. What do you think, do the women in that coffee shop get health benefits?
I believe they call this procedure an Addadictomy.
They do something like that with the testosterone enlarge clitoris and some connective tissue *hurls and throws up*
And to think his divorce lawyer didn’t have the foresight to include a “no sex change” clause in the settlement. (/sarcasm)
so, do you think that she should now be able to get out from any legal agreements she entered into, now that she’s a man? this one is easy – you agreed to pay alimony to person X and some cosmetic surgery and hormone treatments don’t change that obligation.
the interesting bit would be if she remained a woman and married another woman. since FLA does not recognize same-sex marriage, that also would not be enough to void the agreement since she had not “remarried” in the eyes of the law.
#5. What in god’s name does this have to do with the Democrats in ’08? Or feminism, for that matter?
#10, Doug,
RE: #5
This has nothing to do with the subject at hand. It would appear that GregA’s husband left her for another man so she has a real bitch going. Don’t worry about her, I’m sure the Republican Party will take care of her.
The ruling is now in. The ex-husband still has to pay alimony to his ex-wife.. er.. I mean ex-husband.. um.. I mean the recent dude… Oh damn this is confusing!
In a funny turn of events, judge St. Arnold wrote in his ruling that, “Despite the surgery and the fact that the Respondent holds herself out to be a male, Florida recognizes the immutable female traits determined at birth.”
So according to the judges ruling, event though she/he now has a penis, she is still a girl (at least in Florida)! Of course this ruling is from a state where its residents probably still can’t figure out how to work a voting card. Too damn weird!