Sorry but one spoof of GTA deserves another. The only downside to this video is that the characters sound a bit too much like Borat.

  1. Ghazban says:

    From Robot Chicken – great show!

  2. Andy says:

    That one cracks me up. “He’s marinating in his own Ragu!” Having Yoshi drive into Resident Evil was the perfect ending.

  3. Justsaying says:

    This one about another game:

  4. Bruce IV says:

    Not to nitpick, but that looked more like a Need for Speed spoof to me.

  5. tallwookie says:

    The parts where mario bashes his head into the brick to get coins, and the whore/pricess were the BEST!!!

  6. Andrew says:

    I can’t believe that Mario said,”you sons of a bitches”!And also the ”Do you accept coins?”


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