Good enough for my daddy? Good enough for me!

A survey released by Park Associates shows that less than one-third of U.S. households still have no Internet access. Furthermore, the households do not plan on getting Internet access because of the irrelevance of online in their lives or their homes.

Park, a Dallas-based technology research firm, also stated that the 29 percent without the ‘Net translates into roughly 31 million with no intent on getting service in the next 12 months. The National Technology Scan conducted by Park also found that concern over cost was not a major reason behind the Internet-free homes.

44 percent of the households have no interest in the internet while 22 percent cannot afford a computer or afford internet service. 17 percent of the participants answered “I’m not sure how to use the Internet” while 14 percent of respondents revealed, “I do all my e-commerce shopping and YouTube-watching at work.”

Are these the same people who think that the Earth appeared 6,000 years ago? And how many of those who say they can’t afford a computer spend more than $50 a month on cigarettes and beer?

  1. Terry says:

    Lauren, whatever. You are right, absolutely right. Your rightness is a shining beacon to the world. If only everyone around the globe could grovel before your rightness and bask in the benefice of your undoubted wisdom.
    We would no doubt be better off for following the one true way.

  2. ECA says:

    lets see…
    cheap cigs, $10 per month, If you dont know HOW…Im sorry, I aint telling.
    Cheap beer, 1 rack per week, $40 per month.
    Juice, $3-6 per gallon, 2 per week…$24-48.
    soda pop, PEPSI, 3/$10 sale..$40 per month.
    soda pop, Shasta, $2 per half rack/3 per week.. $24
    Meet, Hamburger ALL the time, $2 per pound, 1/2lb per day, $15 per month..
    Stuff to ADD to the hamburger about $1 per day.
    Water: $50 per month.
    Heating or AC, $40
    Electricity, $40
    Cable/Sat, $50

    Average cost per day for 1 person, NOT counting rent, is about $10-15 on the CHEAP… And I know ALOT of persons who cant even make that.

  3. Ascii King says:

    #58 Lauren You were the first one to introduce the term elitist into this conversation and now you are pretending that is what the discussion is about. Why is it that whenever I see you argue a point you never manage to stick to the topic at hand but instead pull in lots of other useless crap. For example, picking on Terry’s spelling mistake in a blog comment is just stupid. It doesn’t help make your argument, it just makes you look petty.

    How do you pronounce Eidard? Does it rhyme with retard?

  4. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #63 – Ascii King

    “Lauren You were the first one to introduce the term elitist into this conversation…”

    Apparently your reading skillz aren’t up to the task… Please examine the first 5 words of joshua’s post #25:

    “Another example of the elitist and very un-liberal bigotry of some of the people who post here.”

    You’re not paying attention, brother.

    #59 – Improbus

    Excellent contribution.

    J’ever notice how, after inconvenient facts are pointed out, so many highly indignant individuals fall suddenly mute?

    Verrry mysterious. Where the Hell is Robert Stack when we need him??

  5. mark says:

    No mystery, everyone is bored with your bullshit.

  6. doug says:

    it just hit me – with no access to the internets, where do they get their PORN?!?!?

    god, this is worse than no youtube kitten videos …

  7. Cool Tidbits says:

    #66, that is just too funny. I think the same thing when people come into work and ask for adult videos or just rent the really lame soft core stuff. I think, “they must not have the internet.”
    But I say again, there will ALWAYS be people that will not embrace new technology for whatever reason. Fear, cost, ignorance, beliefs.
    So undoubtedly there will be some who simply will not upgrade to digital TV even after there is no other choice.

  8. ECA says:

    Those that have a decent opinion, POST and let it run.
    Those that think they are RIGHT, POST AND POST AND POST…

    Making a statement, unless someone DEBATES or dis-aproves of it… WHY fihgt ignorance..

    PLZ PLZ, PLEASE take this off.

    Sorry, you can only post a new comment once every 15 seconds. Slow down cowboy.

  9. Surfing for Pron says:

    #5 Gordon Stocck:

    Where did it mention smoking-beer-swigging-southern-christians? Was it the “spend more than $50 a month on cigarettes and beer”.

    I do agree with your statement that: “everybody who doesn’ have internet is an igonorant, christian, smoking, drinking southerner”. Seems pretty accurate. Maybe they should include that datapoint in the next survey. Its the only way to know for sure.

  10. MikeN says:

    I;m starting to understand the demand for government broadband. You guys consider it an absolute necessity.

  11. Improbus says:

    What, pray tell, is government broadband?

  12. ECA says:

    The funny thing I see in many sites that ASK questions…
    Is the starting, yearly wage…
    They ask if you are..
    Per year..
    I know ALOT of person below these marks..

    I would like to extend a request that ANY that wish to see how I live, on $750 per month…Come and look at my house, and how I live. whaat I have to give up, just to have internet.
    I live in house that is about 20×20 with 5 rooms. You can figure the demensions yourself. I do get a CHEAP rent, but I have to fix and maintain the house. I will state it quickly, It LOOKED like a line shack out in the desart.


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