1. Improbus says:

    I think I will stick to coffee pots and microwaves. I don’t want to ware eye protection just to make coffee.

  2. bill says:

    We just use the food replicators ask for ‘instant coffee hot” UGH…

    No Peets no workie!!!!!!

  3. wbskeet37 says:

    Nescafe???? I thought I read “…true geeks make coffee”

  4. Whaapp! says:

    This isn’t coffee, and looks like a waste of time and resources. I wonder what it costs to heat water this way. I wonder who owns the abused resources?

  5. OhFrak! says:

    Lighten up guys (pun intended).

  6. Peter Hill says:

    A geek without caffeine is a wasted resource 😉

  7. Improbus says:

    I had to give up caffeine and nicotine for health reasons. [sniff]

  8. Arrius says:

    I can heat all four cups in the same amount of time with a 100 dollar microwave. Dont they have a stronger laser back there somewhere?

  9. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Not a bad use of blue ray technology. But, real geeks would not use instant coffee. I’m with wbskeet37 on that one. Also, serious geeks would use caffeinated water!

  10. Undissembled says:

    Wow. True geeks drink some weak ass coffee.

  11. Miguel Correia says:

    No really, you all missed the most strange thing in the video… one of the geeks actually had tea, instead of coffee… Shouldn’t that disqualify him immediately as a geek!?!?! LOL

  12. After all that, it’s still just a mug of instant coffee.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    I don’t believe that to be coffee. It has to be a hoax. Real coffee is made with hot water being poured over coffee grounds, not dissolving it with a laser. Cute, but I call phony on this one.

    #7, while I understand nicotine may be harmful to your health, geeze man, I can’t imagine caffeine too !!! You poor SOB. Just tell us you didn’t have to give up sex as well.

    this capcha thing sucks. give it some caffeine

  14. Improbus says:

    Don’t give the Capcha caffeine … it’s already to hyper.

  15. Roc Rizzo says:

    This is kind of like using a chainsaw to cut butter.

  16. John says:

    Kinda takes the “instant” out of instant coffee if you have to wait that long for a cup.

  17. Oh, c’mon now! Microwave is so…last year’s technology!

  18. TJGeezer says:

    8 – Pedro – caffeinedoesn’tdoanythingtomeeithernopenotathing.

  19. FRAGaLOT says:

    This would be a great gimick for anyone who wanted to start a new coffee shop. Zap the water with a laser, and brew the coffee with it.

    Actually Microwaves and lasers are rather old technology, for at least 50+ years in some form of application or another. But there aren’t any home appliances that use lasers.. at least anymore more than a pointing device.

    I want a laser powered coffee maker!


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