Boy, that’s fugly
MiniC.A.T. Air Car runs on air – GadgetCentre.com: This actually runs on compressed air.
The MiniC.A.T Air Car has been in development by Moteur Development International (MDI) for the last 14 years, resulting in an engine which will run on thin air. Understandably, MDI say this “could become one of the biggest technological advances of this century”.
The engine runs on compressed air and, with a single charge, will deliver 200km worth of pollution free travel- although this assumes you’re driving under 60km/h, once you go faster than that you’ll start to burn fuel. Nonetheless, at speeds above 60km/h the car still produces less pollutant than your average.
Quite literally not a car for the petrol head then, but it sounds like great news for the environment. No idea when the car will be released, but it could cost as little as £5,500.
Thanks to BubbaRay, who provided the link to this video in the comments section for this post, showing the vehicle in action.
(Warning: Poor, geeky attempt at humour ahead)
This adds a whole new element to getting a puncture. If the air leak isn’t from one of your tyres, you’ve got trouble
I think Hollywood has to dump the Priuses for these. We should probably make them mandatory for all drivers.
#28, Lauren
Good points, I was thinking along almost the exact same lines. I would add to your post in #2 that the French get most of their electric power from nuclear. Maybe they consider that to be almost free.
I really hate to shoot down an idea, but I would need much more proof that this is doable.
This car is a scam, a hoax, call it whatever you like. This fanthomatic car and these ppl have been around for oh so many years, never producing nothing more than paperwork and… thin air. This car will NEVER be built. Too big are the design problems this kind of motor has. If you search the web you’ll find that the only thing these ppl are interested in are the EU founds they try (and often succeed) to collect.
After they’ve done their show, they disappear, just to pop up again some year later, with the same project, in the same stage of development, with the same unsolved problems (the engine breaks after a while, the temperature goes too low or something).
I won’t mention the sheer un-praticability of the whole concept (compressed air?!). For the ones of you that can read italian, here is the page of a famous italian scam-buster, discussing and dissecting this “wonderful” and “innovative” car.
C’mon, these people are collecting money just because the idea of a “car that emits nothing but fresh air” sounds good when you first ear it.
I think I’ll stick with my Lexus GS450H hybrid. It has an super ultra low emission rating, gets up to 27 mpg in town and hauls ass with a 340 hp output. Also has a cv transmission and that electric motor gives amazing response.
Something just occurred to me… if it runs on compressed air, why not liquid nitrogen? With the right configuration the LN might also air-condition the car.
#36 – hhopper
“I think I’ll stick with my Lexus GS450H hybrid.”
You, sir, are a wise man. Unmatched reliability, sinful luxury and the best car stereo in the world (Um, you did spring for the Levinson, didn’t you?). 🙂
I’m giving them about six months to shake out the inevitable initial bugs, then around October I’m gonna get an LS 600 hL – if all the goddamn limousine liberals in Hollywood haven’t already spoken for ’em, that is. I like to think I know a thing or two about cars, and I firmly believe that, overall, it’s the best production automobile ever built at any price…
38 – I’m a goddam constitutional conservative expat living south of Tijuana without benefit of limo. Does that mean I can’t have one either? I ride a BMW motorcycle 12 years old. Does that help?
Yeah… where can I buy it?
#40 – Alex
Buy what? The air-car, the Lex, or the 12-y.o. BMer bike?
No matter, I’ll take care of all those petit details; just convert your savings account into a cashier’s check and send it on to me. I’ll send back any excess funds. 🙂
#39 – TJG
Being a reactionary anarchist myself, who’s been known to ride a 27-year-old water-cooled, shaft-drive Honda (and a 4-wheeled BMW), I don’t rightly know. Word on the street is, the smart money gets their deposit in now…
i think that its great that someone finally made a air car ive had this idea for years. but i need to get ahold of someone who designed the car. i have the best way to make the air car with plenty of horse power. so could someone please email me. the way i know how to build the engine is the best way .