A Texas legislator has proposed that pregnant women considering abortion be offered $500 not to end their pregnancies. Republican State Sen. Dan Patrick, who also is a conservative radio talk show host, said the money might convince the women to go ahead and have babies, then give them up for adoption.

His proposal calls for giving any woman going to an abortion clinic the $500 option, to be paid no more than 30 days after the baby is born and given up for adoption.

Heather Paffe, political director of Planned Parenthood of Texas, said Patrick’s proposal “is very cynical and insulting to women and their families.”

Sounds like Texas to me. Though I wouldn’t include human Texans in that definition.

  1. MikeN says:

    This is discrimination against pro-lifers. Every pregnant woman will pretend to want an abortion so they can get the $500, but the hard pro-lifers won’t.

  2. Chris says:

    Why do people always choose the word redneck when they want to point out something “bad” about the south? I’m from Texas, and yes, we have our share of ignorance. It’s just that I find it amusing that anyone who will categorize a whole geographical population based on perceptions they gained either through meeting only a few people, or based on what they see or hear via our media are, in fact, behaving remarkably like the people they are trying to portray with their comments.


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