Check out the Rapex website. Looks like no one wants to advertise there. Here’s one website and here’s another that discussed the controversy last year.
You know without thinking too hard what would happen if this is approved in the US: first rapist who got ‘eaten’ would sue, and given recent court cases, would probably win.
Anti-rape Device to Hit the Market
Anti-rape device created by South-African inventor Sonnet Ehlers is about to hit the market after a long time of waiting for patent verification.
The female condom-like device called Rapex has fish-like teeth that attach to the penis.
This invention stirred a great deal of controversy all over the world. The main concern is whether the Rapex was a medieval device built on a hate of men or it can be considered an easy-to use devise that could help South African women protect themselves against rape.
According to Sonnet Ehlers the process of cheking is going to be up on April 10.
Sonnet Eshlers publicly announced her invention one and half years ago and shot to international fame as the invention stirred debates about advantages and disadvantages of Rapex.
The inventor took part in British and Australian radio shows and was interviewed by South American journalists.
Eshler said that she was not a male hater, she simply wanted to help African women to protect themselves against rape. Though the device might seem a good weapon to fight rape, Eshler has many opponents.
Even such organization as Rape Crisis Cape Town does not consider Rapex to be a solution to the social problem of rape and considers such a devise to be likely to increase female vulnerability to violence.
Eshler insists on the fact that the main advantage of her invention is that it could give a woman attacked by a rapist some vital seconds to escape the criminal while he is busy dealing with pain caused by the device. This would be great pain as 25 teeth of the device that is inserted in the vagina attach themselves to the head and the shaft of the penis. What is more, she says the device will help with proving the crime as the rapist will have to go to a doctor to have the fish-like teeth removed.
The product is going to be be mass-produced in China next month.
Sad thing, this could turn a rape into a murder.
Too bad it can’t just fire a .38 right then and there, or perhaps use the old guillotine trick. That just might give a victim time to get away before the deranged moron starts a death beating.
Oh my goodness, there are so many awful jokes to post here at the detriment of victims, but I guess I’ll start: Klingons rejoice over sale of new condom.
Please forgive me. I hope this product will actually make men think twice before assaulting a woman.
How are you going to get that up your ass ?
It is not unlikely that a woman is going to wear this unless they ANTICIPATE being raped. In that case, it seems better to avoid the rape altogether.
However, I’m sure there are situations where the woman can’t avoid it.
But even in that case, wouldn’t the rapist notice what is essentially a bear trap in there?
This reminds me of something that I think was from Greek mythology – and a song from the Lion King.
Vagina Dentata!
What a wonderful phraase!
It means “no penises”
For the rest of your days!
Sing along!
I dated a psycho once. She keyed my car when I broke up with her. If this had been available then,…. (shudder).
I’m thinking along the same lines as #6. How long until this is used as a revenge tactic by a jealous or just plain insane spouse or girlfriend? And worse, what if the guy doesn’t deserve it?
don’t rapists carry knives for this sort of thing?
seems to me the general answer from everyone is this device is going to get more victims killed. wouldn’t some sort of insertable dye pack be a better idea.
The next step is a device like in Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash. A small needle that injects a massive dose of knockout drugs.
Exploding dye (die?) packs! “Arrrgh! My groin!”
/me shivers
As Mc Gruff alayws says
Just another way to take the bite out of crime…
A rapist’s victim’s worst nightmare: A dick with chainmail.
Since we’re talking about crazy inventions, how about a silent vagina alarm, with GPS tracking. The alarm company would call the police if the woman doesn’t punch in her deactivation code within 15 seconds.
There’s probably no end to the number of non-solutions we can dream up for the rape problem.
This is so well thought-out- what if this thing ruptures the penis of an HIV-infected rapist?
The I Don’t Know If It’s Relevant, But It Might Be Dept.
A tale of woe from somewhere in New Mexico. It seems there were dueling lawsuits going on, a man suing a woman for severely injuring his private parts, and she counter-suing him for breaking her jaw. She was an epileptic and had a siezure while she was giving him a blow job. She didn’t inform him of her condition, he over-reacted, etc. etc.
Smacks of urban legend, of course, but hey there’s a bear trap for you!
If women open carried handguns, rapists, and other low life scum would think twice about attacking them.
Holy Shit! some of the funniest posts ever, well done everybody, nothing I can, add I am laughing too hard.
#17. Rapes would drop to zero if prostitution was made legal. This however scares the powerfully rich because cheap sex would mean the end of almost all advertisement and its accompanying product.
#19 On never mind… I’l allow one of the few women that read this site tell you how wrong you are and why.
A man’s antirape device is another man’s BDSM toy.
Brew #19
Actually legalised Prostitution is expensive. In canada and parts of nevada a sex act costs several hundred bucks. I doubt there is a correlation between rape and prostitution… Rape is actually an act of violence and not about sex.
A lot of people have implied this is a bad idea because it will have worser consequences for the woman, if she can’t get away.
Firstly, this device could provide vital seconds for an escape.
Secondly, why are such people concerned for the rapist’s wellbeing? ‘Oh, let’s not make him too mad…’
Finally, this could be a big help in African countries where young girls are at risk from attackers when out walking. Maybe less so in the western countries where the risk of rape isn’t so high.
Obviously posters aren’t familiar with the rape crisis in South Africa. Statistic out of there are ridiculous. A common misperception down there is that the CURE for HIV is sex with a virgin, which leads to further rapes including infants.
As for this leading to more murders, if a guy got this thing latched on to his johnson he will be in no condition to fight back.
This is nothing new, during the war it was common that soldiers would rape the the woman so they put razors in their box…
A chastity belt works just fine and no one gets hurt.
I would imagine that if a man rapes a woman their is going to be some violence…
I don’t think a person being attacked wants to hurt the person that attacks them all they want is not to be attacked.
Rapes would drop to zero if prostitution was made legal.
Are you joking? Rape is not sex. It is a form of violent control. It is a way that a man uses his body to impose, humiliate, and control someone weaker than him.
The two have nothing to do with each other.
I find it disturbing that you think that a rapist can be excused if he simply pays his victim for the experience.
OMG, how long before some loose lipped dingbat forgets to take it out and does serious damage to her boyfriend/husband.
Under what circumstances does one insert this device? Do they walk around all day with this inserted?
What about date rape? So the girl wears this on a date. This is just s really bad idea.
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I don’t have any problem with women wearing these. As most rapes are crimes of violence, it won’t hurt the attacker to have a little reminder that sometimes loves hurts. All right, it might hurt, but only when he laughs.
As for passing blood born pathogens, that is why it would be the same as a condom; there is a barrier between the “teeth” and vagina.