1. Andy says:


    but he still kicked him into the hole, how is that PG?

  2. Uncle Dave says:

    You just can’t see the big, fluffy, marshmallows in the hole from that angle.

  3. Improbus says:

    OMG! I think I just had a cerebral aneurysm.

  4. J says:

    That was very strange. Perhaps, next time, take the blue pill.

  5. chuck says:

    The only reason 300 is “R” is because there is occasional nudity.
    The MPAA doesn’t care about violence, just sex.

  6. Tom 2 says:

    That was aewsome, BRUSH YOUR TEETH!!!

  7. SN says:

    5. “The only reason 300 is “R” is because there is occasional nudity.”

    I agree. I personally didn’t think 300 was that violent, compared to horror movies. I’d actually even take my 6 year old son to see it.

    I think those nude scenes were include to ensure it got an R rating, to make it seems cooler. They seemed out of place to me, gratuitous. Some things never change, R movies are always cooler to teenagers.

  8. Thomas says:

    Amazing. The PG version is as historically accurate as the original. ;->

  9. Slappy says:

    Ha, that was great. Too bad some of you have no sense of humor.

  10. SN says:

    9. “Amazing. The PG version is as historically accurate as the original.”

    Yeah, because we all know how pop-culture films derived from comic books should strive for the utmost in historical accuracy.

  11. Josh Jellel says:


  12. ChrisMac says:

    can someone please but the lid back on the can of contact cement

  13. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #8 – There’s no such thing as gratuitous nudity – all movies should have nudity. 😉

    That trailers was weird but I did laugh.

  14. Bollywood says:

    This was super cool.. I just lost my appetite over it =))

  15. alpine says:

    Rocking dude.. thats hot

  16. news says:

    where did you find it?? my previous wasnt there.. so have to come again


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