ECT News Network 03/23/07:

The less-than-stellar sales for Sony next-generation video game console PlayStation 3 continued Thursday as the platform was made available in Europe.

According to reports from around Europe, the scene bore little resemblance to the frenzy that greeted the release of the PlayStation 2 Latest News about PlayStation 2 console in 2000.

After the scheduled midnight launch, from Amsterdam, the Netherlands, to Paris, and even Australia, reports indicate only a fraction of the anticipated number of gamers showed up to purchase the PS3.

London was the site of the largest number of shoppers clamoring for a PS3, according to the BBC. Sony handed out free HD TVs and taxi rides to buyers there. Crowds in Germany and France, however, were distinctly underwhelming.

Several stores in France stayed open to welcome the expected midnight rush only to have that rush quickly become a trickle. One Web site claimed that nearly 95 percent of the consoles remained on store shelves following the late-night release spectacle beneath the Eiffel Tower and the FNAC store on the Champs Elysée, where only 300 of the available 1,000 units were reportedly sold.

At the Eiffel Tower, near which Sony had moored a boat to serve as a temporary sales outlet, reports indicate that more journalists than customers showed up. The same was true in Sydney, Australia, at a release event held by Sony and Australian retailer Myer. The Sydney Morning Herald termed the launch “feeble” after counting a sparse showing of some 80 consumers. Meanwhile, in Germany, the release brought out several hundred gamers to the Sony Center launch event in Berlin.

In Amsterdam, queues consisted of mere handfuls of gamers. More than 100 people turned out to pick up the new gaming platform in Prague, Czech Republic, and, according to the BBC, that was one of the better attended events.

  1. Jerk-Face says:

    26, “Which country are you referring to? You do know there are a couple of dozen separate countries in Europe, right? And that they’re all different?”

    Differences without distinction. Can you name a country in Europe with low taxes?! Yeah, I thought so.

  2. Tom 2 says:

    There might be one good thing about ps3 failing completely, they might start pricing it at 150, then I might actually buy it.

  3. JoaoPT says:

    I still think that PS3 is the best machine.
    Just look at the specs.
    These puppies are made to run a 5 year course, to really flatten out those production costs and make up in games, it takes time.
    Sony has pockets Deep enough to stand the first impact and will win in the end. Because when the really cool games start to come out, then the Xbox will look impaired. and in two years time MS will rush out the Xbox 3 just because the 360 can’t compete anymore.
    Wii is a different matter, as usual with nintendo. They never did play the same game as the rest. They are not about FPS or racecar simulations. The Wii plays perfect with the nintendo world.
    Of course, I understand that you Americans play a bit of national pride with this Xbox vs. PS3 war, but for me, seeing it from the outside the battlefield is plain and simple.

  4. Wayne Bradney says:


    Ireland and the UK are two that are comparable with the US taxation rates, Ireland being significantly lower (I’m assuming you’re in the US).

    But on the whole taxation is much higher across the continent. And quality-of-life, access to, standard of, affordability of technology, healthcare, education etc all consistently higher, too. Go figure.

  5. Wanderley says:

    I guess that’s what happens when you release a very expensive console months later than originally planned and then forget that there should be incredible games to go with that.

    Not that there aren’t any good games for the PS3, but most of them are also available for the less expensive competitor. Other cool games (more and more every day) are only available on the XBOX.

    Of course it doesn’t help that Sony is now seen as a brand to be hated by lots of people due to their PR disasters of the past year (the rootkit thing being only one example).

    Not all is lost though, but Sony must play nicer and make sure very cool games make it to the platform as soon as possible and in quantity, and then keep that up. I won’t buy a PS3 until they show that they can do that.

  6. ECA says:

    The Major problem with the new consoles, is the Protections in them.
    MS has made their unit almost ROCK solid and the Only way you will distribute a game or program for it, is THREW MS.
    PS3, is almost as bad.
    But the Wii…Is being hacked, and Fixed, and moded…and everyone is LOVEING it.

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    Sorry, you can only post a new comment once every 15 seconds. Slow down cowboy.
    Sorry, you can only post a new comment once every 15 seconds. Slow down cowboy.

  7. ruckus says:

    I don’t understand all the negative reaction to Sony. I agree the price is high but I want to applaud Sony for taking this risk.

    Most of the time the technology in the consoles is obselete almost as soon as they are released and the games quickly become limited by the platforms capabilities. I always put this down to manufactures controlling the market so that we will all have to come back in 2 years time and upgrade.

    But I was delighted to read about the capabilities of this machine because it seems that Sony is putting out a product that is far more powerful than expected. If we, the paying customers, keep moaning and complaining, Sony and others will take note of it and simply not bother pushing the boat out in future. There is a real danger of these companies getting the impression that we don’t want value for money – we just want it cheap.

    We see it time and time again with the piecemeal roll-out of technologies based on the manufacturer’s own schedule. This does some to be a step out of the ordinary and should not be ignored. In time the prices will come down – that’s the way they go. But the quality of the product will also come down if companies are not willing to take risks.

  8. Angel H. Wong says:


    You are so naive..


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