9/11 remains possibly used on roads: court papers

Debris that may have contained bits of bone from victims of the World Trade Center attacks was used to fill potholes and pave city roads, according to court papers filed on Friday.

The charge was made in an affidavit filed in Manhattan federal court in an ongoing case filed in 2005 by family members of those killed in the attacks against the city. They say the city did not do enough to search for remains, denying victims a proper burial.

Eric Beck, a construction worker employed at the Fresh Kills landfill in the borough of Staten Island, where the rubble was taken after the Twin Towers fell, said in his affidavit that the process of sifting through the debris was rushed.

Beck said he saw sanitation workers removing small pieces of debris containing possible bone fragments and loading them “onto tractors, and using it to pave roads and fill in potholes, dips and ruts.”

  1. Cory says:

    Let this die!!

  2. Fred Flint says:

    This is still too painful to deal with. I don’t want to see planes flying into buildings anymore, either.

  3. JT says:

    Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust. We’ll all be filling holes someday.

  4. Improbus says:

    This is what governments local, state and federal think of you, the voter. They. Don’t.. Care.

  5. Kevin says:

    Less than conjecture.

  6. Gary Marks says:

    The burial rites for atheists are refreshingly uncomplicated. With little chance of any postmortem reconstitution of my bone fragments in some sort of rapturous event, feel free to grind my bones into meal for use as an excellent plant fertilizer. Or, if I could be of more use to strengthen the asphalt to fill potholes, cutting down on the wear and tear of your car’s suspension, I will happily volunteer for that duty instead.

    My only request is that you remember me for the asshole that I was……. Sorry, I have to stop now — I’m getting all misty-eyed.

    P.S. According to this web posting form, I’m also one helluva cowboy, and I will probably die because I was never able to slow down 😉

  7. Bryant says:

    Should they just shut the site down again and and just sift for the next 50 years. It’s impossible to discover every minute bone fragment at a site that large and complex.

  8. TJGeezer says:

    6 – Gary Marks – I’m with you on that, except I want my death to mean something more significant. I figure if I specify cremation, maybe I can contribute a little to global warming.

  9. curmudgen says:

    Finally, Nature wins over nurture!

    News at eleven.

  10. BubbaRay says:

    Too bad we can’t fill those pesky potholes with remains of terrorists. I’d drive over that road again and again.

  11. James Hill says:

    The issue remains that the debris from the WTC should not have just been thrown in a landfill like trash. Who ever thought that was a good idea should be shot.

  12. jose says:

    All they want is to get money out of the situation

  13. Gary Marks says:

    I bet these the same widows that Ann Coulter lambasted for “enjoying their husbands’ deaths so much.” Wow, there is simply no end to their enjoyment, is there?

    *sigh* …I really miss demonizing Ann Coulter.

  14. TJGeezer says:

    13 – What made you stop? Isn’t Ann still broadcasting his hate message?

  15. Angel H. Wong says:

    The Republicans are so jealous of the Great Wall of China, that they are copying the technique of using human remains as fillers to make the Great Highway of America.

  16. Gary Marks says:

    Ah, #14 TJGeezer, you had to ask… At first, I could whip myself into a frenzy over the mere mention of Ann Coulter, but it became more difficult after I found out she was a hardcore Deadhead, a fervent Grateful Dead fan. Even before then, I’d known this was a complicated world, but I didn’t realize just how complicated it could be.

    Then I saw the lyrics to “Friend of the Devil”:
    Set out runnin’ but I take my time
    A friend of the devil is a friend of mine
    If I get home before daylight,
    I just might get some sleep tonight.

    They must have been referring to Coulter, and although the friendship that inspired this song may be her only contribution to society, at least it’s something. Imagine….. Ann Coulter, Deadhead….. damn this crazy, mixed up world.

  17. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #8 – What an AWESOME idea!. I just changed my will to go beyond cremation to vaporization. If my final act could be to go up into the stratosphere and help warm the planet… wow.

  18. John Ehrlichman says:

    If 9/11 victims’ bones aren’t used to pave the Long Island Expressway, then the terrorists will have won.

  19. Brew Kline says:

    I was down at the WTC site on the 5th anniversary where I managed a small group of people who were listening to my words of the truth of 9/11. In walks this kid who was about 12 years old and listens for a while but then breaks in to introduce himself: “my father was a fireman who died in the towers”. A single word could no longer come out of my mouth. There was nothing I could say or do to fill that kid’s hole. Nothing. Except, shutup… and walk away.

  20. BubbaRay says:

    19, Brew, were you there in 2001? Great story.

  21. Brew Kline says:

    #20. I missed it. Lived all my life in New York and wouldn’t you know it, I was as far away as possible from ground zero on 9/11. You won’t believe this, but I when I got the news I was having sushi for dinner after just getting married in Tokyo. Then I missed the news of it because I didn’t have access to TV coverage. When I got back to New York two weeks later, the very next day I walked down to the WTC site to see with my own eyes. It was unbelievable what I saw.

  22. Mike Landon says:

    “Fresh Kills”, I just googled it and it IS really called “Fresh Kills” Landfill. My God!! Couldn’t a better name be assigned to this place. What a terrible name for the place where they took the rubble from WTC.

  23. John says:

    This is so ridiculous. Proper burial for fragments the size of sand?!? If they left that debris they’d have even more people suing them for the illnesses they would have gotten from the toxic stuff.

  24. erik says:

    #19, “There was nothing I could say or do to fill that kid’s hole.”

    try some bone fragments mixed with bituminous.

  25. BubbaRay says:

    21, Perhaps being on the other side of the world saved you from a lot of grief. It was nonstop TV coverage here, and I’ll never forget it. Fill potholes with terrorists !!


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