Was Houdini murdered? Exhumation may bring answer – CNN.com This is interesting.

For all of his death-defying stunts, Harry Houdini could not escape the Grim Reaper. The unparalleled performer, age 52, died on Halloween 1926, taking with him many of his trade secrets. Rumors he was murdered, however, soon took on a life of their own.

Eighty-one years later, Houdini’s great-nephew wants to exhume the escape artist’s body to determine if he was poisoned by enemies for his efforts to debunk their claims of contact with the dead.

A team of top-level forensic investigators would conduct new tests once Houdini’s body was disinterred, a relative told The Associated Press.

“It needs to be looked at,” said George Hardeen, whose grandfather was Houdini’s brother, Theodore. “His death shocked the entire nation, if not the world. Now, maybe it’s time to take a second look.”

The circumstances surrounding Houdini’s sudden death were as murky as the rivers from which he emerged unscathed, escaping from chains, locks and wooden boxes. The generally accepted explanation of Houdini’s death is that he suffered a ruptured appendix from a punch in the stomach, leading to a fatal case of peritonitis.

But no autopsy was performed, and when the death certificate was filed on November 20, 1926, Houdini’s body was already buried in Queens…convinced George Hardeen and others that poisoning was a real possibility.

found by TJ Geezer

  1. JimR says:

    I predict that the coffin will be empty.

  2. Harry Whodini says:

    Wow, his name’s a LOT like mine!

    That would be good if the coffin was empty!

    John and his celebrity frenzy… so, whether he’s there or not, and whether he was poisoned or had a broken belly, WHAT USEFUL DIFFERENCE will it make in the world — ANY?

    Come on, John…

  3. Gary Marks says:

    Maybe it will be a coffin within a coffin, within a coffin, within a coffin…

    The innermost coffin will contain a hat with a live rabbit.

    Ta Dah!!!

  4. Erik Blazynski says:

    who really cares. seems like some BS pulicity stunt or something.

  5. Harry Houdini escaped queens grave…
    This will be His greatest escape of all time…

  6. Tom 2 says:

    I thought he was gonna do a punch me in the stomace trick, but the guy punched him to soon, so he died. But Murdah, wow.

  7. james says:

    wasnt he a us spy? i think i read that some where.

  8. Brew Kline says:

    I believe there are two ways to cross over to the other side. There’s the easy way: dying. And then there’s the hard way while we are still alive: a search for our deepest selves. For me that search ended in seeing a towering Shadow. Houdini wasn’t there, neither was Jesus. Just Shadow.

  9. BubbaRay says:

    3, “The innermost coffin will contain a hat with a live rabbit.”

    Now that’s pretty dang funny! 🙂

    Will the rabbit be handcuffed and the key found in its esophagus?

  10. evan says:


    you are right. what is the point of this? who are they going to investiagate if they find that he was poisoned? and who is fitting the bill for all this?

  11. Its about having closure. Finding out the facts that led to his death.


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