I wonder if he soiled his underwear?

  1. mxpwr03 says:

    Embrace the suck Ban Ki-moon.

  2. Sounds the Alarm says:

    “I wonder if he soiled his underwear?”

    Don’t be so high and mighty – one little known fact of combat – over half piss or crap themselves the first time out.

  3. Hippie says:

    I loved this, good communication from the nation of Iraq.

    The U.N. Generally Wussy Secretary was saying how he thinks the U.N. should get involved in Iraq.

    Umm, YAH, like 4 years ago would’ve been nice…

  4. John says:

    Really? Never heard that one before. I never did nor did anyone I ever work with.

  5. Sounds The Alarm says:

    To my point (2) above:

    Effects of combat stress

    -In this report, 1/4 of all combat vets interviewed admitted to loosing control when in combat. For first timers the percentage is higher.

  6. Gasparrini says:

    #2, I don’t know about combat, but having gone through two coup d’etat attempts, where soldiers where exchanging gun fire during the night, along with explosions, with planes flying overhead, dropping bombs and breaking the sound barrier, I can tell you it’s not a pleasant experience. I don’t know about being high and mighty, but odds are you haven’t experienced anything like it.

  7. Billabong says:

    When its bad you p#ss and when its really bad you sh%t your pants.I swear my bowels were connected to my ears. When ever I was near any kind of shock wave I had to take a dump.My C.O. said it was my body getting ready to die

  8. MattH says:

    From personal experience my pucker factor was always so high I was constipated for weeks.

  9. Tom 2 says:

    If you see the whole thing, not just the un general, the pesident is like whatever it happens all the time. Like he is used to it. Man does that video speak volumes about iraq.

  10. Matthew says:

    This clip does sort of take this out of context. You don’t get the sense that this was a normal press conference interrupted by the explosion. Anyways… heres a slightly longer one.

  11. Sounds The Alarm says:

    #8 – Yeah a lot of the guys I talked to had that issue as well, probably the other half! I was in Germany during my one chance (Grenada) before I was medicaled out. I think I’d of been at least a #1.

    Lot of the old NCOs use to tell the cocky young guys to just wait till they crapped their pants when they heard their first shell explode.

  12. Gasparrini says:

    #12, some southern country shall we say…

  13. steve says:

    This is the sort of thing that makes me really think that there’s no hope for peace in the desert. It’s simply not a sustainable living environment for humans. Case closed.

  14. doug says:

    I am not sure that you even have to be in actual combat for a regular person to lose the battle of the sphincters. I know someone who has been robbed at gunpoint (sawed off shotgun under their nose) on two occasions and mentioned similar phenomena …

    fear operates on a (literally) visceral level. Nothing to be ashamed of.


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