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Am I the only one who feels a little sorry for Mencia. This guy has really been made to look like an ass on the internet. And he gets a new season that is coming up. I mean like any good artist you take a little something from somebody else. Its the nature of the biz, but Mencia i think has been singled out.
both of those guys need to work on their lip syncing.
Bill Cosby’s is better.
Cosby is my favorite comedian. He has the knack for telling good stories without resorting to being potty-mouthed like so many of the current crop of comedians.
Joe Rogan was right all along. And yes Cosby is far better than this schmuck.
Does anyone realise how many similar routines have been made from other routines?
Its called similar life experiences. And that is why its endearing as people have SIMILAR life experiences!
Its funny cos WE SEE THE SAME THING!
Topical humour is all about that.
Look hard enough and I’ll bet you’ll find that joke in the Bible. In this new age of connectivity we see how difficult it is to be unique. Haven’t you ever try to come up with an internet handle and find that your first few tries have already been taken? Its called similar life experiences. And that is why its endearing as people have SIMILAR life experiences.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I’m sure Bill Cosby is more flattered than appalled. Has anybody asked him? Why is it that bands can cover songs but comedians can’t cover material? What’s the difference? This is nothing more than a gotcha which the Internet is increasingly good at.
#8 – difference is that bands who cover songs have to pay a license fee.
Mencia is known to steal other comedians material, there´s lots of videos about this on youtube, check it out. To be honest, it´s kind of lame that he´s done this more than one time.
I don’t see the big deal. Comedians do that all the time. They even made a movie, “The Aristocrats,” about 100 or so comedians telling the same filthy joke in as many styles. Most comedians lift material from each other, See for the Netflix take on the movie. There’s probably a better review at Rotten Tomatoes.
I haven’t rented “The Aristocrats.” My wife doesn’t want to watch it and I prefer to pick my battles. But if anybody knows what the joke in that movie is, post a link, okay?
My Dad says that Milton Beryl was famous for stealing jokes from his peers back in the 50’s. No body ever sued him or punched him out, they all laughed.
We have the privledge to live in a society that thinks the best part of a day is to catch someone at something….no matter how innocent or horrendous.
With each passing day I feel like I need to find that secluded cave somewhere….my peers are going to make the next 60 years or so not much fun.
Carlos Mencia’s whole shtick is about him being a ‘greaser’, yet supposedly ‘keepin it real’ by not falling for the ‘liberal’ attitude regarding immigration, and cultural issues in general.
Well, just to show how much of a fraud he is, the dude isn’t Mexican, and his real name isn’t “Carlos Mencia” either. He was born “Ned Holness”, to a European dad and a Honduran mom. From what I’ve read, he was brought up totally ‘middle class’ in the US. His identity change came at the suggestion of the woman who currently owns the Comedy Store, where he got his start. Apparently he wasn’t too funny at the time, and she basically told him he needed a ‘shtick’. She thought he’d go farther with the ethnic angle, and – being it was Los Angeles – devised the whole Mexican persona, and even gave him the Mencia name!
There’s so much video documentation of Mencia/Holness ripping off other comedians work that it’s no longer disputable. He and Dane Cook are the two most notorious no-talents to hit it big in a generation. And this is according to other SUCCESSFUL comics who have no reason to be jealous. The savvy ones are literally afraid to see Mencia in an audience when they do a set, cause if they kill they know Carlos will steal the material. And he usually does. My guess is he moved on to Cosby ’cause Bill’s been around awhile (lots of shit to steal) and probably doesn’t even know who the fuck he is (as opposed to his contemporaries, most of whom have probably threatened to kill him, or won’t even speak to him anymore).
As for the ‘everybody does it’ defense; that’s a bunch of bull. Milton Berl came of age in vaudville, when a joke might never see the same audience for years. Stealing – if it was done – had a lot less impact. These days, with instant stardom, HBO, & multimillion dollar sitcom deals at stake, comedians are much more sensitive about this stuff. Those that cross the line are shunned, and for good reason. Just look at how well Carlos/Ned has done, largely off the creativity of others (even his stage persona was invented by someone else!).
Basically, Ned is a thieving asshole. And a liar to boot, since – despite all the evidence floating around the internets – he continues to deny what everyone can see & hear with their own eyes & ears, AND continues to do it, as the Cosby clip illustrates.
Talk about a slime – guess that explains why he identifies as a Republican.
Joe Rogan lays it all out here:
Awww. Poor half-german half-honduran mexican wannabe. Let’s all say a prayer for the joke-stealing jerk. Now, if the MAC guys want to apologize for the PARC ripoff, I’m in.
Odyssey67 – Thanks, you nailed it.
Good symbol of modern American “culture.” Fucking no-talent, thieving 99¢-store so-called “comedian.” Identifies as Republican? Doesn’t surprise me, a phony making a living off by ripping off other people’s effort…
#11 – you can read The Aristocrats joke here:
scroll down to the heading “An Example”. It’s not a funny joke, but that’s actually part of the point. It’s more about being over-the-top and thinking of new variations of the joke than being funny.
Another good movie, I think a bit better, is called Comedian. It’s focuses on Jerry Seinfeld and how difficult it is to come up with new comedy material. It’s a good movie even if you don’t like Seinfeld.
Lighten up people, this whole controversy is comical.
#13 – We have the privledge to live in a society that thinks the best part of a day is to catch someone at something….no matter how innocent or horrendous.
Dude… I am so amazingly in line with you on the strength of that statement. You nailed a great cosmic truth here…
But I have to say that the weight of evidence that Mencia steals often and liberally is pretty great. If a comedian does a 30 minute set and theres a one or two line riff in there that invokes Bill Hicks, I think, nice… it’s funny and it honors the memory of a great comedian. But if that same set has a whole ten minutes of Hicks, well… not so cool. Mencia appears to be like that latter guy.. Too much of other peoples stuff in there.
So while I can’t fault what you’ve said… this issue is one of those that goes way beyond that… or so it seems to me.
#19 – Lighten up people, this whole controversy is comical.
Comment by JT — 3/24/2007 @ 6:02 am
Sure is… but its also about intellectual property and plagerism. That is fairly serious stuff to me.
18 – Thanks. I think. 🙂
Every once in awhile, I see part of Mencia’s show and always wonder why he’s so popular (I assume they wouldn’t have renewed it without good ratings). Stealing material or not, I think he’s guilty of comedy’s worst crime of all — he’s not really that funny.
It goes without saying that many others disagree.
Wikipedia, which is right far more often then it is wrong, says this:
Mencia was born “Ned Arnel Mencia”[1], the seventeenth of eighteen children in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. His father, Roberto Holness, is from Honduras, and his mother, Magdelena Mencia, is from Mexico. He was raised in East Los Angeles, California by his aunt Consuelo and uncle Pablo Mencia. “[O]ut of respect for his father”[1], he went by the name Ned Holness as a boy. By his own admission, staying out of trouble was difficult growing up, but with the help of his family he excelled in school and stayed out of gangs. He majored in electrical engineering at California State University, Los Angeles, but left early to pursue a career in comedy after a successful performance at open mic night at The Laugh Factory. He also has an older brother named Joseph Mencia who is the co-host of Mind of Mencia.
Depends on your definition of middle class, but growing up with your aunt and uncle in East LA at a minimum stretches the definition. Besides, what difference does it make? All stand up comedians are actors playing a character, so let’s forget about the character assassination, that’s not what is at issue.
Get your facts right and stay on topic.
Let’s play the Pyramid.
OFTLO, TJ, and Pedro… People that get owned just as much as Mencia.
Is it possible with all the people on this earth that eventually a few of us will say or come up with the exact same thing?
Why are people defending carlos? First of all, this is far from the only example of a blatantly stolen joke. And second, it’s not like he tells his stolen jokes particularly well. Shit, he isn’t even good at being “offensive” which is what he is so damned proud of.
There is a very large difference between being influenced by another commedian, and retelling jokes without even adding anything of your own to it.
And the aristocrats is a stupid example. The whole point of that joke is for other people to tell it their own way. Of course, Carlos Mencia’s “own way” is being unfunny.
#23 – Gary Marks
“Every once in awhile, I see part of Mencia’s show and always wonder why he’s so popular (I assume they wouldn’t have renewed it without good ratings). Stealing material or not, I think he’s guilty of comedy’s worst crime of all — he’s not really that funny.”
His popularity-in-spite-of-unfunniness is merely another symptom of the declining American IQ and the tragic evaporation of taste and discrimination it entails… No secret that the dumber people are, the dumber the things they’ll find amusing / entertaining.
In 40 years, we’ve gone from the likes of Mort Sahl, Bob Newhart and Lenny Bruce, with stops of declining humorousness and taste along the way like Dice Clay and Sam Kinnison, to reach submediocre bozos like this. Oughta tell ya somethin’….
I personally don’t give a crap about who Mencia stole jokes from. That happens, I guess.
I just don’t think he’s that funny. In fact, Carlos Mencia is what’s wrong with race relations in America – this stupid game we play where we pretend it’s okay to be racist and to tell racist jokes, as long as you’re not white.
Same joke — different delivery. And, again, not in Mencia’s favor.
Mencia’s set-up was perhaps a little better paced but his punch line relied far too much on a silly temper tantrum and misogyny.
I strongly prefer Cosby’s far more subtle — and classy — ending.
Ok….how come I never heard of this guy?
I was just commenting on joke stealing and playing **gotcha**.
Is he a T.V. comedian?
If he is…that may be why I missed this memo….lol….I honestly just don’t watch t.v….. 🙂