Otterbox waterproof iPod case

I’ve always said there are always a couple of applications you never think of when you create a product, and sometimes the apps you don’t think of are the ones most useful. I’ve been using the Otterbox waterproof iPod case recently, and began using it more and more as a hard case for mine. Living in NYC one doesn’t get much surfing or white-water rafting in, so the Otterbox’s primary app of keeping the iPod dry was of debatable utility to me. Until one night when I gave it to my friend’s 5-year-old son.

I was visiting my married friend’s house one day and wound up arguing with his 5-year-old son over what to watch. I remembered that my Video iPod  was in my bag in the Otterbox, and so asked the boy if he had a pair of headphones. He ran and got a pair and I plugged them into the iPod and put on an episode of Star Trek (TOS, Balance of Terror). He took the device and ran off to his room with it.

My friend freaked at first as he knew how much the 80-Gig version cost, but I wasn’t worried in the least. The rugged Otterbox could handle anyting the kid could dish out with his bare hands, and could follow him anywhere he could go without hurting himself. The case clasp is strong enough to resist his fingers, and you have to know what you are doing to open it easily so I wasn’t worried about him getting the iPod out without a lot of effort, and I also knew he wouldn’t try until after the episode was over.

So now I use the Otterbox as a general hard case and carry it in an outer pocket of my backpack without a worry. Now I use it to let my my sister’s kids play with it too. It turns out daily living presents us with environments as challenging as the wild. Do you have alternate applications for your stuff?

  1. MacBandit says:

    You know that if you drop the ipod while it’s accessing the hard drive or hit it on a hard surface hard enough you can ruin the hard drive. I know this because I’ve done this purposely. It kills the drive every time.

  2. MacBandit says:

    You know that if you drop the ipod while it’s accessing the hard drive or hit it on a hard surface hard enough you can ruin the hard drive. I know this because I’ve done this purposely. It kills the drive every time. Just because it’s in the case does not by any means mean it’s safe.

  3. Podesta says:

    I get pretty good secondary use from my iPod. In addition to backing up my laptop to it, I used the stopwatch at the gym and the back of it makes a great mirror in a crunch.

  4. joshua says:

    Yea for the iPod.
    Now, I’m more interested in the make up of a grown man ***argueing*** with a 5 y/o over what to watch on t.v..

    Bad Alix, bad!!! 🙂

  5. Kevin says:

    The new SPECK case for the IPOD NANO (latest version) makes my nano very indestructable. I was worried about the NANO small size and as an alternative to the OTTER BOX it works very nicely.

    With the NANO dropping is not an issue, as it is all solid state memory (no hard drive).

  6. 888 says:

    Here’s one excellent use for your ipod:
    hit yourself in the head as hard as you can with it!
    Repeat as many times as it takes until you learn normal human behaviour (i.e. how to PLAY with the child, instead of telling the child to fuck off by giving him the ipod…)

  7. RTaylor says:

    If it’s 5 year old proof it must have inertia dampers and a force field. A truly remarkable case. By the way have you noticed the, “best”, parents are the ones without children, just expecting children, or just arrived home with a new born. 😉

  8. Smartalix says:


    If you have the stamina to play with a kid 24/7, good for you.

  9. Floyd says:

    #2: Dropping an iPod can also cure a case of apparent “stiction” (see old Shugarts for the original malady). My daughter was having trouble with her U2 iPod; it couldn’t access the hard drive. I tried working on it (reseating connectors and attempted software fixes) , as did her boyfriend, but no go. One of our cats knocked the iPod off a 4 foot high shelf onto the floor, and that fixed the iPod. No problems since.

  10. JimS says:

    I’ve got a fly swatter that I use to swat the hands of small children, and the noses of small furry animals. It’s not as high tech as the iPod, but it’s a great dual use. Only 99 cents, and it leaves a pretty flower pattern on chubby little hands 🙂

  11. joshua says:

    Isn’t this where someone(usually crumudgen) says…..***you kids, get off my lawn***

  12. 888 says:

    Every idiot can have children, but not every one can raise them.
    Simply don’t have children if you can’t even play with’em :-O

  13. Smartalix says:


    What the hell is your problem? Your attitude is ridiculous. You don’t even know me. Your behavior tells me more about you than I’d like to know.


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