She(?) might not make the cut

Are you hot enough? Dating Web site targets `fit, good-looking’ people

Jason Pellegrino (an 8.2 on the attractiveness scale) says the problem with Internet dating services is not enough really hot-looking people.

So he and a business partner have created, a sort of online version of Studio 54, the exclusive ’70s disco where gaining admission was a pitiless Darwinian exercise. is for “fit, good-looking” people.

Prospective members must submit pictures and must be rated an 8 or higher by people already in the club. Once they’re in, they are permitted to e-mail other “hotties” for $9.95 a month.

“It’s definitely hard to get through that rope, but once you’re in, you’re in and you’re part of the party,” Pellegrino said. “But you know there’s going to be a lot of people outside waiting.”

The 33-year-old Nutley resident said he and his partner, Sean Cohen of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., created the site after concluding that Internet dating sites attract a lot of brave and desperate people but not particularly attractive ones.

As if us 7.9’s don’t have enough to worry about…

  1. Attractive Coward says:

    It’s not just that attract a lot of brave and desperate people but not particularly attractive ones. All of the tubes are clogged with ’em.

    Look around you. Yes, right now. If you don’t see any brave, desperate. and not particularly attractive people within view, guess what. You might be all of them.

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    It’s not that they can’t find anyone, it’s more like they’re a bunch of extra picky bitches.

  3. Kevin says:

    I should start a Realistic Seconds web site of people who do not make the cut. But that have 1) A 40 hour job 2) actually attending college part-time (if not already graduated) 3) have normal polite social skills

  4. Improbus says:

    Wow, I could date an intellectual giant like Paris Hilton. Right On!

  5. Random Thought says:

    Man, this will be totally sabotaged with random photos from total impersonators. “Hey, who let THEM in??” Viva la internets!

    Good luck good looking.

  6. mandarin says:

    Is it just me or are they all white?

  7. joshua says:

    I don’t want to brag…..but this group sent me an invitation to join!!!! 🙂

  8. joshua says:

    lol….actually, I followed the links and got to their site, where I got to see some of this weeks *hotties*.

    I’m better looking(so says my Mom) than at least 3 of the guys who’s pics came up and better looking than 4 of the womans pics that came up(this last part has me very, very worried)…..but the truely scary part was….I felt that 4 of the guys were far better looking than most of the woman. I think I need to meditate for a day or so, then maybe talk to a counciler.

  9. Tom 2 says:

    Damn she is ugly. Can you actually be born that way. It looks like plastic surgery gone wrong to me.


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