First, the white.

here was the 19-year-old white man, convicted last July of criminally negligent homicide for killing a 54-year-old black woman and her 3-year-old grandson with his truck, who was sentenced in Paris to probation and required to send an annual Christmas card to the victims’ family.

Christmas card? Nice touch!

And the black side.

And then there is the case that most troubles Cherry and leaders of the Texas NAACP, involving a 14-year-old black freshman, Shaquanda Cotton, who shoved a hall monitor at Paris High School in a dispute over entering the building before the school day had officially begun.

The youth had no prior arrest record, and the hall monitor–a 58-year-old teacher’s aide–was not seriously injured. But Shaquanda was tried in March 2006 in the town’s juvenile court, convicted of “assault on a public servant” and sentenced by Lamar County Judge Chuck Superville to prison for up to 7 years, until she turns 21.

Yep. 7 years. No prior. Maybe this is why Yahoo can’t find Texas in their map directions? Who would want to? (Sorry Dave)

  1. David says:


  2. TJGeezer says:

    29 – Ascii king – I don’t blame Texas. I think your whole country is crazy.

    You win.

    23 – Jess Hammonds – In this case, it’s the judge and the prosecutors who should have their feet held to the fire. If you’re gonna blame Texas or call Texas crazy, you might as well go whole hog like Ascii king did. 🙂

    I have some of the best memories of my life from Austin and another set I’d never miss from when I lived in Houston (but some good ones from there too). In a state that size it’d be surprising not to find such opposites. Same holds true in the Pacific coast states. Like Ascii king says…

  3. Smartalix says:


    Austin is the only Texan city I can stomach for any length of time.

  4. BubbaRay says:

    [Off topic] 33 Alix, even though I disagree with your evaluation of Texas, I thought I’d let you know you’ve got a broken link on your homepage, ‘electronic astronomy’. BTW, students and beginners don’t have to learn the sky with one of these self-pointing instruments, but if you want instant gratification without having to learn the sky, they’re ok. As one of the grandfathers of CC large-aperture scopes back in ’81, I occasionally use one when the sky is too bright to really see anything, like in NYC (or Austin or Dallas).

  5. Smartalix says:



    I don’t say Texas is bad, just that it isn’t my cup of tea (otside of Austin). I don’t expect everyone to like New York City.

  6. tallwookie says:

    Remember the Alamo!!!

    btw, i think that oreo cookies are racist, there is clearly more crunchy black than creamy white goodness.

  7. Allen McDonald, El Galloviejo® says:

    #20, You expressed extreme interest in, if not your personal eagerness to, having sexual intercourse with negros. Evidently, that is an intimate, personal part of your life as you see it, perhaps because you are a negro and see that as viable alternative to having sexual relations with those who are not negros. You may want to further clarify your preference by deciding whether or not you want to include both male and female negros in your quest.

    Then you go on to say, ‘ Texas for life. ‘, an incomplete phrase, which
    I assume is related to your expressed desire to have sexual intercourse with negros.

    Experience has taught me that life is more often than not a self fulfilling prophecy and that it is not only those with whom we want to have sexual intercourse who ‘ get what they deserve ‘. If you sincerely believe that you deserve to have sexual intercourse with negros, then that will more than likely occur, be they male or female.

    It is my sincere hope for you that you are able to fulfill your stated wish and that since Texas is where you want to practice your stated proclivity, or ‘ life ‘ as you call it, that you immediately make plans to reside there that if you do not already do so.

    If you do, in fact, currently reside in Texas, please stay there and may you find the fulfillment of your expressed life’s preferences and their consequences there. .

    Since I no longer reside in Texas, that will dramatically improve the probability that I never meet you.

  8. AmericanAsian says:

    Just to put add my 0.02 to the OT:
    Nobody wants to live in ‘black community’ including those politically correct assholes talking about KK here. Heck, even the Blacks move out to safer ‘white’ areas as soon as they can afford it. Anyone wants to deny it? Youre a fool then.
    Whites, Latino, Asians and Blacks themselves are afraid of Blacks. Its a well-known fact, and facts cannot be any racism. Don’t get me wrong – there is alot of racism among white people towards other races, but there is much more hatrence among black people towards everybody – including themselves – and no political correctness nor billions of dollars spent on ‘minorities’ can change that.
    Being myself a minority (an Asian) I have a very good perspective on the subject. As many African Americans I too came from poor family and shitty neighbourhood. Yet, to say it short, when I was studying hard and working my ass off in the same time, all my black neighbours were rather playing basketball and rapping. Im well educated now, having good income and living rather well for a middle-class personae, and where are my former black ‘friends’ from my old neighbourhood? Yup, you guessed right: most of them are on welfare, still living with and off of their parents, few in jail, none of them is any normal, useful member of the society. And all are just bitching same old mantra how whites are racist and its all pinkfaces conspiracy to keep black man a slave… Sad yet true.
    Does anyone have to even ask why no one wants to live with black neighbours? Case from my nice neighbourhood: our sole black neighbour, well educated and great man, a Doctor (MD), had a family reunion party last year. Week later few of his nephews robbed another neighbour in our community. They shot an elderly woman during break-in without any hesitation. Now, do you blame her family for “racism” towards our Black Doctor neighbour since then? See, the Doctor himself is no doubt great person, but his family isn’t…


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