George W. Bush, the Great Uniter, is defending his stance to allow Rove and Miers to testify about the firings of 8 district attorneys behind closed doors.

“There is no indication that anybody did anything improper,” said Bush, and asserted that Democrats were more interested in “scoring political points” than constructing an honest account of the firings. The president accused Democrats of trying to mount a “partisan fishing expedition.”

Bush goes on to state that he will block any subpoenas.

“It will be regrettable if they choose to head down the partisan road of issuing subpoenas and demanding show trials when I have agreed to make key White House officials and documents available. I have proposed a reasonable way to avoid an impasse. I hope they don’t choose confrontation. I will oppose any attempts to subpoena White House officials.”

Well, if they have nothing to hide, why not allow for subpoenas?

  1. G. W. Bush says:

    I am the Uniter!

    The Prez

  2. doug says:

    “honorable public servants?” I thought we were talking about Karl Rove?

    But this is BS. If something is priviledged, it is exempt from any disclosure, formal or informal. By allowing that they could talk to Congress at all, he is conceding that this is not protected by executive priviledge.

    note to the Bush Administration – large quantity of documents disclosed /= full disclosure. Remember Saddam turned over volumes and volumes and it wasn’t enough?

    time to take this megalomaniac to court …

  3. Brew Kline says:

    They are closing in on him. Bush is losing. I just wonder if he going to shoot himself like Hitler did so that he can make his last escape from justice when they finally surround his dillusional ass.

  4. Peter says:

    remember when Bush was running for president against Al Gore.. he was going to change the ways of corruption in Washington.. something like that.. Republicans weren’t bothered by trying to drag Clinton down, but now that their guy is under the lens..

  5. Goerge W. Bush says:

    I’m not only “the uniter”, but also “the decider”!

  6. TJGeezer says:

    5 – Okay, how about deciding to resign like Nixon did, after the corporate thieves who ran him threw him to the wolves? (“I did everything they wanted,” he whined after the resignation.) You’re not even close to as bright as Nixon and your richest supporters have long since distanced themselves. So give it up. Resign. If we’re all lucky, the excitement would short out Cheney’s pacemaker and U.S. damage repair could start two years early. C’mon. How about it?

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, And deny us the opportunity of seeing him squirm under impeachment?

  8. Brew Kline says:

    #7. Eleven dollars says he’ll wet the witness stand.

  9. John Paradox says:

    . he was going to change the ways of corruption in Washington..

    He did… the opposite of what we thought.

    Oh, and I saw this in the local paper today.


  10. TJGeezer says:

    9 – I love the rules at but have to say, their lying is so reflexive, they even lie when there’s no reason to. Lying belongs at or near the top of the list, not at the bottom as a last resort.

    Very fine site. Thanks! 🙂

  11. MikeN says:

    He did change the tone in Washington. That’s why Libby had to resign, and they all spoke to the grand jury and gave waivers to all reporters. There was no assertion of ‘protective function privilege’ and no slow leak of documents.

    I say let them subpoena, and impeach if the subpoenas aren’t followed.

  12. John Paradox says:

    Very fine site. Thanks! 🙂

    Yer welcome. Interesting thing about the information on there.. it hasn’t been updated in MONTHS. I created it when I was still on BBSes… it was on The Stables (local, now online), then created the HTML pages.

    The RULES were created from BBS conversations, circa 1994 (Generation 2 of Neocons – the Republican Revolution).. the others came along later.


  13. John Paradox says:

    Random Neural Discharge #2:

    Hey… how can W claim Privacy, when other Neocons say there’s no such right?


  14. Steve says:

    Starting to look as if the Supremes will slam the door again. If this wasn’t all so terrifying at it’s core I think I might start admiring these evil motherfuckers for their extreme hubris.But then again I’ve always wanted to see just what a frog-march looks like.

  15. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Re: the first quote by the prez:

    Watch it happen…the administration has created its own truth, and will bombard us with it until the entire right says it’s true. Limbaugh, Hannity, Snow, all of them will keep saying it–in some bizarre attempt to make it so.

    If the press covers the facts, the right will whine that the “mainstream media” isn’t being balanced. But since when is fact to be balanced with a fabrication?

  16. Josh P says:

    The people need to know any and all information the government has to hide. How can the people govern themselves without sufficient information?

  17. Pekuliar says:

    Great comments! Let’s impeach Bush and throw his staff in jail for ……
    Again what did they do? There must be something in those 30 thousand emails. Let’s find it and then impeach Bush and throw his staff in jail. The Democrats have the power now so let’s use it to impede, insult, accuse without proof, and clog up our courts with our suspicions. And all the time talk to each other about how right and just we are. In the end the American people will finally see what we are all about. Still hating Bush in 08 Yea!

  18. TJGeezer says:

    17 – That’s the point of the neo-cons. They lie by policy (wiki Leo Strauss) but everything they do screams that they don’t want the people to govern themselves. As a political philosophy grounded in deception that in practice centralizes power, they’re the polar opposite of traditional political conservatives, open opponents of Constitutional conservatives of the strict constructionist type, and appeal to social conservatives mainly by pandering.

    For corruptos and others deep in one closet or another, being grounded in ideological lies makes the neo-cons appealing and unfortunately effective. Bottom line: People governing themselves has nothing to do with what they do or what they want.

  19. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Well, if they have nothing to hide, why not allow for subpoenas?

    For the same reason we don’t just let the cops wander into our houses to nose around. This thing is called a fishing expedition.

    If you have nothing to hide why don’t have a webcam in your bathroom?

  20. Smartalix says:


    When we ask why the government needs to spy on us without judicial oversight, we are told “if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about”. The government should practice what they preach. If Bush is so much about bringing honesty into the White House he should stop being such a hypocritical dick. If there was nothing wrong done, why hide? Only those who have something to hide call inquiry inquisition, right?

  21. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Considering that we are talking about Presidential advisors, not members of the Justice Department, Congress is overreaching it’s authority. The fact the Bush is willing to let them discuss priviledge communications is very gracious and generous in my opinion.

    Congress is attempting to make the same kind of power grab Bush is always being accused of, so in a way, I guess you’re right. What goes around comes around.

  22. Roc Rizzo says:

    Funny, Congress wasn’t overreaching their authority when they subpoenaed people from the Clinton administration!

    Funny, how all this stuff is wrong when Democrats want to do it, but it’s okay when Rapeublicans want to do it.

    Funny, how when Clinton wanted to go after Bin Laden, it was ‘wag the dog,’ and now we all have to be behind Bush.

    Funny,…… oh the hell with it!
    You freepers and your double standards!!!

  23. TheGlobalWarmer says:


    I don’t remember all the specifics, but I believe Congress was overreaching in certain instances during the Clinton years.

    Alix actually made a good point about shit going in circles. Clinton was not impeached for the BJ, he was impeached for lying about it under oath. Scooter Libby did not commit a crime by “outing” Valerie Plame since she was NOT an undercover agent – there was no crime involved in revealing her name. What the Demoncrats did was manage to get him to panic and lie under oath. He was charged and convicted with perjury but there was no original crime, and you’ll notice he was not charged with anything but perjury.

    One thing Rush Limbaugh is right about is that any time you find the libs accusing the Repubs of doing something, if you look you will see that they themselves are doing it and trying to deflect attention. It all does go in a big circle jerk.

    But, on the cheerful side, were all going to die from Global Warming (TM) before it gets much worse anyway.

  24. fred says:

    “… Valerie Plame since she was NOT an undercover agent ”

    Perhaps you were unaware of the following:

    “U.S. House of Representatives Oversight Committee hearing of March 16, 2007

    On March 16, 2007, at these hearings about the disclosure, Chairman Henry Waxman read a statement about Plame’s CIA career that had been cleared by CIA director Gen. Michael V. Hayden and the CIA:

    During her employment at the CIA, Ms. Wilson was under cover.

    At the time of the publication of Robert Novak’s column on July 14, 2003, Ms. Wilson’s CIA employment status was covert.

    [Note to editors: ‘slow cowboys’ again !!!]

  25. joshua says:

    Not defending Bush here folks…..but NO President will allow under oath testimony to Congress of ANY White House staff. None, zero….no President……why? Because it would set a precedent, and mute the claim of Executive privledge claimed by ALL Presidents since WWII.

    In the past, Congress and the Executive have set ground rules, allowing for WH staff to testify in certain cases. The number 1 rule has always been ….no under oath testimony. Followed by, no taping, or transcripts….the public or private thing has gone both ways.

    If this goes to court, Congress will lose, and they know it.

    All of the huffing and puffing and hysterical ranting on DU dosen’t and won’t change that.

    I said it a couple of weeks ago, and I will say it again….the Democrats are starting to overplay their hand, and if they don’t get down to serious business, instead of feeding the trolls red meat in their party, they will lose their chance to take the Presidency in 2008 and probably the Senate as well……possibly even the house.

    I’m not a Republican, or a Democrat. I am Conservative, I don’t support the war or this President… what I’m saying isn’t partisen, just what I see happening.

  26. MikeN says:

    She wasn’t covert according to virtually every media source. NBC, CNN, ABC, New York Times, Wash Post all said so IN COURT. The CIA guy himself has never made such a statement, and wouln’t do so even after Waxman’s speech.


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