Other than packages, do people mail things anymore? For the same reason I don’t write checks, all my bills are paid automatically by charging to a credit card or automatically withdrawn from my checking so no need for stamped envelopes. I go online to see my bank, credit card and other statements so I don’t even receive much mail except for junk. I send emails to people instead of letters. Literally the only thing I stick in the mail are the return Netflix mailers and those are prepaid.

Postal Rates Set to Go Up on May 14

The cost of mailing a letter will go up on May 14, but you’ll be able to lock in that price _ no matter how rates rise in the future _ by buying the new “forever” stamp.

The post office governing board agreed Monday to accept the new 41-cent rate for first class mail recommended in February by the independent Postal Regulatory Commission.

The board also agreed to the proposal for a “forever stamp,” that will always be valid for mailing a letter no matter how much rates increase.

  1. undissembled says:

    I have to mail 2 things. Only because those services use some shitty 3rd party automatic checking account deduction service.

  2. Mike says:

    I think sending letters still has sentimental significance over sending an email. So, because of that, I do still send them to close friends on occasion.

  3. venom monger says:

    41 cents is still a pretty good bargain for someone to pick up something from your house and deliver it anywhere else in the US, usually within a couple of days.

    The Postal Service takes its share of crap, but all-in-all, I think they do a pretty good job.

    Obligatory joke: how do you know they’re hiring at the post office?

    The flag is flying at half-staff.

  4. Thomas says:

    Unfortunately, yes it is necessary still to mail stuff via regular mail. I have a couple of bills that I cannot pay any other way unfortunately. These are the ones on which I’m constantly late because I forgot to pay them.

  5. RuralRob says:

    They had to raise the rates so they could pay George Lucas $million$ for the rights to make those R2D2 mailboxes.

  6. GG says:

    I think the “forever” stamp is a good idea. I pay for almost everything electronically also, so I only buy a sheet of stamps maybe once every couple of years. It’s annoying when you still have 10 stamps left and the rate goes up.

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #6 – YES! – I just bought 2 cent stamps for my 37 cent stamps… Now I’ll use them up twice as fast…. 🙂

    At this rate I’ll have to buy stamps again in 2017

  8. RuralRob says:

    #6, you apparently didn’t read the fine print in the EULA for those “forever stamps” – when you mail a letter with them, the scanner at the post office reads your fingerprint off the stamp, matches it to your bank account using the prints the bank has on file, then deducts any difference between the current postage and what you originally paid, plus a “convenience fee”.

  9. Uncle Dave says:

    #7: I still have 2 cent stamps from one of the last increases that I can use with the book of 39 cent ones I probably won’t use up this year.

  10. tallwookie says:

    Dammit!!! And I just got some of those cool snow-flake stamps… bah humbug

  11. John Paradox says:

    I understand they are limiting the purchase of the ‘forever stamps’. Probably no sales of massive amounts of them unless the business (not likely individuals/families would use large amounts) already purchases in large rolls/sheets.


  12. sirfelix says:

    What ignorant words: “Other than packages” and “Netflix are prepaid”?
    This is not about the extra 2 cents for first class mail consumers, its about the packages. Rate hikes are killing small business and ecommerce.
    How many of you who use online bill paying services also order items online? The S&H keeps going up and YOU will end up paying for it in the end.

    How would our economy be if large corporations decided to raise prices whenever they lose money instead of finding ways to reduce costs and overhead and increase efficiency. Is there a need for little stuffed bears with images of stamps on their bellies?

    A governement-backed agency is taking the lazy way out and raising rates again. Lets hope a private company is willing to step up and replace them.

  13. Dale Huber says:

    Here is a suggestion to save money before they just raise the rates. How about they go to delivering the residential mail only three days a week. I’ll get my mail on Mon/Wed/Fri and another zip would have the same carrier deliver their mail Tues/Thurs/Sat. I don’t have my garbage picked up six days a week, I don’t need my junk mail delivered that often. I know the postal union would never let this happen. But how about we do it through attrition. Think of the fewer trucks on the road, saving fuel and helping the environment.

  14. Jason says:

    #13: Your ideas are too progressive and logical to receive any consideration from the Federal Gov’t. 🙂

    Seriously, cutting delivery service in have nationwide would be a huge cost-savings…

  15. edwinrogers says:

    19th century London, had 9 mail deliveries a day. And post box collections every hour. For a penny.

  16. H. Friedman says:

    Oh no, stamps go up 2 cents each! What will I do? Those 5 letters a month I mail will cost me an additional… gasp… dime! I’ll have to take on a part time job at the foundry to make ends meet.

    Gimmie a break John!

    If this petty increase for the cheapest shipping service in the WORLD is news what about the price of GASOLINE?? It has gone up by leaps and bounds, with no reasonable explanation. People GLADLY pay more for gasoline, buying MANY more gallons a month than we ever buy in stamps. These increased costs go to the rich oil companies making record profits and the terrorist nations who we sponsor by paying the price without thought. Now there is a story of significant importance that EVERY American should think hard about. Kinda makes the whole stamp issue seem moot doesn’t it?

    Whats better, putting an extra 10 cents a month into an American’s pocket, or an extra $100 a month into a terrorist sponsoring country?

    If you wanna quibble about rising costs of living, lets examine something of paramount importance to our future, not freakin’ stamps…



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