If you like classical music played by a guy covered with cheap bicycle horns then this is for you!

found by Howard Harawitz

  1. AdmFubar says:

    and a cheap orange jumpsuit too!!! DEVO has been recycled!

  2. GregA says:

    I always was afraid of playing the classics on guitar, because I didn’t want to become theory locked into classical music. This man had no such theory lock fears.

  3. Mac Guy says:

    [Editor: Comment deleted. See comments guidelines.]

  4. Spikah says:

    Hey! His name is Michel Lauzière and he’s from Quebec. I’m going to see him in the next week or so at a nearby theatre. Watch some of his other stuff, he’s amazing !

    And he’s from Quebec, not France.

  5. Awake says:

    I miss “the Gong Show”… actually maybe I should look it up on YouTube (is it owned by Viacom… hurry!)

  6. TJGeezer says:

    Ring tones… I keep hearing ring tones…

  7. prophet says:

    French Canadians are entertained so easily.

    Add a pre-op transsexual stripper three way and you can entertain the American audience also.

  8. Michael Hawthorne says:

    Was that Rip Taylor in the audience?


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