Doing his best to ruin the Republican Party

Bush Pleads for Patience in Iraq War – New York Times — This is just peachy. My Dad used to always say that the Democrats were a war party and the Republicans were a depression party. Now it looks like the Republicans are both. Good work boys.

President Bush marked the fourth anniversary of the start of the Iraq war today by prodding Congress to pass an emergency war-spending bill and by warning the American people that hard days lie ahead.

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    I’m shocked.

    And awe’d… ;-/

  2. bill says:


    War without end!

    This is kind of like the “Cold War” remember living ‘under the BOMB?’ I think we need a new name for this “time of enlightment”.

    Living without political representation?
    Living without living?
    Living without caring about the US?
    Living without having a backbone?

  3. Andrew says:

    He is the most unpopular President in history and is genuinely evil \ retarded.

  4. moss says:

    I accidentally heard about 12 seconds of this PR vomit > switching channels. This a&$hole thinks he’s Gregory Peck in a John Ford movie. At least, that’s the way his string-pullers are having his script written, lately.

  5. bill says:

    Be careful what you wish for! I don’t think it’s entirely the President’s fault. I think its the whole gang in DC… GW probably has the right idea but the politics/media/chickenshits get in the way of kicking some serious booty. I don’t think we are going to avoid sticking up for ourselves on this one. My only hope is we can convince the other guys (the rest of the workd) to play nice and not make it that we have use extreme measures to ‘persuade’ them to see our point of view.
    #4 eventually we are going to need a Gregory Peck or John Wayne or even a Rambo on our side.

    Maybe we are going back to a MAD form of international diplomacy…
    so be it.

  6. TJGeezer says:

    5 – Not the fault of Bush and his maladministration? I dunno. Even the most influential neo-con ideologues seem to be blaming Bush now. See Vanity Fair article at for example, quoting Rochard Perl, Kenneth Adelman, David Frum, and others.

    Of course neo-cons follow Leo Strauss who was quite open about advocating lying to the populace when necessary (which translates to “when convenient” under Cheney/Bush). So you can’t believe anything they say – they’re self-professed liars. But in public, they’re blaming Bush.

  7. TJGeezer says:

    Heh. “Richard Perl” links to I wonder if he’s on sale now.

  8. Wanderley says:

    “Mr. Bush said an American failure in Iraq would create a terrorist launch pad (…)”.

    I think that terrorist launch pad was created when the first bomb killed the first parent leaving the first orphan boy alone, with all his hate turned towards those who dropped the bomb. They don’t care about any reasons and find little comfort in the so called “freedom” they are being offered.

    I wonder how many of those boys are out there. They are not the insurgents we see today. They are too young now, and won’t be ready for years. But they will never forget, nor will they forgive. And they have a sad story to tell their friends, which guarantees many other boys will be persuaded to hate the US people for years to come.

  9. doug says:

    Hey, just because they have been wrong about everything Iraq-related in the past doesn’t mean that they are wrong now!

    Um, right?

  10. doug says:

    #5. “GW probably has the right idea but the politics/media/chickenshits get in the way of kicking some serious booty.”

    And so the revisionist history starts already!

    Failure was not the fault of the people who promoted, planned [if you can call it that], or waged the war, it was the media and the “chickenshits.”

    It is the big ‘stab in the back’ lie all over again.

  11. Odyssey67 says:

    [deleted for violation of posting guidelines]

  12. MikeN says:

    Where are his speeches pleading for staying the course in the longer wars? Like Bosnia (12 years), Kosovo(8 years), and Korea(50+years). I thought he was going to pursue a more humble foreign policy, and that the military was stretched too thin? I’d like to see him first end the occupation in Bosnia and Kosovo, move those troops to Iraq to relieve the burden on the soldiers there. Then he could end the Iraqi occupation in a few years, within the Kosovo timeframe, and maybe go further down the road that Rumsfeld plotted and get off the Korean peninsula too.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #12, Mike,

    How many American soldiers have died in Bosnia or Kosovo in the past six years? How many lives have the Americans troops there saved?

    We went into Iraq for the oil. So far, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have died and many more maimed. And there still isn’t enough oil to satisfy Iraq let alone export.

    Bush is a failure. His administration has accomplished nothing except make more people hate America.

  14. Greg Allen says:

    Bill: GW probably has the right idea but the politics/media/chickenshits get in the way of kicking some serious booty.

    Give me one good example of how the “chickenshits” blocked a single thing Bush wanted to do in the first three years, nine months of this war. Congress passed everything he asked for and gave him no restrictions or oversight.

    Bush disastrous failure in Iraq is his shame more than anyone else’s.

    But, of course, being a typical conservative, he’ll blame it all on the liberals.

  15. MikeN says:

    So an occupation is OK if no Americans die?

  16. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #11 –

    “[deleted for violation of posting guidelines]”

    …doncha think it might be about time to consider a rename, something along the lines of “Dvorak Ususally-Uncensored”? 🙂


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