Pet owners were worried Saturday that the pet food in their cupboards could be deadly after millions of containers of dog and cat food sold at major retailers across North America were recalled.
Menu Foods — a major manufacturer of dog and cat food sold under Wal-Mart, Safeway, Kroger and other store brands — recalled 60 million containers of wet pet food Friday after reports of kidney failure and deaths.
An unknown number of cats and dogs suffered kidney failure and about 10 died after eating the affected pet food, the company said in announcing the North American recall.
The pet food was sold by stores operated by the Kroger Co., Safeway Inc., Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and PetSmart Inc., among others, Henderson said.
Menu Foods said it makes pet foods for 17 of the top 20 North American retailers. It is also a contract manufacturer for the top branded pet food companies, including Procter & Gamble Co.
If you have a pet, if you have friends who have pets, click the link to this article and read through the list of brands at the bottom. It includes damned near every major brand in the US and Canada.
I am so sad and angry right now. I got home this afternoon and found my 18 month old Nebelung cat dead on the bathroom floor. I always kept the lid of the toilet closed so the cats wouldn’t get into it but now I wonder if he was going to find water even though there was water in his bowl. He seemed perfectly fine this morning and I cannot account for any reason for him to have suddenly died. I have been feeding him a Purina brand of dry cat food. I have two other cats and now I am scared to death something might happen to them. Does anyone have some advice? He was such a wonderful cat and I would just like to find out what happened.
“I strongly suspect there’s a lot more pet deaths out there than the 10 reported. I’m certainly not “unnerved” or in any other way bothered or mystified about the reaction. Humans, for their own, ultimately idiotic and egotistical reasons, choose to kill one another. Our pets don’t; they are the only true innocents.
I see nothing wrong for having more compassion for those living creatures who had absolutely zero complicity in their own deaths.
When cats start blowing up other cats in the name of Allah, when dogs commence to imposing their belief systems on other dogs at gunpoint, then they’ll lose a lot of my sympathy too. “
Very nicely put! I applaude all of you!!
I just realized last night that I occasionaly have fed my cat the Special Kitty brand wet food and immediately made an appoinment w/ my vet for Monday morning. I’m just sick over the idea that the occasional “treat” I gave my cat could cause her sickness and possibly death. Alot of people become very close to their pets because they are innocent, loving creatures that depend on us for care and for well, life, basically. Americans are not just upset about the poor animals that have already lost their lives (and I suspect its a much higher number than has been reported) but we are angry and scared at the possiblity that our pets are next. Noone has a right to tell us we should be focusing our concerns on “more important” things, whether there’s a war going on or not!
My dog took ill and the vetrinarian perscribed Science Diet l/d can and dry dog food. We were told not to substitue it for anything. My dog’s health declined rapidly at this point. We put her down two weeks ago, next tuesday. She ate mostly wet food until she couldn’t eat anymore. Is it possible that the can food contributed to bad health?
Hi…does anyone know if pets are dying in other countries? Is this just a USA problem? And if so, isn’t that a bit off? I mean is the contaminated feed only sold here or is there outlets for the filler/feed in other countries as well??
Will be interested to see what you all think. Dolores
there is no other nation that Pampers their pets as MUCh as in the USA.
Or, feeds ALL this crap to them.
If you knew what was IN most dog food, you would either:
1. Stop feeding it to the animal…
2. start eating it yourself…
My beloved 9yr old healthy 140lbs Rottweiller “Hercules” died on March 13/07. He was on the dry Iams weight management. I came home on February 20/07 and found him paralyzed and lethargic in my bed. He had stopped eating his kibble apx 1 week prior. However, he would eat human food. His belly was rock hard and he seemed to be in a lot of discomfort. I rushed him to the vet -who had no clue what was wrong with him. The vet gave him a shot of steroids, did some blood tests and gave me a supply of steroid pills which gave him the strength to walk with assistance for about a week. I told the vet that I had thought he had a bad batch of food and I actually returned the dry food for a refund on March 3/07 after showing the manager my vet bill. Herc would pace all night long and would refuse to lie down-when I would tell him to lie down he would yelp in pain. My boy hung on to dear life until March 14/07 where he collapsed on my back step…dead. He tried but didn’t even make it inside. He died alone on the cold hard step at my back door after I tried calling him inside 5 min earlier (he just stared at me so I thought he wanted more time outside). He tried his best that night to be the obedient & loyal animal he was.
His belly was 2X the regular size and still rock hard. He had suffered extreme thirst & urination but no vomiting or diarrhea (however he was burping and gagging quite a bit)He would not even touch human food for 3 days before he died. I am so guilt ridden with the fact that my poor dog was suffering and didn’t have the words to tell me. According to my vet Herc still had many years to go & his illness was not age related. PEOPLE DO NOT FEED YOUR ANIMALS ANY DRY OR WET IAMS FOOD PRODUCTS!!!!!! Also I contacted Iams to inform them that it was the dry food that killed my dog and they said to fax my vet bill to them for an immediate reimbursement. My lawyer has advised against this. Somebody is going to pay. My young children have been so traumatized that they are sleeping with me almost every night & keep having nightmares from seeing their beloved family member suffer & drop dead before their eyes-while I cried hysterically that night trying to revive him. They wont even go downstairs at night alone because they’re “scared without Herc”. BTW I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. jen@goddessfilmproductions.com
Another Bush Scandal – PET FOOD GATE
Why wasn’t Bush’s FDA inspecting all foods being imported into America ?
Especially after 911.
Why is Bush’s FDA refusing to inspect all Cattle carcasses for Mad Cow Disease like Japan does?
Why are we importing wheat products from CHINA to make any foods in America when China has to import US wheat just to feed it’s own people?
Someone in China deliberatly sent wheat products unfit for consumption to America that should have been destroied.
And the Chinese Food poisons did make it into human cosumption because In Bush’s America some of America’s poorest people can only afford to eat dog food.
Howard Scott Pearlman
Oh Howard, give it a break already.
This stuff has been going on for a long time – unfortunately for whatever reason the food producers have put something new or simply more of what they had been putting in all along. I have little doubt this has been going on for many years.
Bush’s FDA? – No stupid, it’s America’s FDA – and every American should be screaming from the rooftops that there is so little concern by an agency supported with our tax dollars. Where’s the outrage? Where’s the demand for answers? Where’s the demand for more inspections of food and supplements coming from China?
And if you think the only way this Chinese poison got into the human food chain was due to poor people eating pet food – you best consider how many human food products are made in China – been in a WalMart lately?
Finding the top pedigree dog food recall web pages is not easy.