Fiction – Silurus Glanis – Wels Catfish (Catfish angling) You don’t want to miss checking out this catfish photo gallery. They DO get weird.

  1. Mac Guy says:

    Well, catfish can get up to over 6′ long.

    “Bite your head off, man” – Pete Venkman

  2. tomdennis says:

    Big fish story.
    When I 1st started working at the Locks and Dam I used to walk across the dam everyday during the 1980’s. On my way home one evening I stopped to watch the fish working below the dam. At one point I saw what I thought was a piece of plywood come to the surface (1/4 of 4X8 sheet) ; but what was odd in seeing this piece roll up and then back down to disappear was that it curled like the fin of a fish as it went down.
    Holy ~!@#!
    Divers had told us that sometimes something huge would rub against them in the murky waters below the dam and I had seen some as big as fifty pounds being pulled out of those waters. Just before that period of time a towboat hauling soybeans plowed into the dam dumping one full load of soybeans (1400 tons) at the dam. Fishing has been great but a little dangerous since then.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    “Divers had told us that sometimes something huge would rub against them in the murky waters below”

    Does this means that the monster from the black lagoon is gay?

  4. Jamie says:

    Uhm…wrong in so many ways, and that’s without the slimy factor. Amusing tho.

  5. JohnS says:

    I particularly like the nuke station cooling towers in the background.

  6. WOW, thats a big one!

  7. TJGeezer says:

    5 – LOL – a Three Mile Island catfish?

  8. Greg Allen says:

    Here is a picture of the world’s biggest catfish which was caught recently in the Mekong river — 646 pounds!

    BTW: Something about the photo (for this blog entry) seems fishy. Could two guys really hold up a fish that heavy and slippery?

  9. Greg Allen says:

    Sorry, I see that the picture was already posted! ;-(


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