Of course, you already know this isn’t from a Republican candidate. And Hillary and Barack aren’t about to scare anyone who fears entry into the 21st Century.
New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson said Thursday that he wants Congress to repeal the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy in which gay service members are required to keep their sexual orientation private.
Richardson, who is running for president, said he doesn’t believe that homosexuality is immoral, and Congress should repeal the military’s policy. “People should not be judged based on their sexual orientation,” he said. “Throughout my entire career, I have fought for equal rights and against discrimination of any kind.”
Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama initially tried to sidestep the issue when asked about it this week, but both said Thursday they don’t agree that homosexuality is immoral.
Googling this after reading the article in the NEW MEXICAN gave me a shiny image of our fair-and-balanced media. The AP – as is their practice – offers newspapers a couple versions of any story.
The version featuring Richardson’s stand against discrimination showed up in 3 newspapers in my search. The version featuring Kansas’ 19th-Century politico, Sam Brownback, yammering about morality – showed up in 130 newspapers.
A self professed Canadian living in Indiana trying to get black people to start a black chapter of KKK.
PS, rich.
PSS, very rich.
It’s a first, I’ve never heard such a request from a Bigot. Same Bigot who wants to deny American Service people their vote. Same, never served, Bigot, who undoubtedly would be a coward in combat, who wants to tell our Military how to run their business. Rich.
Mr Bigot, I mean Dear Mr Fusion, I guess for me it so easy, with such cleaver, brainy, sweat and touching sentiment “Aren’t the seals those guys who never leave their buddies behind?” to vehemently disagree with you and all your kind.
Mr Fusion you make it clear why we have to require passports at the boarders.
According to nature, male and female each have half of equipment necessary for reproduction. Males are not designed to be with other males, the same can be said for females.
A vagina has an acidic environment which hinders bacterial and viral growth while the rectum has an alkaline environment, which promotes bacterial and viral growth.
A vagina produces a lubricant and is lined by a thick layer of stratified squamous epithelium which is resistant to tearing while the rectum does not produce a lubricant and is lined by a thin layer of simple cuboidal epithelium which can tear easily when a penis is shoved into it.
Here is a list of famous homosexuals provided by the New York Times in August of 92.
Donald Harvey (37)
John Wayne Gacy (33)
Patrick Wayne Kearney (32)
Bruce Davis (28)
Dean Corli (27)
Elmer Wayne Henley (27)
David Owen Brooks (27)
Juan Corona (25)
Jeffrey Dahmer (17)
Stephen Kraft (16)
William Bonin (14)
The number in parenthesis isn’t the persons age, it the number of murders each has committed. The vast majority of prominent serial killers have been homosexuals.
BgScryAnml, why don’t you CITE your claims. Otherwise, it sounds like you are pulling these numbers out of your ASS. Your numbers of who’s “homosexual” sound incredibly low….as the general consensus is 10% of the population is oriented in “that way”. This amount may be extremely LOW….given that many people are not open about their true orientation. Hence, the numbers you cite are, most likely, bogus.
Let me cite a reference (to show you how’s its done)
quote: “All surveys are likely to underestimate the actual prevalence of homosexuality because, fearing discrimination and stigma, many gay respondents are reluctant to tell a stranger (even anonymously) that they are homosexual (e.g., Villarroel et al., 2006). Recognizing this limitation, most research with probability samples suggests that at least 3-6% of the US adult male population is homosexual, with somewhat fewer females (Fay, Turner, Klassen, & Gagnon, 1989; Hatfield, 1989; Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, & Michaels, 1994; Lever & Kanouse, 1996; Rogers & Turner, 1991). ”
And, for you dimwits out there…..get a clue…homosexuality is no more likely to be a pedophile. Now, most pedophiles have sex on their mind 99.9% of the time, and have a severe urge to act out their fantasies…..often these fantasies involve adults, children — both male and female. However, they are rarely ONLY homosexual, but more “equal opportunity” predators*. (*i.e. they’ll screw anything they get their hands on.)
But, you don’t want to hear this…you want to hate, and fear, and spread rumors and fancy sounding statistics that you cannot back up (except from other bullsh*t homophobe websites).
The only thing your missing is what percentage of ministers and priests are homosexual pedophile predators……damn…. so, please pull that one out of your special hiding place, buddy.
I am sorry, I’d like to spread love, love of truth.
Where is the cite for “And, for you dimwits out there…get a clue. homosexuality is no more likely to be a pedophile.”
Dear meetsy it seems here you are the one “spread rumors and fancy sounding statistics”. Yet again another hypocrite.
“However, they are rarely ONLY homosexual”, hum, I guess all those pedophile priest weren’t gay after all. It all in meetsy invaluable statistics. Let’s all just not think and take meetsy verbage as fact.
This makes me more likely to support Bill Richardson for president.
He’s obviously a man who understands the American Way and is not afraid to stand up for it.
Gays are Americans. Therefore, they deserve every right you do.
It’s that simple.
What YOU personally or YOUR RELIGION thinks about them is irrelevant.
Can anyone even argue that point?
Big scary bigot…..uhhh, if 30% of AIDS patients are homosexual….that means that the other 70% is hetrosexual……ummmmmm…seems to be a disconnect there bigot boy.
Not one of your satistics is legitimate…..they are just lies. I’ll pull a Mr. Fusion on you….prove them or shut up.
Oh…noname…my cousin is in the Seals, and he’s so gay he makes Angel look perfectly straight(not meant to be an insult Angel)
Ok…my troll bag is empty….so I will now refrain from feeding the trolls on this subject.
>>my cousin is in the Seals, and he’s so gay he makes Angel look perfectly straight
There are already lots of gays in the military. Always has been. How many?
There are just shy of three million total (active or reserve) and a very lowball figure might be one percent are gay or bi.
That means 30,000 gays are in the military right now. (My guess is that it may be twice that or more )
So the issue isn’t “Should gays be in the military?” … this issue is , “Should we kick them out?”
Of course not. America needs them. (This American appreciates their service.)
# 39 U. C. Davis – Rainbow? U. C. Davis – Rainbow. U. C. Davis – Rainbow!!!! You get your information from U. C. Davis – Rainbow. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Defiantly no agenda there. Please note that outside of the Politically Correct UNITED STATES OF AMERICA homosexuality is considered to be a MENTAL DISORDER.