ComicCon 2007 New York — Blog contributor Richard Brill has outdone himself as a photographer with these pics from the recent ComicCon in Manhattan. Wow. I can tell you this much, more celebrities show up at this event than they do in San Francisco.

Some examples

  1. rantsh says:

    Don’t know who the girl is… but she’s hot!!!!

  2. Tiffany Taylor Miss Playboy…
    Tiffany appears in several editions of the magazine.

  3. doug says:

    I don’t know if I am more surprised that the Blue Beetle is still around or that Neal Adams still is!

    Good for them both, I say.

  4. joshua says:

    Great photo’s Richard. Looks like you had a great time. Thank you for sharing them.

    There are times(rare) that I wish I lived in New York….lol

    I can’t shake Wonder Woman…….there was something strangly attractive about her. 🙂

  5. I’m glad everyone is enjoying the photographs.

    Doug, Neal Adams is still kicking around and as you can tell from the image looks well.
    Blue beetle was in the contest.

    Joshua, Wonder woman is tall and attractive in person. She has a terrific personality as well. Turns out she is an excellent amateur photographer and has a terrific eye for composition.

    The lighting wasn’t great by Tiffany Taylors booth but I managed to get a shot of tiffany next to her poster. Tiffany is tall, beautiful, and a nice person. As you can tell from my pictures she was very generous with me, She gave me some nice poses, So I didn’t want to waste to much of her time.
    She was very popular ,,, Men would come by and pay to have their picture taken with and they would just melt. I must admit I melted as well.

    The show had a nice handful of celebrities as John stated but they where thier to sell autographs and or pictures. really cheesy on their part. No one wants to have to pay to meet a celebrity.
    Turns out
    One of the exhibitors bought a chunk of the shows floor space for this purpose.

    50% like Tiffany, where very cool with me and understood what I was doing at the show but the other 50% s#cked.

    After I took Gary Coleman picture his agent told me it will be $5.00 heheheee LOL

    The next day Gary had a line for photos so one person took a picture with him but didn’t like how it came out so Gary said you can take another shot but you have to erase the one that didn’t come out the way you like.. well needless to say the fan wasn’t too pleased. Most of the fans I talked to where not to happy either.

    After my first incident ever time I went to take a photo I was harased or blocked by staff and Volunteers eventually they go so frustrated they called Security.

    What made the show was the people that attended.
    Needless to say this wants was one of the most difficult events I worked.

  6. Higghawker says:

    Mr. Brill, Thanks for the pics. I just picked up “Stan Lee’s Amazing MARVEL Universe” book. It has audio from Lee on 50 legendary Marvel moments. Great Stuff. People like Lee are one of a kind! The older I get the more I appreciate comics.

  7. ChrisMac says:

    Suck me.. this is 2 pics away from a real post

  8. Thanks Higghawker.

    Stan is a very likable man. He gave me the shots I wanted.
    Stans around 85 now.
    Hes an American born Jew and served in WWII. He Grew up in New York and his parents are from Romania.

    When he meets the fan before he signs a personalized autograph he says would it be ok if I sign here and then he say would you like me to sign using this color marker. Sometimes he joked about being an expert with color.

    Every time I went to take his picture his Public Relations agent stuck her head in the shot. I’m not sure why she did that because the photos where about Stan not her. She seemed like a nice person so I kept quiet and worked around the problem.

    I asked one of the autograph seekers if it was worth all the trouble for an autograph and they said absolutely. He is tops and when he signs something the value really increases.

    Stan offered me an autograph but I declined I said The photo is all I want. The show had so much sandbox mentality I know it would have annoyed many people.

    Unfortunately everyone had to pay to meet him. The lines where very long. and they limited to I think 75 at $20. a head So you can imagine how many people where disapointed.

    And off course security had a problem with my taking photographs so The next day I missed out on some Stan Lee opportunities which I skated around it and found other things to do.
    Jessica Cholbot gave me some really cool shots… Shes is really cool…

  9. Pedro, You left out booby job… 😉

    My Goal is to deliver what I see into a photo.
    If a person has a scare then thats what I want to present.
    If I see redye then I will make a correction.

    The woman is smoking hot!!!

    I didn’t use photoshop nor did I alter her image other than some much needed cropping.
    It took me a long time correcting exposure and white balance.
    The lighting s#Cked

    She had on some lipstick and other forms of make-up
    All woman wear make but she is a natural.

  10. Tom says:

    Tiffany Tayler is hot, Steven Colbert rocks, and comics aint half bad either. I think Tiffany Tayler and Spiderman should team up. lol.

  11. doug says:

    #6. Every time I see or hear nowadays about one of the artists or writers who was big back when I was reading comics (70s-80s) I am amazed at the longevity. I guess I shouldn’t be since in real world terms it has not been that long, and most of these guys started mighty young.

    Comics owe a lot to Neal for dramatically increasing the quality of the artwork, as well as having the guts to draw in his own style, rather than just a knockoff of John Romita or Jack Kirby, like a lot of them were doing at the time.

    #9. Although I never met Stan Lee, I can’t but think that I would like him if I did. Kind of a PT Barnum with a heart, I always thought. A showman with a kindly disposition.

  12. TJGeezer says:

    12 – Absolutely great idea! 😀

  13. Neal Adams started in the business as a teenager and he is hovering around 66 years old. I would say he looks great for his age.

    I observed some of the artists including Neal Sign autographs, I must admit I was impressed with the amount of time and detail that went into just signing one autograph.

    They didn’t just scribble their name on a piece of paper and say here kid this is for you.

    Pedro, Granted they do plenty of touch up in the commercial side of the industry.
    The point I was making was I didn’t and I don’t think she needs any touch up at all.
    Shes a natural. The poster is from 10 years ago.
    Shes in her 30’s now and looks great.

    Josh I think I have a better picture of Wonder woman! I will keep you posted

    Tom Thanks, Your the man!!!

    A special thanks To John C Dvorak and the team at!!!

    Just to give everyone the idea just how important John’s Blog is.
    I received close to 8,000 page referral’s in one day basically that means each photo that John linked to on his sight was hit aprox 4,000 times in his blog.
    Out of that, in my estimates several hundred people clicked on the link and actually visited the comic con page. one out of every 10 that hit the blog entry.

    So For a Cranky guy J.C.D. is still tops!


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