An uncomfortable truth – Film – Entertainment – — This is an interesting article. This couple did a documentary about their hero Michael Moore and discovered some ugly truths.

Then the Toronto-based couple tried to do a documentary about him – and ran into the same sort of resistance Moore famously faces in his own films.

The result is Manufacturing Dissent, which turns the camera on the confrontational documentarian and examines some of his methods.

Among their revelations in the movie, which had its world premiere at the South by Southwest film festival this month: that Moore did speak with then-General Motors chairman Roger Smith, the evasive subject of his 1989 debut Roger & Me, but chose to withhold that footage from the final cut.

found by TJ Geezer

  1. J says:

    #32 TheGlobalWarmer

    Could you post a link to this “mainstream” coverage so that we can all evaluate the effects of your interpretation on what the real story was.

  2. TJGeezer says:

    32 – What an amazing collection of assertions. Aside from a BBC story that, as I recall, among other tings asserted an 800-year lag between CO2 levels increasing and temperatures increasing (I’m still trying to find anything that supports that or refutes it) I’m not aware of any “top-notch climatologists, not on the big oil payroll” making a splash by reversing positions. (If there were some, did they collect their $10,000 paycheck and take the kids to the seashore, pay ahead on the alimony?)

    At the risk of pissing off Joshua, do you have some links to support what you say?

    Oh, and 30 – There’s a difference between asking for supporting links and asserting there aren’t any, as James Hill routinely does just before he starts with that “pwned” silliness he does.

  3. J says:

    Could you post a link to this “mainstream” coverage so that we can all evaluate the effects of your interpretation on what the real story was.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #30, joshua,

    So? I guess it was the “left” who came up with claiming Max Cleland, triple amputee war hero Senator, was a traitor? And I guess it was the “left” who claimed John Kerry lied when he won his medals. And I guess it was the “left” who claimed Barack Obama attended a militant Muslim school and that it was leaked by Hillary Clinton. And the “left” leaked Al Gore’s supposed electricity usage.

    Yup, those crafty “left guys sure do invent a lot of stuff. It is a good thing they don’t have to cite their sources, that way they can just keep on inventing more crap.

    News flash you guys….Liberals are jerks and a-holes as well as right wingers…..get over it.
    Comment by joshua — 3/16/2007 @ 9:12 pm

    Sorry, but in actual fact, the right wing nuts, “Libertarians”, evangelists, and neo-cons have a virtual monopoly on being jerks and assholes.

    Newsflash. I might have visited DailyKos and the Huffingtonpost two or three times and have never been to I don’t choose my news source for it’s slant, I prefer neutral sources such as NY Times, Washington Post and International Herald Tribune.

    BTW, GregAllen posts many well thought out pieces. I don’t always agree with him but at least he is thinking and writes well. He will also use references and links to back himself up. Malren, on the other hand, writes crap and made a comment that goes against common knowledge. I am giving him the opportunity to verify his statement and change my opinion. You though, like to just throw crap and think if there is enough some might stick. Typical Republican tactic.

  5. Bill Levinson says:

    That picture of Michael Manure reminds me of Vladimir Harkonnen (the one who required an antigravity belt to support all his fat) in the movie “Dune.” Jabba the Moore is on record (on his own Web site) as calling the terrorists who are murdering our men and women in uniform “Minutemen.”

  6. Mikecannali says:

    Didn’t we all know Michael Moore was a phoney and an asshole when they sat him next to Jimmy Carter at the Democratic National convention?

  7. TJGeezer says:

    31 – Can’t believe I missed your post! You were on the “Steal From The Rich and Waste It On Minorities and Illegal Aliens Sub-Committee” too? When I was on it in 1968 we required all members to take LSD or peyote before sessions, and allowed them to chose boiled, basted, fried or baked at the ritual Feast Of Fetuses Spring Keggers. I heard they tightened the screws on a lot of that freedom later, after a photographer caught Governor Reagan leaving by the back door. Were you there then?

  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #39 🙂

    When I was in the Club, Reagan was in the White House, and the club was a helluva lot smaller… Someday, you are gonna have to tell me stories about the glory days 🙂

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #31 & 39,

    Ah, the memories. Sitting around a bonfire made with real Bibles and recruitment posters. Toasting fetuses on sticks. Complaining about the token conservative someone else brought, bogarting the evening’s enlightening after dinner smoke. Singing the International until the wee hours. Arguing over which Woody Guthrie or Pete Seeger song was best. Planning our next rally in the College President’s office. Getting laid with women who had hairy armpits. Laughing at the token conservative explain how Nixon had the nation’s best interest at heart. (what an idiot, I heard he went on to become addicted to crack, heroin, ecstasy, and voted for Reagan) Laughing at the conservative because his fetus fell in the fire, right on top of Revelations.

    And the Festival !!! Meeting all our fellow radicals, yippies, anarchists, and commie exchange students from France. The food !!! Fresh fetus and red cabbage !!! Ahh, …

    Damn you guys can bring a tear to an old fart’s eye. Pleasures kids today will never know.

  10. doug says:

    so Roger Smith talked to Michael Moore, eh?

    And to think, I used to think that he got more and more dishonest with each film. Turns out he started that way.

  11. Greg Allen says:

    >>Greg Allen is the James Hill of the left.

    I must Google who James Hill is!

    I should have Googled to see if Roger Smith has been saying this all along. I certainly don’t remember it from the time and I kind of followed the movie.

    But we liberals don’t need to apologize for Michael Moore until the conservatives apologize for Fox News.

    Moore and Fox News are peas on two different ends of the same pod.

    BTW: Mr. Fusion… thanks for noticing! I’m a proud liberal and I don’t attempt to be balanced but I do try to be fair.

  12. Greg Allen says:

    I caved too easily with guys.

    I googled and googled and have not found any indication that Roger Smith has said he personally met he had met with Michael Moore.

    (Yes, they had an interchange at a board meeting. That was in the movie. Yes, it was deceptively edited. This isn’t what we’re talking about.)

    If Smith had met personally with Moore, I find it very hard to believe that Smith wouldn’t have declared this repeatedly and loudly when the movie was in the theaters. How could he not have? The movie gave him tremendously bad PR at the time.

    So, this still has a Swift-boaty stink to it.

    PS:Don’t say I’m wrong if you provide a link. I’m not saying Moore is incapable of being guilty as charged.

    I now need proof before I believe anything the conservation media noise machine says. Conservatives have shamelessly lied too many times to take anything they say at face-value.



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