I wonder if they go “Yabba-Dabba-Doo!” while riding

TreeHugger-Style Roller Coaster in Japan: It’s Pedal Powered – TreeHugger.com: Damn, I don’t go to amusement parks to exercise, I go to get the $#1t scared out of me.

Here is the future of the green amusement park: The Skycycle at Washuzan Highland Park in Okayama, a pedal-powered roller coaster. They clearly have some dramatic topography to take advantage of here, and it looks truly frightening. Most North American amusement parks are on pretty flat terrain but they often build artificial mountains- Demand a green ride like this on the Magic Mountain.

Use the link above to see more pictures of the roller coaster.

  1. eddie says:

    Here is the priceless Google translation of the original website:

    “Because power does not need, it is the vehicle of the extent where there are many times when it has, even in the small-scale local recreational area and the children’s play facilities and the like for the child way, normally, “system of the [bo] of the [ho]” or “wait and/or are good calling representation of type” toy.

    Also sky cycle of the eagle feather mountain highland, in the hard aspect are to be extremely normal sky cycle, but because the installation features are not Hirotune, this even, we have become the kind of attraction which “the machine of insanity” can be said, that the person was trapped to the trauma so far many, it is rumored (at part).”

  2. TJGeezer says:

    ! – Maybe it gets more comprehensible if you’re on drugs. Come to think of it, riding around above an abyss on those top-heavy carts might seem more comprehensible on drugs, too.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    I’d be crapping in my pants if I ever ride that thing (I’m affraid of heights.)

  4. Elwood Pleebus says:

    You probably won’t see those in the U.S. Somebody would unbuckle and jump out and sue the park.

  5. Misterian says:

    Yikes, how often do they get earthquakes in Japan. What if there is an earthquake while they are in the middle of this! They they will show how fast they can peddle to get off it.

  6. ECA says:


    sorry for the long link..

    But wouldnt it be cool inside a Downtown area..Above everyone and ALL the cars..

    Or for those that would LIKE to do moutain cycling, but dont have a road up the hill…

  7. tmorton says:

    They have something like this at Lego Land in CA. Its called the Sky Cruiser in the Fun Town section of the park.

    It was a bit safer, you at least had something to buckle you in. But you really have to pedal to power your car.

    It was interesting. My son seemed to think it was cool.

  8. Dfulvio says:

    Hey, I live in Okayama City in Japan! I have been on this thing!

    It is scary as hell, for a few reasons:

    1. The amusement park it is at is very old and run down, everything is rusty and looks like to could fall apart at any minute.

    2. There are seatbelts, but they are loose and could easily be slipped out of. There more for show than anything.

    3. You can pedal fast and BUMP the car ahead of you. Great fun if you are the bumpor but scary if you are the bumpee.

    If you go to amusement parks to get scared, this is the ride for you!

    It was great and surprising to see something so close to me.

    — Dave

  9. EcoPhunster says:


    This is just… eco-stupid. At some point, we can really drop the whole “eco-friendly” shite thing, and let it be. WTF??!!!!?!?!?!!?!!!?!!?!?!!!!?!!?!!????


  10. Misanthropic Scott says:

    I think it’s great. Not for me; I hate roller coasters. I’d rather go hiking or canoeing or something peaceful. But using human powered roller coaster vehicles is a great idea.

    Now when can we get human powered gym equipment. I mean, the idea of gym equipment is to get a workout. Couldn’t we generate power from our exercise instead of plugging into the wall and burning it?

  11. Yokohama Zxiang says:

    I have done the Dvorak many times due to working at the park and I can say it is a good ride but can be dangerous. I have used the ride while on a combination of LSD and ecstasy and it really is bind blowing! Yes, the seat belts are very loose and there is a very real chance of falling out if you are bumped, but this is just part of the fun. Only 3 people have ever died on the Dvorak, which isnt bad for 6 years in service.


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