O.C. Catholic teacher is fired – Los Angeles Times — The dubious aspect of this firing is the fact that the school refuses to say why he was fired saying it was against State law to say. What crap. The implication is that he had sex with underage kids and that is stated in a couple of the newspapers as speculation with a denial. But when you look into it the kids on the blogs say that it was because he allowed the kids to drink while in Europe on a field trip. No matter that in most of Europe the legal drinking age is 16. And according to some reports it was OK’d by the parents. No matter, the US laws are all that count to anyone. He’s OUT! Great. And these are Catholics? Geez.

Students and parents at Santa Margarita Catholic High School learned Monday by e-mail that Eric Hansen had been fired three days earlier by the Diocese of Orange.

Diocesan spokesman Ryan Lilyengren, who provided The Times a copy of the e-mail, said he could not discuss details of Hansen’s departure.

Lilyengren said an investigation into the European tours was completed, but he declined to disclose the results. Hansen was placed on leave in late January.

Here’s a LiveJournal complaint from a local:

Once upon a time I would have sent my children to Rancho Santa Margarita Catholic High School but only if I remained in orange county. Now there is no fracking chance.

As they fire or force the best teachers to quite I become enraged by how hypocritical they are or perhaps it is the psycho parents that enrage me. They underpay their teachers and there are no contracts.
Meanwhile the Real Housewives of Orange County show the girls that are on the cheer leading team in the SMCH uniform and then cuts to them drinking and partying; all illegal. When you go to Europe there is no drinking age! What retarded parent didn’t get the memo? Where were they during the meeting. Fracking grow one

Actually there are various drinking ages, but few countries in the world set the age at 21. Of course if the US had its way it would be illegal to drink at all.

Here is a good site that shows various drinking ages in an nice chart
. China, you’ll note, has zero minimum age.

  1. Danijel says:

    Here is a good site that shows various drinking ages in an nice chart.

    What balnoey! In Poland they don’t allow drinking in public places for everyone, let alone minors (under 18)! Most of the places have signs that ban selling alcohol to minors and they have even laws against providing minors with booze (eg. going to a store and buying vodka for highschoolers that can’t normally get it themselves)…

    I recommend checking Wikipedia instead:

  2. TikiLoungeLizard says:

    Keeping the drinking age 21 ensures that young people, away from the influence of their parents, can start binge drinking. It also makes criminals out of the ones under age 21, giving many their first introduction to the American police state.

  3. Grrr says:

    Despicable that young service members are old enough to be killed for their country, but not old enough to legally drink a beer…

  4. Improbus says:

    Duh, welcome to the United States of Hypocrisy.

  5. David says:

    If they are going to fire him, they had damn well better give a reason and have proof. No wonder no one wants to be a teacher these days cause all of the idiots like these are in charge.

  6. Mike says:

    #2, ah, but it’s a perfectly acceptable risk to let 16 year olds get behind the wheel of a car and kill somebody because they didn’t have the maturity or experience to engage in an adult activity.

  7. mark says:

    6. Its OK, pretty soon theyll be inducted into the miltary where they can engage in all kinds of “adult activity”.

  8. MikeN says:

    If only they would dire more teachers in the public schools, the education system might improve.

    Isn’t anyone going to highlight the name of the school?

    Who cares what the drinking age is in Europe, I would think you should follow the local rules [USA] and what the parents want. I guess if they went to Vegas, then taking them to prostitutes is OK. Or maybe to some country for some meth.

  9. Improbus says:

    Prostitution is illegal in Las Vegas. The brothels are all located outside of Clark county. Just FYI.

  10. #8 — Cool Mike. You are now thinking exactly like those Muslims who insist on following Shar’ia rules wherever they are and never blending in. So when you travel you abide by the rules back home. Yeah, that makes sense. It also accounts for honor killings done by Pakistanis living in London. By your logic that’s fine!

  11. Gareth says:

    If a teacher gets fired for following the law then something is radically wrong with the people that fired him. More of a problem if his dismissal was in some way influenced by parents at the school.

    Unlike the sterotypical American might believe, the rest of the world couldn’t give two shits your the last remaining super power, and have some kind of god complex thinking that you, by birth right, are better than everyone else.

    When you can make a car with a V6 engine that has more than 130bhp, and also realise that you could afford a free, nation wide public health service by simply paying a decent amount for fuel (I believe on average you pay about $1.40 less per litre than the UK for sure, but probably most EU countries also), then come back to talk to us about the greatest country in the world!

  12. Joe says:


    its orange country where George Bush or the republican party can do no wrong, so firing a “crazy liberal” teacher who let certain kids drink in Europe is just business as usual.

    & as a catholic, I feel all O.C. catholics need to do some pence for the shit they do over thier, especially those housewives of O.C.

    god what skanks they are!!!

  13. Fred Flint says:

    What nonsense!

    It’s been awhile since I was that young but from what I recall, I’d wager a lot of money the same kids who were drinking alcohol in Europe learned how to do it in the U.S.

  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    I miss the days where the teacher was the one who got wasted on these school trips.

  15. Brew Kline says:

    The age of sexual consent in the Phillipines is 12 years old. If American priests want to have sex with kids, that’s all right! Just go do it in a territory that allows it by law! Every thing can be had in this world, it just a little research and money to travel.

    I have to admit, though, that in twelve years of Catholic school, not once did a priest ever try to make a move on me. Not even a hint of once. Not even the time that I we were naked in the communal shower. As a matter of fact, Catholic school was an oasis to the violence that I encountered away from school. I’m sure sexual impropieties happen, but I really think they are the exception and not the rule.

    P.S. : Age of consent: http://www.avert.org/aofconsent.htm

  16. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #11 – Gareth

    “Unlike the sterotypical American might believe, the rest of the world couldn’t give two shits your the last remaining super power, and have some kind of god complex thinking that you, by birth right, are better than everyone else.”

    You’re the one doing the strereotyping, boyo. The media provide you with bite-sized characterizations of our American “leaders” (whose persons and politics many if not most of us can’t stomach) and you then project that cartoonishly oversimplified misimpression onto 300 million men, women and children of all different ages, genders, colors, religions and politics, as if we’re all clones of GW Bush and he and his henchmen are actually doing our bidding.

    If that ain’t thoughtless, bigoted stereotyping, then tell me what is, chum.

  17. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #6 – Mike

    “#2, ah, but it’s a perfectly acceptable risk to let 16 year olds get behind the wheel of a car and kill somebody because they didn’t have the maturity or experience to engage in an adult activity.”

    Of course we could never consider taking some of the deadliest drivers off the road by setting a national minimum driving age of 18 – which could be accompanied by lowering the drinking age to 16, and letting teens get that first couple years of immature, unwise drinking behind them before letting them get behind the wheel of a car…

    Instead, we do the opposite, let ’em get develop false confidence that they’re experienced drivers, then turn ’em loose on the booze. Works great that way, don’t it?

  18. hi there. says:

    “According to some reports it was OK’d by the parents.”

    Suuuuure. All of the parents said their kids could drink? Nice try.

    If the teacher let one kid drink against his/her parents’ wishes, the teacher deserves to be fired. This isn’t about whether or not it should be illegal for kids to drink, this is about whether or not a teacher should be allowed to let kids do something their parents dont want them doing. And I wouldn’t be surprised if they have a zero tolerance rule in effect for alcohol use.


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