Naxals create R&D cells with experts-India-NEWS-The Times of India — In one of the most under-reported stories (at least in the USA) various Maoists groups are trying to take over India with an old-fashioned style of Chinese Communism. These folks are generically known as Naxalites or diminutively as Naxals. They are a nasty bunch and a serious threat to India’s future. Perhaps a bigger threat than the radical Muslims.

Looted police weapons may still form the backbone of Maoist firepower but they are now taking the hi-tech route. They have set up full-fledged research and development wings, tapping into a growing network among scientists, extending upto sensitive institutions like Bhabha Atomic Research Centre.

A married couple with BARC was recently found to have an ultra-Red background by intelligence agencies. When confronted by authorities, the two did not conceal their ideological leanings.

The two have since left the facility, but the incident has shaken the security establishment over the network of activists and sympathisers that the naxals have built up among scientists.

related links:

Good wikipedia article on these radicals.
And this story.
A common target are the police as in this recent (yesterday) massacre of 55 police.

The target was a heavily-fortified police camp. The guerrillas lit the periphery of the security camp with portable gensets, lobbed grenades and set the place ablaze with petrol bombs, leaving more than 55 securitymen dead and 10 others wounded after a three-hour gunbattle. Of the dead, about half are regular security personnel and the other half Salva Judum activists who have now been inducted as special police officers for a monthly pay of Rs 1,500.

Around 2 am, some 400 Maoists raided the camp in Ram Burgi in south Bastar catching 78 police personnel — 23 jawans of Chhattisgarh Armed Force and 55 Salva Judum cadres — unawares. By the time reinforcements arrived, the Maoists had melted into the deep jungles of Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, taking with them the camp’s armoury.

We will generally not get any of these stories in the US media in an effort to protect the big offshoring companies from losing any business. Both the government and big media seem to be in bed with the offshore/outsourcing folks. They can’t let anything rock the boat. So everyone in the USA is in the dark about this sort of thing. This group is in cahoots with the creepy Tamil Tigers, the terrorists of Sri Lanka.

This undercurrent in India has always been known about by the State Department which is why the USA has tended to align itself with Pakistan while traditionally India was allied with Russia. This has all been glossed over during the high-tech revolution in India and all the ex-pats from India who spend all their time extolling the virtues of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) which they are all convinced puts MIT and CalTech to shame.

  1. Poo!!! says:

    15 topics on 3/15/2007.


    SOME OF THEM, POINTLESS and self-serving (ref: Optronica)

    FIFTEEN. Too many topics for this blog, anybody agree?

    On a note related to this post: yes, Islamic Extremism happens. Religion is still the exclusive domain of ignorant morons that believe in the “old dude in the sky shaking his finger”…

    Question: Did these murders happen because of the EVIL SHAMANISM that caused the Lunar Eclipse?


  2. venom monger says:

    FIFTEEN. Too many topics for this blog, anybody agree?

    Yes. And I think dvorak uses too many letters, too. 26 is too many. 21 should be enough for anybody. Ban z, q, y, b, and w. Worthless, all of them. Also, too many users. Let’s limit that to, say… the top 10 posters from the last year.

  3. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    #2, I’m amazed at you ability to count posts, that’s a really valuable skill, keep it up. You can even type comments in capital letters, outstanding!
    Don’t let the drool dropping on your keyboard stop you from posting, but remember to ask your mother for permission next time, you wouldn’t want to hurt yourself, especially using such grown-up words as ‘pointless’ and ‘self-serving’.
    Thank you for telling us that Islamic extremism happens, I can see you have a lot of insight for one being so young.

  4. Gig says:

    “We will generally not get any of these stories in the US media in an effort to protect the big offshoring companies …”

    John, you are a journalist, kinda. Have you ever been told by your management not to run a story to protect “big off-shoring companies”?

    The story isn’t covered here because most people couldn’t care less. Communism isn’t a threat any more because there is no Communism any more with the exception of Cuba and that is considered sort of cute in a retro sort of way.

    China is ignored as a communist country because the liberals want it ignored because China stumbled on a version of it that they might be able to sell here someday.

  5. #5 Ok Gig, you win. I was being overly dramatic.

  6. Odyssey67 says:

    “… various Maoists groups are trying to take over India with an old-fashioned style of Chinese Communism. These folks are generically known as Naxalites or diminutively as Naxals. They are a nasty bunch and a serious threat to India’s future. Perhaps a bigger threat than the radical Muslims.”

    Why? Because they’re communists? I’d have hoped, by the 21st century, we’d have moved past ‘Red-Baiting’.

    I’m not a fan myself, but communism in fact is nothing more or less than a way of distributing wealth; the same as capitalism, just different methods and qualititative measures of what constitutes a successful redistribution. Whichever one is better or worse isn’t relevant, because if a group of people /want/ to live in a communist society, well that’s their business.

    Now if you’re saying this movement is horrible because of the violence these ‘neo-Maoists’ engage in, and if your fear is an eventual recreation of another Stalinist totalitarian state if they’re successful someday, ok – I’m on board. The niggling problem there however is, I haven’t read anything yet indicating these people want totalitarianism as part of their political system – they just seem to think communism is a better economic system to be in.

    Which of course brings us to the crux of the issue: The absolute abject poverty and lack of opportunity one finds in this area of India. As the rest of the country booms, this part is being left behind in the most extreme sense of the word. Every terrorist movement known to man has had a similar genesis. And this also explains why communism – i.e. a method of ‘sharing the wealth’ that these people feel excluded from – is so appealing to them.

    So, if these Naxalites are as much of a danger as you say, then the onus is on the Indian government to get its own act together and provide what they need. First, no corruption – honest representative government. Second, economic/infrastructure assistence commensurate with their requirements to catchup with the rest of the country. In other words, “a chance”. Prove to these people that ‘the system’ works for them.

    Otherwise, good luck to the ‘suits’ in New Deli – they’re going to need it, dealing with the mess they’ve allowed this region to become.

  7. Odyssey67 says:

    “#7 communism is just a way of re-distributing wealth, alright! the only ones getting wealthy are the communist party members. Go sell you commie kool aid somewhere were people are naive, I don;t think you’ll have any luck here”

    Take a pill, pedro. I said clear enough that “I’m NOT a fan”. Jeeze, what is it with you conservatives? Say “terrorism” or “communism” and it’s like you’re brains go into vapor-lock.

    Oh, and simply as an academic point (if you try real hard, I’m sure you can handle that), exactly how much of a freakin difference does it really make to the average joe/jane, when one system enriches “party members” and another enriches CEOs? In both cases it’s a small minority riding the backs of people doing the real work.

    Me – I think we should throw both of these rigged games onto the ashheap of history and move to gold-pressed latinum. Or Skittles.

    mmmm … skittles. 😛

  8. Odyssey67 says:

    @ #10 – Hey pedro, who the hell are you arguing with? You keep throwing strawman arguments my way, but so far none of them pertain to anything I’ve been talking about. Only a blind man would think I’m talking here as a commie – an anarchist with a sweet tooth, maybe … So what kind of lame trip are you on?

    “You must be like people I’ve meet in places like Ecuador, that love to talk about the wonders of communism while your chauffer drives you to work in that big hummer.”

    I could be wrong, but I sincerely doubt you have ever been to Ecuador ‘pedro’. I have & a few other of our southern neighbors as well, and in my experience most people driving hummers down there are making like 100Xs more than the average person. And they are NOT typically communist sympathizers. Why? B/c they have no interest in giving up their loot.

    Which is partly why people like Chavez and Castro get so mass popular in those kinds of place’s in the first place! Most people are fucked and no one with any power tends to give a shit for long enough to improve the situation. And most dudes who do, and are lucky enough to get elected or ruthless enough to take over forceably from the other ruthless bastards, are eventually deposed in a coup or killed by a right wing death squad.

    Jeeze, I thought you just sounded stupid, but maybe you actually are ignorant.

    “And the little difference … is that commies nned to keep people in utter ignorance at all levels and with no means for the individuals to have ANY meand of independence. At least, if you’re like that in capitalism is because you couldn’t either because you’re dumb or plain bad luck. In communism they just plain don’t let you. I would really like you to be in such situation to see how would you sing.”

    So I guess the 60% that have been living in persistant poverty under the ‘capitalist friendly’ right wing dictatorships of Latin America for the last few decades are just the unlucky ones eh? No one actually working to keep them down – it’s all a just bad throw of the dice!

    Frankly, I’d like to see how YOU would handle living as an average person in Mexico or any of those countries today tough guy – my bet is you’d be running for the border faster than most.

    “If by conservative you mean that I want to keep living in my country (which I know you didn’t), then you’d be right. It does make my brain go to vapors because I may have to find a new place to live because of wanna-be commies.”

    I certainly wasn’t asking you to leave, but hey … if you’re that unhappy, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

    Chow comrade! 😉


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