Electronic Frontier Foundation:

At the behest of American movie and television studios, the Digital Video Broadcasting Project (DVB) is devising standards to ensure that digital television devices obey content providers’ commands rather than consumers’ desires. These restrictions will take away consumers’ rights and abilities to use lawfully-acquired content so that each use can be sold back to them piecemeal.

What about stopping “Internet piracy”? CPCM has nothing to do with that — it will fail to stop or even slow mass unauthorized online distribution of copyrighted content. No matter how elaborate the DRM, popular content will inevitably be decrypted by some percentage of users and then placed online, making it readily-available to everyone else. CPCM’s uniquely fine- grained restrictions are simply intended to make it more capable of arbitrarily stopping legitimate personal uses.

  1. James Hill says:

    Is that the picture you found when you searched “raise my flag”?

    As for the story, while I agree it’s valid and disappointing, I’m not worried about it: The online community has shown the ability to outmaneuver any protection move these morons can come up with.

  2. Angel H. Wong says:


    Also, don’t forget that Chinese & Korean manufacturers will eventually manufacture cheaper equipment capable of playing ANYTHING.

  3. SN says:

    2. “Also, don’t forget that Chinese & Korean manufacturers will eventually manufacture cheaper equipment capable of playing ANYTHING.”

    Which will be illegal to sell, import into, or own. If you think hollywood won’t send the cops after its viewers, I guess you haven’t been paying attention to the RIAA and the MPAA.

  4. RonD says:

    But will they produce cheaper equipment that will be capable of recording anything? Dvd players will play Macrovision protected dvds, but vcrs won’t record them.

  5. ChrisMac says:

    again.. you only need to worry if you live in “USA”

    i suggest you proxy through some other country

  6. ChrisMac says:

    /I’m not worried at all..
    I just so hard to not laugh

  7. Greed says:

    Money… money… money… greed… power… money… me… me… me… profit… money… money… greed…

    Any questions?


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