Nope, it was another Holocaust denier that got beaten

Holocaust denial conference attendee beaten – A fervently Orthodox Austrian Jew who embraced Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reportedly was assaulted by a group of Israelis in Poland. Ma’ariv reported Monday that Moshe Aryeh Friedman, who attended the Holocaust denial conference hosted by Ahmadinejad in Tehran in December, was spotted while visiting the former Auschwitz and Birkenau camps over the weekend. A group of fervently Orthodox Jews from Israel also touring the sites set upon Friedman, who was born and raised in Monsey, N.Y.

We gave him a good beating, the kind we have not given in a long time,” a member of the Israeli group, Yehuda Meshi-Zahav, told Ma’ariv. “We took off his coat and hat, so he would not look like a Jew.” According to the newspaper, Meshi-Zahav, who is one of the founders of the Israeli volunteer emergency service ZAKA, was later honored with a special Torah reading in the synagogue.

  1. Peter says:

    Orthodox jews are annoying anyway.

    Jews in general call anything anti-semitic that doesn’t go their way.

    If israel bombs innocent people in lebanon and does a big damage to the countries economical & environmental system or treatens palestina people like shit please don’t critisize them, because it’s anti-semitic.

    Oh and all this complaining about iran’s nuclear energy ambitions (there’s still no proof they’d use it as warfare), while israel actually secretly does have nukes. But hey, they can do anything, they’ve got big-bro usa behind them all the time.

    I have respect of all the tragedy that happened to people during the nazi-era but the whole holocaust thing is unfortunately often abused to justify any sort of actions nowadays.

  2. Mister Justin says:


    Some Orthodox Jews are anti-Zionist / Israel.

    like these guys.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    To deny the Holocaust is wrong. Beating someone up because he disagrees with you is worse though.

    The first is stupidity. The second is infringing someone’s free speech. Boasting you gave someone their “just desserts” or that they deserved the beating is even more wrong. This group of Israelis are as wrong as those who ran the camps. They want to deny Moshe Friedman his birth rite as a Jew because they disagree with him.

    I can hardly wait to see the racist venom coming from Mrs Ghotti. I fully expect her offended vitriol to take up another thousand words of useless blather.

  4. Mister Justin says:


    Nah. MR Ghoti (he’s playing with Engrish, if you haven’t noticed – Ghoti is pronounced Fish) really gets his ire up when you insult Apple.

  5. Gary Marks says:

    #4… Who among us can deny the Apple Holocaust?

  6. MikeN says:

    Yeah this is bada. The Jews are starting to behave like the Muslims in Europe and the Arab world. I can’t blame them as they probably learned after watching the Europeans and Americans cave to threatened Muslim violence. They probably figured if they started being just as violent, people would stop criticizing their actions.

  7. Lech Bajan says:

    [Ed. – Post deleted for being excessively long and off-topic, please respect Posting Guidelines]

  8. a says:

    Meshi-zahav is known for beating his way around.
    He was originally from an anti-zionist group (Neturi-Karta) but discovered that there is more money in the Zionist coffers than in the anti ones.
    So don’t take take his actions as representing.

  9. James Hill says:

    #3 – You’re right. The deaths of millions are less important than beating up one fool.

    #5 – You’re right. PCs are getting killed everywhere.

    #6 – So you agree that killing Muslims is justified?

  10. John H. says:

    #1. Please don”t be ignorant. Yes Israel did kill quite a bit of civilians in last summer’s war with Hezbollah in Lebanon. But you have to realize that Hezbollah completely embeds itself within the Lebanese civilian population. They fire Katushya rockets from Hezbollah-controlled CIVILIAN neighborhoods, they store weapons in CIVILIAN homes. Israel’s first responsibility is protecting their own citizens from rocket fire.

    If an American were to go to time square and burn and American flag, there would be a 100% chance that he would end up in the Intensive Care Unit at the nearest hospital in NYC. I guarantee that nobody who made a comment above would disagree with the response that the flag-burner would have received. So please don’t act like these Jews are barbaric.

  11. catbeller says:

    Not really many differences between fundamentalist Muslims and fundamentalist Jews (of a certain stripe). Both believe they can beat and kill for God and country. Rarely do you see an example so proudly flaunted, tho, in the western media. They guy was annoying, but the thugs had no business breaking his body.

    A little crank: I finally watched that Jesus’ Tomb video, and a fact popped out that I hadn’t heard before: there were remains in all those ossuaries. The Orthodox in Israel take possession of all remains found and give them a orthodox burial. Soooo…. where are the remains of Jesus’ maybe family? Religious fanaticism lost us a hell of a DNA study. No one seems to know where they went.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, Wrong. Burning the American flag is allowed twice in modern American culture.

    1.It is the preferred method of destroying a worn out flag.

    2.It is a perfectly legal form of expression, as ruled by the Supreme Court.

    To think that anyone burning the American flag, as either a method of disposal or because they are exercising their freedom of speech, deserves to be assaulted just shows the size of your brain. So don’t you be ignorant. I’m sure that the KKK has a membership card waiting for you.

    Israel hides her military among the civilian population. For the past 40 years they have subjugated the Arab and Palestinian populations, treating them as second class citizens in their own countries. Maybe you agree with apartheid, but the rest of the world doesn’t. You can’t have it both ways.

    These Jews were barbaric. They showed the same conduct to this man as did the Nazis 65 years ago. Free speech is something that is even more important though. Right or wrong is no reason to physically assault him. If you take away a people’s right to speak freely, you take away the freedom. Just like Israel has done to the Palestinians and Arabs.

  13. John H. says:

    #13. I never said I have a problem with someone burning the American flag. However, I did say that if someone were to burn an American flag out of self expression, I wouldn’t stop somebody from kicking his or her ass, as most Americans wouldnt either. And your suggestion that I should join the KKK is absolutely ridiculous. I am a Jew myself. So you please don’t be ignorant.

    Don’t act like you know what goes on in Israel. Chances are you have never been to Israel you’ve only seen what you know from CNN and Fox News. In 2000-2001, Israel offered the Palestinians their own state, 100% of Gaza and 95% of the West Bank, which Yasser Arafat refused. Arafat was more concerned with not having peace with Israel than with providing his people with their own State. So please don’t speak of apartheid when you simply know nothing. You’d also be surprised to know that most jews in Israel want nothing more than for Palestinians to have their own state. However things aren’t so simple there as it is for you here in America. You’re too ignorant.

  14. James Hill says:

    #9 – Another hack that can’t back up his bullshit.

    Anyone that can read can tell that, if anything, I’m not a NeoCon. Your inability to label me correctly, combined with your need to label in an attempt to understand, shows how idiotic you are.

    You’ve been owned. Time to shut up.

  15. Angel H. Wong says:


    So which one is the bigger monster? The one who hides among civilians or the one who shoots anyway.

  16. TJGeezer says:

    13 – You know, justified or not, burning other people’s symbols is about as provocative as one can get. To my mind, if it’s speech, it’s what used to be known as fightin’ words. If people react with another form of physical speech – a punch in the nose, say – I just can’t see it as being anything but provoked. Intentionally provoked.

    9 – James Hill pwned me the other day when I let my guard down long enough for him to successfully troll me. Take his advice and let it go. That’s the only way to get him to stop that annoying cackling.

  17. Smith says:

    #16. The bigger monster would be the one who hides amongst civilians and shoots to inflict maximum civilian casualties.

    Israel’s first responsibility is protecting its citizens when attacked. You can blame Hezbollah for the civilian casualties. I don’t see how people have trouble comprehending this.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    I never said I have a problem with someone burning the American flag.

    Actually you do have a problem. You said :

    However, I did say that if someone were to burn an American flag out of self expression, I wouldn’t stop somebody from kicking his or her ass, as most Americans wouldnt either.

    #10there would be a 100% chance that he would end up in the Intensive Care Unit at the nearest hospital in NYC. I guarantee that nobody who made a comment above would disagree with the response that the flag-burner would have received.

    No, Most Americans would not kick this guys ass. That would be assault, which is a criminal offense in all 50 states and the Federal Governments. You have such a problem you would be willing to commit a felony. You are a serious sick phucked up armpit.

    You spout crap advocating the infringement of someone’s civil rights, I expect you to join something along the lines of the KKK. As for you being Jewish, I couldn’t care less what you call yourself. All I see is a bigoted opinion suggesting beatings for doing something quite lawful but you disagree with. Will you also want to beat people up who don’t vote for your favorite fascist?

    Israel invites terrorism against it. For some reason Israelis and their supporters see nothing wrong with stealing Palestinian land, dropping 500 lb bombs filled with high explosive on apartment buildings, making pregnant women remain in the hot sun while in labor, shooting kids in the streets, bulldozing houses because a “defensive barrier” is needed, or emasculating the Palestinian Police Force then complaining they are too powerless to do anything.

    Don’t tell me apartheid is complicated. It is very simple. You treat people like crap, they will do what they can to get your effen boots off of their necks. The Israelis have no qualms about killing civilians, why would they hold the Palestinians to a higher standard?

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    Anyone that can read can tell that, if anything, I’m not a NeoCon.

    Possible. You are a troll. An idiot. And even at times a complete asshole too. Generally though, I just think of you as a pure bitch. How someone can get such delightful pleasure out of “owning” someone, geeze, which playground are you on? It is oh so sad that while you are capable of occasionally having a thought, I think it is only when your husband helps you write something out we get to actually have something to comment about.

  20. John H. says:

    #19. You truly are not understanding what I am saying. I said that I don’t have a problem with people burning the flag. However, I said that if some Americans find this disrespectful enough to kick that persons ass, I would not do anything to stop it. Burning a flag is 100% legal and I believe it should be. I never said I would be doing the ass-kicking myself. I hope you can get that through your head. I simply said that I can understand somebody getting upset enough to want to kick a flag burners ass. EXACTLY like a Jew denying the holocaust. Of course it is 100% legal to deny the holocaust or say whatever the hell you want about a Jew. But when you do that, you take the risk of really upsetting some people.

    And Israel never STOLE Palestinian land. In 1948 the Jews were given land which was apart of the British Mandate of Palestine. And before that, Palestinian land owners were selling their land to Jews. The land was divided 50/50 and everything was fine. Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq attacked as soon as Israel became a country. When this happened the Arabs simply LEFT their land, expecting an Arab victory. So please don’t say land was stolen. If you really want to blame someone, maybe you should blame the UN, or possibly Hitler.

    “making pregnant women remain in the hot sun while in labor, shooting kids in the streets, bulldozing houses because a “defensive barrier” is needed”

    Wow these claims are simply ridiculous. Those first two claims came nowhere but straight from your ass. You will say anything to make Israelis to seem like barbarians. And as far as the wall, when Palestinians would have a bad day, they would sit on top of a hill overlooking the highways going into Jerusalem. These weren’t ordinary Palestinians, these were Palestinian snipers who would randomly shoot drivers in the face going in and out of Jerusalem. So please keep acting like the Israelis are completely irrational, barbaric people.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #21, You miss the point so I’ll rephrase it.

    Denying the holocaust is just plain stupid. So are many other things. Fortunately, stupidity is not illegal.

    Just because someone does something YOU disagree with, especially politically (flag burning) is no reason to assault the person. You claimed all the commentors would agree so, you are suggesting a 100% compliance rate of assaulting those who you disagree with politically. If that were to happen in front of you, what would you do?

    1 Help those brutalizing the protester.
    2 Just stand there and watch.
    3 Call the police.
    4 Help the victim.

    Unless you choose 3 & 4, you are almost as bad as those doing the assault. The protection of a person’s freedom of speech is paramount in any free society.

    I don’t need to make Israel appear in a bad light. It does enough on its own without help. And your denial is just pure blindness to what has and is happening to the Palestinians and Arabs.

  22. MikeN says:

    Strange, you take the same attitude with regards to terrorist attacks on Israel. You either stand there and watch or help those doing the brutalizing.


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