Movie “300” an Insult to Iranians – Oh, brother.
Iranian Government Spokesman Gholam Hossein Elham described the Warner Brothers film ‘300’ an intrusion of the Iranian culture and fabrication of history, stressing that the movie is considered a hostile move against the Iranian nation.
“Cultural intrusion is among the tactics always used by foreigners. Such a fabrication of culture and insult to people is not acceptable by any nation or government and we consider this attitude as hostile,” Elham said while speaking to reporters during his weekly press briefing here in Tehran on Tuesday.
How interesting that nothing was said when the graphic novel came out. I guess WB should thank them for the free promotion.
Last year ‘V for Vendetta’ was released, with not even a peep from the British government, just a delay in the release because of the London bombings. The Government even allowed scenes to be filmed on the grounds of the Parliament.
Iranian Government Spokesman…
And you kept reading past this point because…?
Man, those Persians are touchy and not quite right in the head.
#2, i’d say it’s the iranians that are “touchy and not quite right in the head.” persians happen to be normal people with a positive outlook on life.
they are not one and the same.
Maybe they think The 300 is a contemporary film?
Does WB plan to sponsor a march of 300 Spartans on Iran?
“Cultural Intrusion”, does that mean they don’t like that we’re making better movies than them?
The truth of the matter is that those Persians got their asses kicked. And it’s still hurting!
And the Spartans were up against something much worse than ‘cultural’ intrusion!
Obviously Iranians believe in the same thing as I do: “everyting I see on TV must be true”. So by that rule I understand that the Iranians might be upset.
what a crappy movie bah who cares who it insults
Well it does leave a bad impression of them. But still its a movie based on comic book. Want to outdo the 300 ? Make a movie about it. Better yet, hire Borat to make a cheap movie about Iran.
“How interesting that nothing was said when the graphic novel came out. ”
What to you think the ratio of people who read comic books about Spartans to people who see major Hollywood movies is?
Who really gives a rat’s ass what the Irainian Government’s postion on our movie industry?
DING DING DING. Gig gets the cigar. Who cares? It’s all part of the “great satan” propaganda nonsense.
“Cultural intrusion is among the tactics always used by foreigners. Such a fabrication of culture and insult to people is not acceptable by any nation or government and we consider this attitude as hostile,”
I like how they’re insulted by a film but have no problem hosting a conference denying the Holocaust. Bunch of Ass Holes!
#7 – I believe that is true about Iranians, actually. They seem to be an easily persuaded peoples…
I like the part about they consider this action as hostile…wtf does that mean? like there making preparations to be invaded or what?.
Having not read the comic, or seen the film yet I couldnt comment on its accuracy in a historical sense, but if it stays true to the story, wtf are they complaining about.
You made a movie based on facts, that closely followed those facts, but because we didn’t get enough press this week we are gonna take it personally and issue a press release.
Spartans were the highland Scots of the ancient world. Sure they wore kilts and had wierd accents, but they were your best friend in a stand-up fight. If the Iranians still consider themselves in any way “persians” after centuries of mongol and arab dillution, then they need to get a better grip on reality.
15. Believe me, if you were anything but a Spartan, you wouldn’t want a spartan near you. Because if you weren’t against them at Thermopylae, you were most likely their slave or a Thespian.
300 Spartans, that is a lot to take out Iran, I think at least 5 could do, i mean one was enough to fight the Flood….
Wait I think I am confusing this with the Mythical Halo movie, my bad.
I saw the movie Friday night on it’s debut here. I found it a very accurate depiction of what actually happened in 480 BC. The severed Iranian heads rotated slowly upward with blood spurting everywhere exactly as they did then, and the Ogre they used in battle was brilliantly faithful to those used in the Battle of Thermopylae.
Just mad cause they were beat by 300 guys in skirts.
Most of the differences are cosmetic. They’re just pissed that somebody had the gall to create a movie that showed their ancestors getting their asses kicked.
This story is like many have pointed out colored by present politics. The Persian empire was the greatest in history comprised of much more than just the current Iran. The history of the empire was of great leaders and great additions to human history. The wins by the Greeks in battle proved that the Persian empire could be beaten in battle by skilled tactitians. These battles did not bring down the empire. This happened much later. Sadly the Iranian government and posters boasting of the Iranian ancestors getting their butts kicked miss the point that these were two great civilizations that clashed in many great battles.
John S
before we single out the Iranians as being particularly thin-skinned – doesn’t anyone remember how pissed the Greeks were when ‘Alexander’ depicted Alexander the Great’s homosexuality?
On a similar topic, I understand that one of the more hilariously ahistorical things about ‘300’ is the way they depict the Spartans’ attitude towards homosexuality …
#21 John S
“The Persian empire was the greatest in history comprised of much more than just the current Iran.”
I don’t know if I would go that far. “One of” yes. “The” I don’t think so.
What color were Persians of the era?
What color were Greeks?
Exactly. Your statement is well past race-baiting. It’s pure idiocy.
I stand by my point, 300 is just a 21st century version of a generic 1980s action movie.
Your point isn’t one. Would you have the story be SO utterly ignorant of history that they change Persians to white guys just to satisfy your white liberal guilt?
Your point, such as it was, is utter nonsense.
#28 malren
Jesus Christ easy up and pull the plug out of your ass. I think Angel was using that comment as a setup for a joke. A funny joke at that.
Besides they cast a bunch of Scotts, and Britt’s as the Spartans. So they were rather white folk. Where as the Greeks of those days were probably more olive in skin tone.
I saw the possible propaganda nature of the film but It is a typical Hero’s journey and a bloody one at that.
I understood Angel and the joke along with the hidden truth of what a lot of American action movies contain. I didn’t have a problem with her joke and I don’t have a problem with American action movies but Angels observations are correct.
“Oh come on, that’s just mean. it wasn’t that bad!”
I have a golden rule for action movies: Anything released in March and April is a turd, otherwise they’d be shown between late May and mid August.
All I saw was white guys killing muslims, white guys killing blacks, waxed n’ oiled white guys with ripped abs killing non overgroomed white guys. It was like watching a nudist Chuck Norris movie.
Dude, thanks for the support and one more thing: I’m not a chick.
30. “Anything released in March and April is a turd”
We’ll, your rule would certainly apply to Ghostrider, I left half-way through it. (even though it’s making enough money to warrant a sequel!) And as Spider-man III is not coming out until May, I guess there’s hope for that.
What I can’t figure out is why Superman Returns wasn’t released in either March or April? Oh yeah, I remember, it wasn’t an action flick. It was a chick flick. I’d guess the next one will be released in early spring!
30. “Dude, thanks for the support and one more thing: I’m not a chick.”
What, you mean this isn’t you?!
Damn, apparently I wasted a lot of one-handed-surfing while reading your comments!