Chilling video about a news team going undercover inside British mosques, exposing radicalism from Saudi Wahhabism.

  1. Kareem says:

    I’m disappointed in you Dvorak. This post just continues the media’s fear mongering tactics by using the views of a few to represent and entire faith.
    I didn’t think this blog would ever join that bandwagon.

  2. rosebush says:

    #1 – This is not fear mongering. Absolute faith in a religion is dangerous and when it is in control by a few, who can reach many, then it becomes a repesentation of a majority.

    Love and compassion is lost.


  3. mark says:

    Kareem, this is an attack on fundmentalists. We also attack Christian fundies as well, probably even more so. If you cant deal, dont come here.

  4. Danijel says:

    #1 First, don’t blame John for everything that is posted in this blog. Second, you can’t claim there is no radicalism or that it is not a problem, can you?
    If you get a group of radical supremacists like neo-nazis or the KKK, they’re a problem. But when you get a group of radical Islamists with extremely similar views, then we should all ignore it…

  5. Skippy says:

    Man, we need more atheists in the world to counter-balance this insane devotion to fabricated gods.

  6. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    #1, please expand your views in this regard, I’m interested in hearing your rebuttals.
    I don’t think for a minute that this blog wouldn’t go against any type of radical.
    The post makes clear that it’s about radical Saudi Wahhabism, not about muslims or Islam in general.

  7. Kareem, obviously your objectivity does not include HOW TO READ A BLOG. The post was by our London correspondent Sergio Gasparinni as it clearly says at the top of the post. I’m seeing this for the first time. That said are you telling me that none of this happens? And this is a pack of lies? I thought it was a known fact among moderate Muslims that the Saudi money was pushing this agenda. Not true? Explain.

  8. PMitchell says:

    Finally a documentary they shows what radical islam is all about. They claim peace and love but preach hate and when called out they call you intolerant or racist.
    When will the masses learn we are being played by these people

  9. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #1 – Kareem

    “…using the views of a few…”

    “A few” was all it took at the WTC and in London…

    Your efforts would be far better applied to denouncing Wahabbism than objecting to the people who are, quite properly, pointing out the danger to all civilized society that these extremists represent.

  10. que says:

    I agree to John D’s post and Danijel’s post. I know there are groups within my own community of believers that I do not agree with, and take things to extremes that I do not agree with either as a Christian. However, the fact remains that individuals and groups described in this video exist, and they WANT to take action. I’m not going to ignore that fact, and I don’t think the rest of the world has to put a blind eye to that either.

  11. Improbus says:

    This will all end in tears jihad. One day the Islamic fundies will push the Christian West to far and then they will find out what JIhad really means: genocide. The gloves will come off and they will get the sharp end of our non-conventional weapons.

  12. Greg Allen says:

    #1 Kareem,

    If you know me, you that I frequently and openly support Muslims against unfair attack — and there is a lot of it!

    However, this video seems to be pretty accurate for a wing of the religion Over here in the middle east, this kind anti-western, anti-Christian bigotry is openly preached.

    Of course, the vast majority of Muslims are good, regular people. But there really is a wing of the faith as presented in this video.

    And don’t I know it! Two churches I attend have been bombed with multiple fatalities! It barely made the news.

  13. Danijel says:

    I love the disclaimers throughout this show. Never seen anything like it before.

  14. James Hill says:

    #1 – Would you mind posting your address and telephone number? I’d like to mail you a care packages to show my support.

    FYI… It’s not anthrax… it’s baby powder. Share it with your fellow mosque goers.

  15. PMitchell says:

    #14 not nice, this is a place for debate not veiled threats. we complain ,we insult ,we rant but we dont threaten,

  16. ezma says:

    This blog’s purpose is not to preach, I was told. You can not preach your beliefs, your posts get deleted.
    “London correspondent Sergio Gasparini” may need to be exposed too then. Every now and then he posts a tech article as not to qualify as a shill/provoker/hater but mostly he posts misinformation when it comes to Islam. I can’t tell how true his other posts are, but where is the link to the rebuttals of this video posted by the same people this video accuses of?
    I’m a muslim and this affects me greatly. They did not even have to go around with a hidden camera, because all of those speeches and videos are widely available for sale and BETER quality. No, they used the “hidden ” camera to give it a “special effect ” as if you cannot just go in to any mosque in Britain or USA and start rolling the tape. Non-muslims can order all kinds of CDs Dvds and literature for free if they wanted. You tube is full of lectures and debates and material in all languages.
    We live in the Information Age, don’t let that be a Misinformation Age for you.

    should you care.

  17. ezma says:

    that is
    Got “com”s and “org”s mixed up. Can you tell Im not a “preacher”?

  18. Dennis says:

    Can we focus more on where this hate speech and practice originates? The same place that we as Americans buy our oil. The same leader of this region that our President held hands and walked through the garden with? The same place that 15 of the 19 Hijackers came from?

    Rather than focus on the Religion, of which there will always be zealot (i.e. “Jesus Camp”) followers, can we focus on the Country of Origin that is promoting these beliefs?

    Or are the Saudi’s our friends because our government says they are?
    Simply because they hold the oil reserves? They pay big money to keep these relations.

    Darn…theres the door again……

  19. mark says:

    16. Typical, where is your condemnation of the hate preached by your fellow Islamists? It sounds to me like you approve of the message and are proud to be able to take advantage of a society where you can speak your message. I wont read your links, as until the so-called peace loving Islamists stand up and be counted, then I have no use for you or your bullshit religious views. But they wont stand up, because they are afraid of retribution from these dogs. What a great deleted religion you have there.

    [Ed. take it easy boys]

  20. mark says:

    [Ed. too far Mark]

  21. Gasparrini says:

    #16, I have said it before and I will says again, I’m just a sarcastic bastard.
    Shill/provoker/hater? Not at all.
    Spreading misinformation? I think you to pay more attention as to how to read the blog.
    I post stories as I find them, they may run the gamut from tech to politics. The most important thing is that they should be interesting.

    By the way, my last name is with two ‘r’.

    See you around, and your comments are welcomed, although the fact that you can easily find media spreading hate is quite disturbing.

  22. allen says:

    Christianity = “Love your enemies” Luke 6:35, Matthew 5:44, Luke 6:27

    For evidence that the Bible is the word of God, please see

    Only the Bible says what happens thousands of years before it happens. The Koran/Quran does not.

  23. mark says:

    20. I see no need to edit number 20, it was an apology to our canine friends.

  24. 888 says:

    Where is CIA, MI5, even Mossad?
    Yes, we are open to any religion in the western countries (ask yourself how ‘open’ are the islamic countries), but if we will not protect ourselves from any scum such as those muslim fanatics, we will suffer many more 9/11 cases.
    Usual western useful idiots donr understand it, and usual muslim living in the west dont understand importance of getting rid of such scumbags for their own good either.
    Its a pity the western countries are so rotten with political correctness that they rather crumble and bury their own entire civilization for the sake of not hurting few innocent muslims.

  25. ezma says:

    I disassociate myself from any so called muslim or non muslim who thinks any good of 9th of 11 . or 711 or 311. And I do not answer for everybody or take sides with the wrong doers even if they are my own family. No, I don’t approve “the message”, Mark 😉 .And no the links were not for you, sorry if they hurt your feelings. Until you show me a better religion backed up by verifiable proof I will stick to my b-t religion.
    Sergio, it appears I can put up a website based on lies, hurting others and not care about responsibility in reporting regarding what people hold valuable? I am sorry I did not know that. If that is the case, post on.
    I was writing your name with two “r”s but then I checked Dvorak’s post and “corrected” it . Go to the original, they say and its true. Sorry if I offended you.
    Mark, I don’t care if you curse me. Childish, but its ok.

  26. James Hill says:

    #15 – What’s this we shit? I’m showing this blog how to handle these idiots.

    Quite frankly, the majority of this blog would be best served by understanding the true threat represented by Iran, and morons like #1, as opposed to whining about how the Republican party keeps ruining their fun.

  27. Josh P says:

    Everyone needs to read Richard Dawkins “The God Delusion” and watch the movie here:
    The sooner we can get past made up gods and outdated, idiotic rules, the sooner we can figure out how not to destroy ourselves and save the planet for future generations.

  28. Ascii King says:

    How is it that John isn’t responsible for what gets posted on his blog? Does that mean we can’t hold Microsoft responsible for the things its owners say? John is responsible for what gets posted here.

    Otherwise I agree that until the peace loving muslim’s stand up and forcibly and continuosly speak out against this type of hate we need to take this type of stuff very seriously. I consider radical muslims and radical christians to be the same people just born in different areas.

  29. Cursor_ says:

    This is NOTHING. We have in the US Christian Identity churches that say the exact same things. We have Klansman that say the exact same things. We have White Power and Neo-Nazis that say the exact same things.

    So we have people blined by hate and malice. They’ve been around since humans existed.

    They will have no chance of being anything more than strained voices until the world is in another great depression. Those are the ONLY times people like this get a foothole. So long as people can buy beer and watch their tube, they will not move their jaded, fat rears once damn inch.

    It is ONLY when people are desperate and hurting will they allow radicals to get a foothold. Hitler would NEVER had been so powerful if Germany had not collasped under the strain of the reparations and the inspidness of the Weimar. He would have been some nutjob screaming on a street corner that everyone would pass by and think WHAT A NUT!


  30. Kamatari Honjou says:

    Too bad SG-1 is always off-world battling false gods, We could use them on-world battling false gods.


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